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朱诺 《环球人物》2013,(24):78-79
在大西洋上独自漂流76天,战胜了恐惧和绝望2012年上映的电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》获得观众和奥斯卡评委们的一致认可,导演李安说:"我在筹备这部电影时,最主要的工具书,便是史蒂芬·卡拉汉的纪实小说《漂流——我一个人在海上的76天》(以下简称《漂流》)。我还要求主要工作人员以及主角必读这本书。透过似禅如诗的文字,卡拉汉把这场漂流的历程,写成面对自己  相似文献   
会走路的房子英国剑桥Wyslng艺术中心内出现了一座约3米高、由6条"腿"支撑、可以跋涉于任何地形的房屋,屋内有起居室、厨房、卫生间、木制火炉和一个控制这6条"腿"的大型计算机,整间屋子由丹麦哥本哈根N巧艺术共同体和美国麻省理工学院的工程师合作创造。据设计师HelenRobin、n介绍,这个屋子行走起来直接依靠太阳能和风能为动力,每条"腿"都可独立行走,而  相似文献   
<正>2010年3月,陕西省考古研究院在西安市长安区韦曲街办韩家湾村以西黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司1000兆瓦太阳能光伏电池项目工程基建范围内,发掘了唐贞观十七年(643年)上柱国王怜夫妇合葬墓(编号为2010HDM11),该墓纪年明确、形制保存基本完整,出土物种类丰富、陶俑组合较为明晰,为长安地区初唐时期墓葬研究提供了一则新资料。现将墓葬发掘情况介绍如下(图一)。  相似文献   
News in Brief     
Tibet to Hold ! ITH Mountaineering Assembly The llth Tibet Mountaineering Assembly is going to be held from Sep.26 to Oct.7. It is aimed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the first ascent of Mount Qomolangma by human beings. The organizers will also hold several mountaineering activities for amateurs to learn mountaineering skills. i,hasa Issued China's Firstlmrism Law Lhasa issued the offprint of the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China in August, which is the country's first tourism law. Deliberated and approved by the 12th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the law will be put into force on October 1, 2013. Overseas Chinese Painters X'isited Tibet Nearly 20 overseas artists from 11 countries and areas including the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, France and Italy set out for the journey of "Famous Chinese Painters to Tibet" on August 16. In the next ten days in Tibet, they produced art works and had seminars with local artists. 2013 Tibetan Thangka Industrial Dexelnpment Forum Ileid in Lhasa The forum was held in the Mass Art Gallery in Lhasa on August 15, attracting the relative experts, scholars and painters in Tibet to have an in-depth discussion about Thangka's industrial development pattern and path, and the inheritance and protection in the new media age. Grand Tibetan Musical Yarluag Zangbo Premiered Musical Yarlung Zangbo premiered at the Yarlung Theatre in Lhoka Prefecture on August 15, 2013. The musical showed the time-honored history and culture of Lhoka and also highlighted the Yarlung Cultural Festival from August 15 to 21. Tibet Invests 100 Million Yuan to Build Sehool Bathrooms Almost 100 million Yuan has been invested in building bathrooms for primary and middle school students in Tibet since 2012. It is expected that 109 bathrooms, which make use of solar energy by installing solar power water heaters, will be finished until the end of 2013. Nachen Bridge, connecting the North Circular Road and the 318 National Highway after completion, has realized its closure of the main part structure and is expected to open to traffic within the year. The scenic zone Nanyigou, located in Nyingchi Prefecture, has adopted a tourist quota policy to allow a limit of up to 2,000 per day since August in order to support Chinas bid to build ecological shelter. The 2013 Shoton Festival of Tibet has wrapped up on August 12th. During the seven days' festival this year, a total number of 1.38 million tourists have visited Tibet, reaching an all-time high. The Xiahe Airport in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province opened on Aug. 19.  相似文献   
今年50岁的加布是世界海拔最高寺庙绒布寺的寺管会主任。这两天,他不忙的时候,就打开电视,收看藏语节目。“过去照明只能靠太阳能发电和蜡烛,而且太阳能发电一般是晚上用3至4个小时,就没电了。现在电视里的52个频道,可以随便看,不怕没电了。”  相似文献   
金文驰 《世界遗产》2014,(12):23-23
<正>自然保护中的公众参与是指个人、社会单位、组织等非政府机构在一定的权利义务范围内,通过多样的途径和方式参与自然保护工作的筹备、规划、执行、监管和反馈等环节的实践活动。由于自然保护往往具有较强的地域性,在开展工作的过程中很容易牵涉一定地理范围内个人和单位的社会活动和经济利益,因此公众参与在自然保护中占有重要地位。一些国际公约,如1992年在巴西里约热内卢签署的《生物多样性公约》,也推荐将公众参与纳入自然保护中。  相似文献   
赵晓红 《丝绸之路》2011,(11):70-73
金塔农民的低碳生活 太阳能热水器成时尚 金塔县的许多农村,家家户户房顶上架着太阳能热水器,村民们也能像城里人一样方便地洗热水澡了。村民在购买、安装热水器时享受国家"家电下乡"的补贴,能节省一部分钱。除了方便地洗澡外,用太阳能热水器,冬天洗菜、淘米也能用上热水了,  相似文献   
美国一家企业设计的“自由之舟”号能够在全球航行,将是世界上第一座“漂浮城市”。其建造成本约100亿美元,重量为270万吨,以太阳能和海波能量作为动力  相似文献   
中国在绿色能源生产上的投入确实超过了其他国家:2009年达到了340亿美元,几乎是美国的两倍。然而,它的大部分投资都用来为西方国家生产绿色能源。2010年,中国生产了全世界一半的太阳能电池板,但其中只有1%是本国使用  相似文献   
尼木、曲水搬迁大骨节病群众;西藏基因工程新药获国家证书;40座小水电站工程全部复工;农牧民免费医疗标准增长1倍;“村村通”改善农牧区设施;台湾一慈善基金会捐资60万元;西藏铅丝笼编织告别手工时代;西藏巨资打造林芝“森林机场”;太阳能研究中心送电到乡村;国家基金委资助西藏项目;05年上半年西藏山峰普查;珠峰冰川消融区扩大;青铁将开通豪华旅游专列;科学家在珠峰发现香柏植物群落;太阳能观光车“五一”使用。  相似文献   
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