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藏民族与青稞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为藏民族主食的青稞是大麦的一种。由于它的籽实没有外壳,所以又称之为稞大麦、米大麦。青稞是藏族人民最主要的粮食作物,栽培历史悠久,种植面积之大,占西藏粮食作物播种面积的50%-60%,有些高寒地方种植面积多达80%以上。青稞籽实营养比较丰富,蛋白含量达15%左右。将它炒熟磨成糌粑是藏族人民最喜爱的主要食品,携带和食用都很方便。用它酿制的青稞酒是藏族人民最喜爱和最为普及的饮  相似文献   
在滇西北丽江老君山中, 一队来自日本的旅行者正在海拔四千米的林缘进行一场膜拜仪式。 在他们身后是花已败落的杜鹃林, 再远处是密布的针叶树,而更高处则是草原上凌乱的碎石裸地。  相似文献   
The Township Village of Gamdeling is situated in District Naiqung, County of Doilungdeqen, Lhasa. It is the place where I began to establish a relationship with Tibet. Halfa Century's Concern and Remembrance In the early spring of 1963, as a junior student majoring in Tibetan at the Department of Minority Languages and Literature in the Central College for Nationalities, I set foot in Tibet for the first time. The first place I saw was the Township Village of Gamdeling, where I went to work with the liberated serfs who were undergoing a democratic reform. I helped set up grass roots political power. Being together day and night, I studied Tibetan with them and taught singing to children in the primary school. There, I learned to recite Tsangyang Gyatso's poem, On the Peak of the Eastern Mountain, from which the well- known name "Makye-ame" comes. Since July 20, 1963, the day on which I departed, I have had no opportunity to return to Gamdeling. These years, by radio, newspaper and internet, I got to know that a famous vegetable and flower producers' cooperative was built in Gamdeling. I can collect hundreds of reports about Gamdeling on line. The news makes me excited, because I know Gamdeling is going forward with Tibet. How about my old Tibetan friends? How about their life now? Who are even still alive? On August 30, 2011, on the occasion of a short business trip to Lhasa while accompanied by a friend, I stepped on the land again. Tenzin Wodrup's Vegetable Greenhouse Across the bridge over Tohlung Chu of the Lhasa River, we entered the area of Gamdeling. For me, everything was so familiar but yet strange! We stopped our car in front of a building with the sign of "Vegetable and Flower Exhibition and Trade Center of the Gamdeling Farmers' Vegetable Cultivation Cooperative, the County of Doilungdeqen". By the gate there was a stall selling local watermelons. Having taken some pictures, we drove northwards into the district of the vegetable greenhouses, intending to find a local and ask the way. It took five or six minutes for our ear to circle around the area, from which, we can see how big the district was. In time, I saw a middle-aged farmer with a bright T-shirt standing on the road. I got out and asked him about Tsering Dondrup. To my surprise, he was from Gamdeling and lived in the same Village of Chabka as Tsering Dondrup, and they were relatives The man's name was Tenzin Wodrup. He promised to take us to call on Tsering Dondrup's. On both sides of the road that was straight, clean and paved with cement, there stood dozens of vegetable greenhouses in rows.  相似文献   
20世纪30年代山东农业种植结构发生变化,经济作物种植面积大量增加,粮食作物种植面积总体减少。在农村经济普遍衰落的大环境下,农作物价格大幅下降,打击了农民种田的积极性,土地抛荒现象严重,地价随之跌落。农作物种植结构的变化和粮作农田的跌价互为因果,是一系列的连环反应。  相似文献   
拯救森林 根据联合国记录,在过去的10年中有近800万公顷(约合8万平方公里)的土地被允许重新生长或者重新种植,这主要集中在北美和欧洲这样比较富裕的地区。因为较富裕地区的农村人口逐渐减少,这也减少了对林地的砍伐。有一些比较大的不太富裕的国家,比如中国,也相继推出了大型种植计划,  相似文献   
没有什么修复体能完全替代你自己原来的牙齿.但如因疾病或意外而失去了牙齿.那么在各种修复方法中种植牙应是较佳的选择(尤其在其他常规修复方法效果不佳时)。  相似文献   
2012年猪价难大跌生猪行业牵涉领域众多,从上游玉米、大豆种植到饲料生产,再从养殖、屠宰到下游食品加工,有人按目前生猪存栏量和价格测算,行业规模约6000亿元左右,若加上上下游,产值达到2万亿元,相当于汽车业的规模。另外,猪肉价格与消费者物价指数(CPI)息息相关。国内CPI构成中,猪肉价格权重较高,且猪肉价格上涨很容易带动牛羊肉和禽肉、禽蛋上涨。为准  相似文献   
法国旅游发展署发布美酒和文化遗产主题旅游产品 7月12日.法国旅游发展署第二届“法兰西美酒和文化遗产”主题旅游产品发布会在北京举行。会上.法国旅游发展署大中国区总经理FredericMazenq先生表示。法国的形象一直以来都与葡萄酒及葡萄种植紧密相连,法国几乎每个大区都出产各具特色、质量上乘的葡萄酒,它们的名字享誉世界...  相似文献   
可跃奇  刘秋红 《神州》2012,(26):241-241
随着工业、农业的迅速发展,以及人口数量的不断增加,水资源短缺的问题日益凸显,水资源的短缺严重制约了农业的发扎,在此情况下如何提高用水效率已经成为节水农业发展中亟待解决的问题。本文分析了节水农业发展背景下如何调整农业种植结构,提出了相应的实施对策。  相似文献   
解放之后,棉花成为重要战略物资,政府大力鼓励种棉,新洲棉花生产曾为国家作出了重要贡献。1974年,新洲单产总产双超历史,亩均产皮棉159斤,棉花单产再次蝉联全国第一,总产4756万斤。一座棉花丰碑1949年,新洲县(当时的行政建制为县)棉田面积21.23万亩,亩均产皮棉仅23斤。1952年,棉田面积达27.48万亩,亩均产皮棉41斤。  相似文献   
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