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在诺亚方舟的神话里,诺亚方舟上并没有植物,然而,那场浩浩汤汤的洪水过后,植物不仅得以顽强生存,并且郁郁葱葱地繁衍生息下来,一棵橄榄的树枝,还作为标志物,衔在了被放飞探路的和平鸽口中。  相似文献   
李新华 《民俗研究》2009,(1):F0003-F0003
黑夜.人们需要光明.于是有了灯。在电灯和煤油灯出现以前,人们点灯用的燃料是膏油。不管是由动物脂肪提炼的膏.还是从油料作物种子里提取的油.在物产匮乏的古代都是贵重的高档物品。  相似文献   
乔辉 《南京史志》2009,(2):24-25
曾经有那么一株蒲公英。风微微地吹起,它摇动着身躯,一颗颗,或是说一朵朵灰白色的絮状种子随风而起,在金灿灿的阳光下,仿佛向着太阳出发,一朵一朵融进暖暖的阳光中。  相似文献   
蚯蚓看着在阳光下熠熠生辉的牡丹花,开始后悔—— 那时,牡丹还未开花,她只是一粒娇小的种子,她随风飘落在蚯蚓生活的地方。  相似文献   
黑龙江北大荒种业集团有限公司位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市高新技术开发区红旗大街242号。集团于2002年开始组建,通过对黑龙江垦区已有种子生产经营企业干和相关科研单位的整合,实施产权多元化和股份制改造,形成黑龙江省最大的集育、繁、加、销一体化的大型种子企业。  相似文献   
The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   
旃檀 《中国西藏》2013,(4):42-45
高原上的草甸,宽广似大海,却比海更寂静;安谧像一幅画,却没有像框的束缚,比画更鲜活自然;质朴如同藏绵羊纯净的眼神,那眼神里藏着青草如涟波荡漾,藏着微风扶着泥土的气息。我们一路嗅着这气息,追寻着高原上春的足迹,驱车进入红原县大草原深处。穿迷彩服的巷道圉红原县平均海拔在3600米以上,是阿坝州唯一以藏族聚居为主的纯牧业县。境内草原辽阔,水草丰茂,天然草场面积1158.03万亩,占总面积的91.8%。  相似文献   
静初 《风景名胜》2013,(5):172-173
蔡康永说,带书,对旅行很重要,读书的美好时光帮我们更深入世界,或更深入自己。毕淑敏也曾说过,要么旅行要么读书,身体和灵魂必须有一个在路上。我想说,让身体和灵魂都在路上,让旅行这颗种子来唤醒自己,看清世界温柔的冷漠,残酷的善良。不是那种阳春三月闲坐庭下看细雨的女子,  相似文献   
通过对山东高青陈庄遗址灰坑等遗迹中出土的炭化植物种子果实进行鉴定和统计分析,探讨了该聚落人类与植物的关系:(1)遗址中出土的丰富的粟、黍和草木犀属植物遗存,可能与马的喂养有关;(2)陈庄聚落西周时期农业是主要的食物来源,农作物包括了文献记载的"五谷",就是粟、黍、小麦、大豆和稻,粟和小麦等旱地作物占的比重最高,水稻可能较少,牛筋草等杂草可能是收获等过程中带入聚落内的;(3)常见的野生植物如野大豆、枣、葡萄以及动物遗骸等可能反映狩猎捕捞仍然作为食物的补充。  相似文献   
移民马上就得走 1960年大饥荒时,我在山东济宁汶上离县城十八里的中学读书。家里父母领着两个妹妹每天连喝口地瓜面稀汤都难。因为饿,两个妹妹偷了好几把大马车上运往梁山的棉花种子,吃得上吐下泻差点丢命。二妹浮肿眼看危险,这时,黑龙江运来了成坨的糖渣,她们熬过来了。  相似文献   
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