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格勒 《中国西藏》2005,(2):48-50
从昂仁一直到狮泉河,一路上大部分都是沙漠草原,即万里藏北。它与东部昌都的西北部,青海的玉树、果洛,四川甘孜州的石渠、色达、阿坝州的红原连成一片,形成青藏高原上最大的游牧化圈。生活在这片土地上的人们,早在1000多年前就将野牦牛驯养为家牛。他们在恶劣的自然条件下,积累了丰富的生产生活经验,有的技术如今只有他们才会,如将牛奶加热制成酥油、酸奶;  相似文献   
羽芊 《中国西藏》2005,(2):14-20
平时闲来无事,总爱在一些偏僻小巷走,没有什么目的,也无所谓方向,仅为养眼而已。  相似文献   
Since the 1980s, I have tramped the mountains and rivers of nearly all the Tibetan-inhabited areas. What touches me deeply is that wherever I went, I would find holy mountains, holy rivers and holy lakes. Invisible deities can be found everywhere at any time. Like man, they are hierarchical. Small holy mountains serve large holy mountains and perform duties for them. The four largest holy mountains are: Magyiabenri Mountain in the east, Kawagyibo Mountain in the south, Dan-gdese Mountain in the west and Nyain-  相似文献   
My parents are the descendants of handicraftsmen. My father was born in 1933 and is 68 years old. At the age of 13 he learned gem inlaying technology from grandpa. There were five brothers in my father's home, but he lost his mother at the age of five. At the age of 18, he married and I was born when he was 25.  相似文献   
The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo. For many years, the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billion cubic meters, which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China, the Yellow River. The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km. The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet,as well as the significant part of three-river area (the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River) that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   
As early as four thousand years ago, the Tibetans already had developed an initial aestheic ideology, a case in point being the adornments unearthed from the Karub ruins in Qamdo. During that time, adornments were mainly made of pottery, stone and seashell and the types of adornments were also colorful and abundant, including plate adornments, necklaces,  相似文献   
On December 29, 1995, agrand ceremony was held in Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa to determine the soulboy of the late 10thPanchen Erdeni. The Living BuddhaBorne drew one of the three lots eachbearing the name of a soul boy candidatefrom the golden urn bestowed by the QingDynasty emperor. The result announcedby Gyangcain Norbu (PRC State Coun-cilor) that Gyaincain Norbu had beenselected. Now, nine years have passed andwhere are that two candidates who failedto be chosen? How do they fare in…  相似文献   
南通称得上典型的水乡,密布的河网串起了江海平原上的村村落落。农家人沿河而居,水成为他们生活的一部分。连接河水与人的台阶通道,就是南通方言所称的“水踏子”。水踏子沿着河坡,从河岸一直延伸到水面。以前,农家人从浇灌菜园到洗衣做饭,用的都是河水。为了上下取水方便,农家人在临近的河边总要修个水踏子。  相似文献   
1658-1660年中国军队坚决抗击沙俄入侵,并给侵略军以沉重打击。但沙俄政府并不甘心放弃侵占黑龙江的企图,它改变策略,以建立堡寨作为侵略据点的方式,复卷土重来。1665年(康熙四年),沙俄殖民分子再次窜入黑龙江上游流域,侵占黑龙江北岸要冲雅克萨。清政府虽然反复告诫,屡次遣入“宣谕”,都无济于事。清政府总结历年来黑龙江边防教训,  相似文献   
在实际的历史写作中,部分历史学家运用反事实的方法,探究历史上的可能之事。无独有偶,海德格尔的主张也与此相似,他认为历史学的主要课题不是特殊的个体事件,也不是超乎个体事件的普遍规律,而是曾在的生存可能性。这两种观点不是为了探究历史上不曾发生过的事态,而是借此重新规定历史学的题材、性质和写作方式。但是,反事实研究所谓的可能性主要是指现成事物的偶或可能性,而海德格尔所谓的生存论上的可能性则是指此在的某种生存方式,两种可能性有着根本区别。  相似文献   
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