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12月3日上午,第五届"9+10"区域旅游合作会议在北京会议中心召开。本届会议由"9+10"地区省市旅游局(委)主办,北京市旅游发展委员会承办。国家旅游局杜一力副局长、北京市政府马林副秘书长、北京市旅游委周正宇主任等领导出席会议并讲话,北京旅游委安金明副主任主持会  相似文献   
叶孝忠 《旅游》2014,(1):38-43
佩尼斯科拉,地中海沿岸的中世纪石头城,巴塞罗那到瓦伦西亚之间最美的海滨古镇,享有"全球最美100风情小镇"的美誉。随着上世纪中后期地中海代替黑海逐渐进入欧洲游客的视线,一场地中海游人大迁徙就声势浩大地展开了。西班牙作为一个拥有净海细沙的地中海国家自然备受游客青睐,少到三五层多至二三十层的精品度假酒店如雨后春笋般拔地而起,游人纷至沓来。这些貌似与传统西班牙特色格格不入的板砖方块大楼带来了人气,也带来了利润,却破坏了地中海沿岸原有的安宁。在这些商业楼宇林立的海岸,有这么一个地方,它完好地保留了中世纪的原汁原味、遗韵遗风,俨然是这次旅游开发大潮中不曾被触及的角落,这里就是位于西班牙东部橙花海岸的佩尼斯科拉,地中海拔地而起的白色石头城。  相似文献   
正博苏堂我们的经营项目有:文化学术书刊、文物复仿制品、特色艺术礼品、民间民俗工艺品、旅游纪念品、名人字画碑帖、古玩杂件、文房四宝、翡翠玉器、南京云锦、苏杭丝绸、兼营历史教学器材、文物保护  相似文献   
2008年汶川大地震后在四川羌族地区兴起的灾难旅游和遗产旅游让羌族这支古老但却在逐渐“消失”的民族浴“难”重生,经历巨变。重建后,不仅羌寨的生活条件有了巨大变化,羌族的传统民俗也随着灾难旅游和遗产旅游的发展绽放出新的活力。探讨灾难旅游和遗产旅游的新型结合所引发的社会变迁和矛盾冲突,可以为少数民族地区遗产旅游的研究提供一个崭新的案例和思路。  相似文献   
New Year in Tibetan calendar is a traditional grand festival for Tibetans. This year, the Wood-horseTibetan New Year of the 17th Rabjung, is on March 2nd, 2014. Traditionally, when it is Decemberaccording to the Tibetan calendar, Tibetans start to prepare for their big festival. Of course, one of themost important things to do is New Year's shopping. The New Year shopping market is actually an enhancedembodiment of Tibetan's daily lives.  相似文献   
If you examine historicalrecords from before thefounding of the People'sRepublic of China, you willdiscover that there was neither aChinese-version nor a Tibetan-version of newspaper in DechenPrefeeture of Yunnan Provincebecause the distribution ofinformation relied on messengerspassing through post offices.The rise of New China broughtabout the founding of the DechenTibetan Autonomous Prefecture.On October 1st, 1988, the DechenDaily launched a pilot program.Accompanied by the gradualenforcement of a Tibetan newsmedia by the local governmentof Dechen Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture, newspaper in Tibetanwas published and Tibetan channelwas also broadcast gradually.On May 5th 2013, along withthe founding of the Shangri-LaWebsite in Tibetan, the social,political, economic and culturaldevelopment of Dechen Prefecturebegan to be widely spread aroundthe world.  相似文献   
<正>When something or someplace reverberates in one’s mind and lingers for a long time,then you know it must be something special-and so it was when I took my th...  相似文献   
There is a small lane in thewestern part of the BarkorSouth Street. It is probablythe most bustling place in the area.In this lane, you can find variousstores related to daily life such asrestaurants, vegetable stalls, shoe-repair stores and other small shopsMany people are hurrying to thisstreet to buy a variety of dailynecessities. You can find a taste of lifehere.  相似文献   
In Changtang Prairie, thenomadic natures of wild, unrulyand doughty are always inpeople's blood vessels. However, withthe intrusion of modern civilization,the wildness and unruliness mostlystay in elder people's memories.Every single wrinkle on the foreheadof a weather-beaten old man is arecord of an unforgettable history.Every old man would speak proudlyto his offspring about the tribe hebelongs, the history of its "bonefamily" and great achievements ofhis tribe leaders. The elders still takedelight in talking about the legendsof their bone family ancestors.  相似文献   
2014TNF100@北京国际越野挑战赛完美落幕 日前,备受众多耐力跑者和户外爱好者期待和关注的TheNorthFace10020141E京国际越野挑战赛在北京海淀凤凰岭完美落幕。2014年,  相似文献   
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