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吕植 《攀登》2012,(3):1-2
为深入推进三江源国家生态保护综合试验区建设,积极为三江源生态保护的体制机制创新建言献策,2012年4月24日由青海省三江源生态保护与建设办公室、青海省行政学院、青海省林业厅、北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心主办,青海省生态环境遥感监测中心、北京山水自然保护中心协办的“三江源的新希望:走向绿色经济与治理”研讨会在青海省行政学院召开。来自省内外二十多家高校、科研机构和政府部门的专家学者和实际工作者围绕科研体系创新、生态环境治理、社会管理创新、绿色经济发展等方面共话三江源的新希望。现将研讨会上10位主旨报告人的发言摘登如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   
孟令燕 《沧桑》2012,(6):158-158
日前,《闻喜县农机志》出版发行,这是新中国成立以来第一部系统反映闻喜县农具和农业机械发展的志书。该志采用章节体,设农机管理机构、经营体制、农具、农机拥有量、农机化水平、农机科研和技术推广、农机管理、监理培训、农机及配件供应、农机具修造、队伍建设、农机人物、集体荣誉榜、  相似文献   
孙晓娇 《旅游纵览》2013,(12):287-288
本文在大量收集、阅读、整理、分析国内外相关书籍资料,并对电子文献进行检索的基础上,对高校大学生旷课心理进行分析和研究,希望对有关研究者给予微薄的借鉴作用和价值。旷课是指学生未经批准而不参加教学活动(听课)的行为。旷课现象的存在不仅无法保证学生圆满完成学业,而且会使旷课的学生养成无组织、无纪律、不诚实守信等不良习气,影响科研创新素质人才思想道德素质和文化素质的培养。近几年来,我国  相似文献   
黄燕  何东  张磊 《旅游纵览》2013,(7):287-288
随着我国社会经济的发展,对科技的需求也不断的增加,科研项目是科研成果产生的载体,也是科技人员科技能力和水平提高的平台,因此需要加强对科研项目的管理。由于科研项目的创造性、不确定性以及知识的反向不对称性,加深了科研项目中的进度控制、人员控制、监督管理的难度。结合《南充市高坪区全域产业规划》项目,提出建设基于项目负责人的矩阵式团队管理模式加强项目的管理,并将甘特图等项目进度管理工具应用于科研项目的进度控制中。  相似文献   
美国古生物学家斯蒂芬·杰·古尔德说遘“科学并不是无情地探讨客观信息。科学是一种创造性的人类活动,天才的科学家更像艺术家,而不是信息的拥有者。”在青藏高原的纳木错流域,具有冰川、冻土、湖泊、高寒草甸(草原)、湿地等多种环境介质,这些谱写神话故事和诗歌的元素,是科学家进行科研的宝贵对象,是研究地表多圈层互相作用的天然实验室。在纳木错,活跃着这样一群科研工作者,常年与山与湖为伴,和大地一起呼吸吐纳,用他们的研究数据和报告,还原一个真实的纳木错,继续谱写纳木错流域的故事。  相似文献   
At first, Liu Yuan gave me the impression that she must be a "health nut" because at the dining table, she drank neither wine nor other beverages, just tea. She started her meal with vegetables and finished it with meat. I asked her what she had studied and, as expected, she answered 'medicine'. I continued by , asking her how to refuse a toast.., and she gave me the simple response: "insist". As we returned to Songpan from Hongyuan and Ruoergai, Lv Qiang, Director of the New Lotus Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus Base, Liu Yuan and her two post-graduate students had been waiting for us in the Chuandrnp Monastery for some time. Soon, we were taken to the base. It should have been Lv Qiang that hosted the meeting but Liu Yuan interrupted now and then, trying to introduce their common "treasures" by herself: F.unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F.unibraeteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsiavar. wabuensis (S. Y. Tang et S. C.Yue), Z. D. Liu, S. Wang et and S. C. Chen, Rheum offieinale, Notopterygiumincisium Ting, and so on. Her quiek temper, wit and speech led me to suppose that she must walk and work very fast. When we finally had an opportunity to sit down together and In 2002, Liu Yuan was awarded a PhD in Chinese Pharmacology by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At that time, the Southwest University for Nationalities was trying a project to "recruit talent". Among the 238 people who were accepted that year, she was the only PhD candidate and received a "settling-in" allowance of 30 thousand Yuan as and a scientific research fund of another 30 thousand. While nursing her three month-old daughter, she took the position of adviser for two classes and studied in the meanwhile. That year, she published a dozen thesis, such as Thin.layer Chromatography of Three Ligusticum Species: Naixiong, Shah Chuanxiong and Chuan Xiong (L. Wallichii). In 2003, in spite of a normal procedure, she was appointed Associate Professor by the university and initiated a precedent amongst the teachers that someone could be Associate Professor just one year later after graduation as a PhD. She was then aged 35. In the same year, Liu Yuan began to give lectures on Medicinal Plants and Traditional Chinese Medicine. "I prefer to be a teacher, because I like the feeling of standing before a class. I can give my students all that I know. Maybe sometimes they cannot understand a thing I say, but my enthusiasm and my love for what I teach will affect them, and lead them into study. For a teacher, it is the greatest satisfaction and achievement" Both her courses include content to identify primitive medicines so Liu Yuan was not satisfied to only teach in a classroom: she therefore decided to take her students out for a practice class.  相似文献   
刘勇 《神州》2013,(31):89-89
阅读是一种主动的过程,是由阅读者根据不同的目的加以调节控制的。目前,中国人的平均阅读量距离发达国家有相当大的差距。读书少,损失的不仅是知识的获取,更重要的是阅读习惯的丧失。在今天大力度提倡素质教育背景下,课外阅读对拓展学生素质起到了至关重要的作用,对学生的道德品质和思想认识的提高也存有重大影响。学校图书馆是提供知识资源、正确引导阅读、协助科研学习的重要场所,是学校开展教育科研的重要组成部分,在指导学生阅读,培养阅读能力方面具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
秦海燕 《世界》2004,(5):24-27
2004年3月18日也正是武衡先生诞辰90周年的日子?“武衡星”命名仪式在中国科技会堂隆重举行,至此,国际编号为56088的小行星——“武衡星”将永远邀游在太空,记载着我国科技战线一位卓越的高级领导者一生的丰功伟绩。  相似文献   
志书是资料性文献,资料作为修志的基础,不仅是衡量志书质量的主要依据,而且是实现志书功能作用的首要条件。加强修志的资料收集工作是第二轮修志工作能否顺利进行的关键。而《新疆通志·社会科学志》资料的主要来源就是科研档案,因此,做好科研档案的管理工作,是编好《新疆通志·社会科学志》的前提和基础。  相似文献   
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