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On the Rural Families' Livelihood in the Tang Dynasty
Zhang Guogang ( p. 1 )
In the Tang Dynasty, the rural family was a typical household production unit and economic unit. This paper, through researches of the data on farmers' land tenure and food production, discusses the basic income, consumption and production costs of farm families, intending to give the broad outline of the farming lifestyle, as compared with that of the urban poor and low-ranking bureaucrats.  相似文献   
The Relationship between the Early Quanzhen School and Fangji and Other Issues  相似文献   
中国钱币学会第五届理事会自2002年4月选举产生至今已经四年,任期已满。在此,我受第五届理事会的委托,向中国钱币学会第六次会员代表大会报告四年来本届理事会的工作,请代表们审议。中国钱币学会第五届理事会在中国人民银行、民政部的关怀、指导和文博部门、大专院校等研究机构  相似文献   
Zhang Guogang ( p. 1 ) The ethical system centering on Confucianism was only one school of philosophy among the many in the pre-Qin period. However, through the central government's recognition of Confucian theories as the orthodoxy in the Han Dynasty, classical Confucianism became the official ideology. In the later period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, aristocratic families, whose members studied secured officials for generations, became the the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasti Confucian classics and elite of society. During es, elite families formed their particular household disciplines and moral standards. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, when elite families were separated from official rankings, their ethical system became more accepted by the society. Elite families of power and influence no longer dominated the cultural circle. Actually, the decline of the elite family and the popularization of elite ethics were synchronized processes, during which, the localized Buddhism played an important role. The neo Confucianism, which rose later, was actually an ethical reconstruction of the popularized ethics and culture.  相似文献   
编辑部收到各地寄来的许多优秀稿件,对各位作者的大力支持我们表示深深的感谢。为了做好编发工作,有些事项要再作说明。一、我们特别欢迎原创性、有真知灼见的学术文章。二、请作者注意我们刊物的性质。有的来稿虽然很好,但由于与本刊性质不符,  相似文献   
Zhuang Guotu, Historical Changes in Numbers and Distribution of Overseas Chinese in the World The Chinese emigrated on a large scale since the end of the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th cen...  相似文献   
Honorable experts and scholars: On this frosty winter’s day,we gather here together to hold the first China Tibetology Qomolangma Forum.Hereby on behalf of the China Tibetology Research Center I extend to you our warm welcome and heartfelt thanks.Following the Beijing Tibetology Symposium,Tibetology Qomolangma Awards-giving activities and the Coordination Meeting of Tibetology Work across the Country,the Tibetology Qomolangma Forum is held for the purpose of building another platform for academic exchanges within  相似文献   
12月5日,2006年全省设区市方志委(办)第四次主任联席会议在福州召开.传达学习省第八次党代会精神,讨论通过《福建省贯彻〈地方志工作条例〉实施办法》和《福建省地方志工作2006-2010年发展规划》,回顾2006年我省地方志工作,探讨新一年地方志工作思路。省方志委领导、各设区市方志委(办)正副主任、省方志委各处室负责同志参加了会议.中指办理论研究室主任邱新立应邀出席会议,并对福建省地方志工作提出指导性意见。省方志委主任、党组书记张剑珍主持会议并讲话。  相似文献   
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