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孙雪静 《世界遗产》2014,(10):92-95
得益于周围连绵的群山和高原的阻隔,四川盆地孕育了独特的自然和人文环境,在相当长的时间里是一片相对独立的文化区域。先秦时期这里有一个名为“蜀”的古老王国。公元前316年,古蜀国被秦国征服,其后的文明进程也逐渐淹没于中原文明的洪流之中,有关先秦古蜀国的史料记载只言片语,仅留下语焉不详的远古传说。  相似文献   
为全面、准确地记述自贡市区域范围内发生的大事、要事,真实反映各项事业取得的成就和经验,近日.中共自贡市委办公室、自贡市人民政府办公室印发《关于建立全市大事记工作制度的通知》:一是要求各区县、各部门建立健全日常的大事记录制度,按季度整理本区域、本部门、本单位大事记,并归档保存;二是明确全市的大事记由市志办负责按季汇总编纂,  相似文献   
有没有一个特大型城市,富裕人群集聚,周边还围绕着一圈贫困带?有的。北京就是。北京周边的河北省有39个国家贫困县,北京与周边地区的落差不是在缩小而是在扩大。在唐山等地炼钢、挖煤发大财的富裕人群不是去了北京,就是家小移民到了海外。  相似文献   
"一线两带"建设与关中城镇群的双向促进机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何提高关中城镇群竞争能力及区域经济发展活力.在分析“一线两带”建设和关中城镇群发展的现状后认为,高新技术产业和星火产业具有不同的产业形态,是从工业和农业两个层面实现关中区域经济一体化的重要支撑和发展动力.对于关中地区不同发展层面的城镇,宜采用不同的产业经济政策,促进关中城镇向组团式城镇群发展,为关中地区产业集群的发展和新的产业经济体系提供良好的发展平台.研究结论认为,要实现关中区域经济一体化,必须实现二元经济和二元社会的融合,需要建立产业协调机制、城市协调机制,构建区域内功能性组团式城市群,促进关中城乡经济一体化.“一线两带”建设与关中组团式城镇群建设,宜从产业集群和城镇两个层面进行整合,提升关中城市和经济社会的整体竞争能力.  相似文献   
黄虚峰 《史学月刊》2006,(6):109-113
随着收成制在战后美国南方的确立,乡村商店成为南方转型初期经济生活的重要部分。它的特点是“靠男性消费者为生,以农作物借贷制为杠杆,商品综合经营”。但是,世纪之交,由于工业化力量的推动和现代消费观念的冲击,乡村商店从南方经济生活中逐渐淡出,“以吸引女性消费者为主,采用现金支付或分期付款形式”的百货商店取而代之,并且广告在经济生活中起越来越重要的作用,南方经济生活逐步走向现代化。  相似文献   
Editor's Note:Sun Yongfu is now vice-minister of railways. In 1962, when he graduated from the Department of Bridges and Tunnels of the Changsha Railway Institute of Hunan Province, he was assigned to work in the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau. In a survey of the bearing capacity of railway bridges, he examined bridges one by one from Zhengzhou in Henan Province to Wuhan in Hubei Province. On this basis, he produced the studies that made him famous and led to his promotion as one of the senior technical personnel. In the ensuing years, he participated in construction of a number of railways, including the Sichuan-Guizhou, Guizhou- Kunming, Chengdu-Kunming and Hunan-Guizhou lines. He also participated in the China-aided construction of the railway between Tanzania and Zambia. In 1984, Sun was promoted to be vice-minister of railways and was put in charge of national planning and construction. He presided over the construction of some 10,000 km of trunk line, including the Beijing-Kowloon, Datong-Qinhuangdao, Nanning-Kunming and Hengyang-Guangzhou railways. In early 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji proposed Sun to be the deputy head of the leading group for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, taking charge of the routine work. In the document Premier Zhu signed, Sun was allowed to enjoy treatment due to a minister (instead of a vice-minister). On June 29, 2001, when the inauguration ceremony for construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held in Lhasa,  相似文献   
At the end of April 2003, the State Cultural Relics Bureau and the TAR Cultural Relics Bureau urgently called on specialized archaeological workers to participate in an archaeological investigation along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. There were two teams to undertake the task. One team was made up of four teachers and students, namely two female postgraduates, Zhang Changhong and Yin Junxia, who both come from Henan Province, Li Yongxian and myself, who had been engaged in the Tibetan Ar…  相似文献   
On July 1, express trains starting from Beijing and other cities will pass through Xining and Golmud and finally reach Lhasa. On that date, Tibet's long history of having no access to railway transportation will come to an end.  相似文献   
“择其吉金”是春秋中晚期流行于楚国的金文辞例,春秋晚期传播至楚系国家以及吴、越等国。“择其吉金”与另一辞例“用其吉金”关系密切,它们最初可能都是起源于周文化中心区域,而后在豫南鄂北地区流行,并同时为楚国青铜器铭文所采用。这一文化现象说明,早期楚文化因素的形成并非只是通过楚国一个国家而是经由一个区域来完成的,而这个区域应当在豫南鄂北。  相似文献   
本文结合南北朝至隋末区域文化合流的背景,考察隋末唐初秦府集团成员的仕进状况,其中包括人才类型、家庭政治背景、个体政治势力来源、进入秦府的渠道、个体政治活动空间,认识了以李世民为核心的秦府政治集团,利用争夺天下之机,逐步拓展政治空间,将各地各类精英人才吸纳到秦府集团里来。在此过程中,李世民集团有意识地编织原北周、北齐、南陈入杨隋政治势力后裔,并用关陇、山东、江左这三大政治文化区域人才所长,将他们化入到同一个文化熔炉里融冶,大大推进了区域文化合流的步伐,在中华民族文化融合史上写下了崭新的篇章。  相似文献   
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