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今年3月,本馆举行了以自主创新为主题的征活动,机关工作人员踊跃撰稿,各抒己见。现将韦俊、马腾蛟、晏玉英、黄童生、廖胜年等5位同志的章要刊登。[编按]  相似文献   
Exile of Litterateurs and Literary Creations: New Literary Orientation from the Years 1067 to 1162
Shen Songqin ( p. 1 )
During the hundred years between the reigns of Shenzong and Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, thousands of litterateurs were put in exile. These exiled litterateurs were the major players in the literary creations in the Song period In the times of exile or imprisonment, they were fraught with desperation and sorrow of life. In the face of the life blow, they strove to practice the teaching of inward sagehood of Confucianism and cultivated their mind and nature. In this way, they were able to remove the burden of sorrow and came to terms with themselves. Thus, they experienced the' spiritual progress from sorrow, transcendence to yearning for home. The spiritual progress dictated that the exiled group proceeded from the "outward" to the "inward"in literary creations. This turn to the sentimental poetry was a thorough one. The desperation and sorrow of life were transformed into the songs of ease and leisure. Thus,  相似文献   
The character in Laozi ( 《老子》) ) of Guodian bamboo slips, which corresponds to "jing (惊 )"in Chapter 13 of the handed-down edition, should be interpreted as "ying (营 )". From the textual explanation,  相似文献   
福建省地方志第六次工作暨表彰会议是在全省上下深入学习贯彻党的十六大、十六届三中、四中全会和省委七届七次、八次全会精神,加快海峡西岸经济区建设的新形势下召开的。这次会议标志着我省首轮修志工作的结束和新一轮修志工作的全面启动,是一次承先启后、继往开来的十分重要的会议。  相似文献   
Non - Equilibrium Development in the Structure of History Theory: The Comparison Between the West and Ancient China,The Inevitable Choice of Chinese Culture: The Second Comment on Qing Empire in the World History,Restudy of the Etiquette and Custom in Rural China,Loss and Reconstruction of Grand Narrative in the Current American Historiography,History and Politics: An Brief Analysis of American Consensus History  相似文献   
江苏省郑和研究会是全国成立最早的从事郑和研究的学术团体。在省委、省政府的领导下,认真学习贯彻邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,团结了一大批热衷郑和研究的专家学者,为繁荣学术、服务经济文化建设做出了应有贡献。  相似文献   
收音机和我一起成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐洋 《文史月刊》2008,(9):62-63
从小受父亲的影响.中央人民广播电台的《各地人民广播电台联播节目》与《新闻和报纸摘要节目》是我每天必听的。因此我从小就知道新闻是党的喉舌.关心国家大事是每个人的责任。  相似文献   
高原 《文史月刊》2008,(11):34-35
据台湾《传记文学》1998年第4期李次白的夫人许念婉文章披露:1950年,蒋经国曾派密使李次白到上海与陈毅谈和。现将文章摘要如下: 为什么要派先夫李次白去大陆当密使  相似文献   
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