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战国秦汉时期长江中游地区气候状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据历史文献、考古材料和钻孔孢粉资料等,对战国秦汉时期长江中游地区的气候状况进行了初步的探讨。结果表明:战国初期,该地气候温暖湿润;战国中后期至西汉武帝后期,气温下降,气候温凉,极端寒冷事件不断出现;约从公元前100年始,气温明显回升,至公元初年前后,长江中游地区复为温暖湿润的气候环境;公元之初的新莽政权时期,气候经历了由暖而寒的历史转变,降温过程大致持续到东汉明帝时期;之后至东汉中后期,气候暖湿,尤其是冬季气温相对较高;东汉后期,气候再度出现了幅度不大的波动,标志着魏晋南北朝时期大降温的开始。此间气候虽屡有起伏,但总体而言,战国秦汉时期长江中游地区的气候仍以暖湿为主,气温略高于今,或与现今差别不大。在干湿状况方面,具有干湿相间的特点。  相似文献   
区域城市等级及其空间分布特征是城市历史地理学研究的核心内容。《张家山汉墓竹简》记载了西汉初年帝国直接统治区(即汉郡区)内四种不同类型城市的名数及其最高管理者的秩等,为城市等级划分提供了依据。综合历史文献及区域环境因素,探讨西汉初年汉郡区城市地理问题。得出不同类型城市等级不同,以及城市等级越高越密集于区域核心的空间分布特征。  相似文献   
范志军 《华夏考古》2007,(3):123-128
马王堆女尸所裹的第十八层服饰不是"冒",它同第八层服饰一样,同为""。第十九至二十层为袭时所穿服饰,第九至第十八层为小敛时所裹服饰,第一至第八层为大敛时所裹服饰。从出土资料来看,该墓主人死后还进行了设瞑目、设笄、设握、屦綦结跗等诸多礼仪活动。但是,这些并不是真正意义上的汉代丧葬礼制,只是在继承周代礼制的基础上,随着时代变迁,礼制在汉初发生一些变异的具体体现,这和汉初实行的衣服车旗制度等"与民无禁"的政策相符合。  相似文献   
辽、宋、金时期复杂的政治、军事形势,迫使许多民户通过多种渠道迁移到邻近的高丽。高丽针对中国移民的接收与遣还采取了一些应变措施、制定了相关规定。迁移到高丽的农业和手工业者移民,按照集团聚落居住在归顺州等移民州县里。他们努力耕耘、辛勤劳作,承担居住国的租税和贡赋;传播先进的技术和制度文化,为高丽的发展做出了贡献。研究结果显示,古代东亚移民与该地区的国际关系变动紧密相关。移民不仅推动了经济、文化交流,而且还促成了不同民族的融合。  相似文献   

The outbreak of the Korean March First Movement in 1919 was followed by intensive reporting and commentary in Chinese media, presenting striking images of the brutality of the Japanese colonizers, the resolve for independence among the Korean people, and the concept of national self-determination. The March First Movement provided the Chinese people with a vivid example of the transformation of the abstract concept of “universal principles” into the practice of “national self-determination,” and strengthened consciousness of “national independence” among the Chinese people. Over the ensuing two or three decades, the “March First Movement” gradually seeped into the Chinese nationalist movement and discourses on national liberation, playing the role of “the neighbor as mirror,” and continuing to provide both positive inspiration and negative reference points for the Chinese people following the path of national independence. This linkage and interaction between “weak nations” aids in understanding the modern Chinese nationalist movement, as well as the mechanisms for development of the national independence movements among colonized peoples which swept across the globe in the early 20th century.  相似文献   
游彪  周玥 《史学集刊》2020,(1):65-71
陶榖曾先后在后晋、后汉、后周和北宋任官,是五代宋初文人的典型代表之一。其性格偏激急躁,追求名利,行事作风为当时人和后世所诟病。然而,陶榖的形象通过史料和文学作品的加工处理而典型化、脸谱化,并不能够完全反映其真实面目。通过对陶榖家庭背景和行为的具体分析,可以对陶榖其人有更加真实全面的了解,同时也能够更好地认识五代宋初所面临的士风重建问题。  相似文献   
明代朝廷沿袭元代的旧例,把妈祖林默娘封为“天妃”,列入祀典。然而对于“天妃”这一封号,在明代的士大夫知识分子中产生了较大的分歧。反对者认为不应胡乱把处女之身的妈祖指配给天帝为妻室;赞同者则认为所谓“天妃”只是广义上的“以德配天”的含义,并非实指配与天帝为妻室。较为圆融者则主张以“圣妃”“圣女”的封号为妥,免得亵渎神明。明末清初之际,“天妃”“天后”封号又有与“碧霞元君”封号混同者。产生这些差异的实质,是传统儒家祀典观念与现实政治社会的实际需求之间的差异所引发的。而这种差异,即使是在其他方面,制度设计与现实实施过程中所存在的某些差异,都是很难避免的。  相似文献   
This contribution introduces an exercise in epistemic justice to the study of everyday nationalism in post‐conflict, transnational (local and international) encounters. It explores how everyday nationalism, in often unexpected and hidden ways, underpinned a cocreational, educational project involving several local (Albanian) and international (British based) university students and staff collaborating on the theme of post‐war memory and reconciliation in Kosovo. The set‐up resembled a microcosm of transnational social encounters in project collaborations in which the problem of nationalism, typically, is associated with one side only: here, the Kosovars. Guided by Goffman's (1982) social interactionist framework, the study employs selected participants' paraethnographic and auto‐ethnographic reflections of their project experiences and practices after the event in order to trace the everyday workings of mutual assumptions and constructions of a national self and other for all sides involved. In this, it explores how the project participants' asymmetric positioning within a wider, global context of unequal power relations shaped their vernacular epistemologies of belonging and identity. It thereby excavated what otherwise taken‐for‐granted criteria can become relevant in such local/international social encounters as reflected upon and how the enduring power imbalances underpinning these might best be redressed.  相似文献   
Momentous events have characterized the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since its founding in 1997. Among these were drastic and repeated changes in housing and policies, shifting from one emphasizing the role of the state to one purportedly relying primarily on market forces, and then back to a more proactive stance of the state. Associated with these changes were roller-coaster movements in residential prices and housing completions. These developments took place in the context of phenomenal upheavals within and beyond Hong Kong: the Asian financial crisis and the burst of Hong Kong’s property bubble; the contestation of Hong Kong’s autonomy under “one country, two systems”; and the flooding of “hot money” consequent upon repeated rounds of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve of the United States to counteract the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession that followed.  相似文献   
The recent death of Eric Hobsbawm provides a fitting occasion to take stock of the entire trajectory of his work. Taking his final book, How to Change the World, as its starting point, this essay considers Hobsbawm's effort to change the way history was written. It divides his career into three main phases: 1) during the 1940s and 50s when he served his apprenticeship and emerged as a leading labor historian of modern Britain. Working in conjunction with colleagues in the Communist Party Historian's group, Hobsbawm helped to raise Marxist history to academic respectability; 2) during the 1960s and 70s, Hobsbawm reached the apogee of his career, publishing the first two volumes of his synoptic history of modern capitalism, as well a multitude of more specialized and critical works. No longer just one among a group of Marxist scholars, he—along with E. P. Thompson—became one of the most famous and influential historians in the world. 3) For Hobsbawm, as for other Marxists, the 1980s and 1990s were a time of crisis, when Marxism was destabilized and communism collapsed. Ironically, this essay argues, it was during this challenging period that Hobsbawm's most influential work appeared—most notably, his studies of modern nationalism and his analysis of the “invention of tradition”. Whereas the early Hobsbawm had worked to bring Marxist history into the academy, the later Hobsbawm (perhaps inadvertently) showed how the academy could absorb analytical elements initially formulated in a Marxist framework by translating them into non‐Marxist terms. Whatever one thinks of Hobsbawm's intellectual legacy, one must acknowledge his status as a polymathic giant who wrote global history that was at once theoretically grounded, publicly accessible, and historiographically consequential.  相似文献   
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