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Home Visits     
Once the work team had settled in, we started visiting the villagers in their homes to get the lay of the land. There are four unincorporated villages in Yerpa: Gogo and Yulo are downstream on the east bank of Nujiang River; Sengo, the one in the middle, is the seat of the village committee, and Dangran Village, a hour's walk from Sengo (upstream and to the west) is the smallest and most remote. Accordingto old statistics, there was a population of 489 in the 78 households in Yerpa Village. That made it a relatively big administrative village. It is also typical of the eastern river valley region of Tibet, with features such as deep valleys, steep mountains, a widely dispersed population over a wide area, the shortage of arable land, a dry climate and lack of transport facilities. Currently a road runs past the village but there is still no electricity, telecommunications, schools, medical services.., or safe drinking water. In the past people had to use a cable slide to cross the Nujiang River and then walk another 10 kilometers to get to Junyong Village in Dombang Township of Dzogong County. In order to continue on to the county seat of Dzogong there was another steep mountain to climb. On looking up from Yerpa Village, the highway was like a thread hanging from the clouds. The villagers used to climb Khekela on the other side of Nujiang River to reach Temtok Town of Dzogong County. Our legs almost gave way just from looking at that narrow trail. But the villagers had to rely on it to go to the nearest town for selling produce and shopping. Sometimes they would return on the same day. Our visit started from the village of Dangran. Since it was farthest from where we were, we decided to tackle the hard stuff first. Dangran Village had sent several horses and mules to us so we could use them to carry our gifts, plus a bottle of cooking oil bought in the county seat, for each family. On the gravel road that doubled as a water channel, the horses were fine but the mules liked to head for the thorn bushes by the roadside.  相似文献   
亲眼目睹了狄村60年的巨变后,乘兴东行20里,去看马庄。1949年冬,我参加的当时太原市五区狄村行政村土改试点工作结束后,区委总结推广了狄村的经验,在全区开展了轰轰烈烈的土地改革运动。我又被分配到马庄土改工作组,进驻马庄行政村。  相似文献   
2009年以来,甘肃省古浪县经过排查和农民工自己中申报,包括黑松驿镇在内的3个乡镇、17个行政村的475人曾经在酒泉市肃北县和其他地区金矿、煤矿等粉尘作业环境中务工,  相似文献   
罗鹏  黄懿 《南方文物》2011,(4):57-64,44,199
汪大猷是宋史上有迹可查的名臣,历经南宋高宗、孝宗、光宗、宁宗,德高望重,名声显赫。其墓地整体规模宏大,形制结构严谨。通过对其进行抢救性考古发掘,取得了较大的收获,归纳总结有如下三个方面:一是发现了汪大猷墓志,虽已缺失不全,但根据残存的文字内容,可补文献记载不足,为研究汪大猷及其家族提供了第一手实物资料;二是通过对该墓的发掘,不仅使我们对墓地的布局、规格、结构有了一个全面的认识,而且还认识到了该墓本身所具有的特色;三是该墓的发掘还可以使我们对南宋时期墓葬制度方面的知识有了进一步的了解。  相似文献   
广西西南的田东县北部山区朔良镇(原景福乡)有一个行政村,叫做六羊村。该村村部距县城53公里、距镇政府所在地11公里,全村地处深山老林,是田东、巴马、平果3县交界。由于地形复杂加上壮、瑶民族杂居,在黑暗的旧社会里,这里曾经有过弱肉强食、赌博泛滥、盗贼猖獗的“土匪窝”之称。  相似文献   
十七大以来,互助土族自治县交通事业在县委、县政府的正确领导和上级业务主管部门的关心支持下,累计完成交通固定资产投资6.7亿元,实施建设项目370个,新(续)建农村公路3196.3公里,新建乡村桥梁76座。全县19个乡镇全部实现了通乡(镇)油路,294个行政村中274个实现了通畅,打破了通乡镇沥青路零的记录,20个行政村实现了通达。截至2012年底,全县公路通车总里  相似文献   
李静涛 《环球人物》2012,(29):54-55
奥巴马请他去白宫,女法官告他性骚扰提起纽约,人们往往想起的是华尔街和帝国大厦。但实际上,在纽约市的周边还有许多村庄,亨普斯特德村就是其中之一。这是纽约州最大的行政村,有5万人口,在这里当村长可不是件轻松的事。黑人退伍老兵韦恩.霍尔当了村长后,7年来干得风风火火,当地基础设施、财政状况和社会治安都有了明显  相似文献   
在浑源县最南端浑源、灵丘、繁峙三县交界处的恒山脚下,有一个古老的城垣王庄堡镇。全镇总面积188平方公里,辖30个行政村,5个自然村,有3980户15243人,总耕地面积49000亩,唐河、马尾河贯穿其间,交通便利,水资源充足,无霜期125天,气候相对温暖,当地有栽植果树的传统,有水果之乡的美誉。王庄堡据于“两口一关”——即西河口、团城口、平型关之间,历史上是兵家必争之地。王庄堡城始建于明嘉靖十九年,是一个有500年历史的商贸古集镇,  相似文献   
[摘自2004年12月29日《人民日报》]有读者反映,在本报刊登的文章里,经常见到使用“行政村”这个词,缺乏法律依据。读者提出这一论点的依据是现行《中华人民共和国宪法》,宪法规定,我国的行政区域划分,到县、自治县一级分为乡、民族乡、镇。村不是一级行政区,即不是设有国家政权机关的一级地区。那么“行政村”提法对不对呢?要弄清这一问题,先要弄清这个词的含义。根据很多人通常的理解,它并非指的是某一级国家行政区,而是“设有农村基层组织———村民委员会所在地”。分析它的成词原理,就可以发现“行政村”这个叫法有一定道理。《现代汉语…  相似文献   
梨树区位于鸡西市西南部,距市中心37公里,区域面积412平方公里,辖11个行政村,5个街道办事处,11个社区居民委,总人口1075。交通十分便利,鸡图公路、鸡城铁路穿境而过,可直达4个对俄口岸。域内有梨树矿、平岗矿2P省直企业,沈煤集团碱场矿、非金属公司、前进林场3户市直企业。耕地面积3万亩,森林面积56万亩。  相似文献   
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