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The aborted 1967 attempt of the dictatorship to transform itself into some form of democracy has generally been under-researched, and even more so with regard to its international implications. And yet, the issue of foreign influences on the “Markezinis Experiment” has been given excessive weight – first and foremost by the protagonist himself, who blamed his failure and downfall on negative American interference – namely on the then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s adversarial stance. Based on the examination of the international context in three main frameworks – namely its relations with the United States, Europe and the Cyprus issue – this article seeks to give an answer to the question of the foreign factor’s impact on the failure of the “experiment”.  相似文献   
邸乘光 《安徽史学》2015,(1):101-107
从1978年9月访朝归来到12月举行党的十一届三中全会,从"北方谈话"到"‘三中全会’主题报告",邓小平不仅明确提出了改革开放的时代课题,而且多方面地阐明了为什么要实行改革开放、要在哪些方面改革开放和如何实行改革开放等重大问题,实际完成了中国改革开放决策的酝酿,为"三中全会"最终作出实行改革开放的伟大决策,做好了充分的思想理论准备。回顾我国改革开放决策的酝酿过程,重温邓小平当时关于改革开放的论述,对在新的历史起点上全面深化改革开放具有多方面的意义。  相似文献   
冯尔康 《安徽史学》2015,(1):126-131
文章概述了清代前期西洋传教士在安徽布道与天主教堂在安徽的分布、安徽教徒到外省传教和信教活动,以期有助于安徽天主教史的研究。西方传教士成际理、梁弘仁、魏方济、奥地利南怀仁等人在徽州府婺源县、池州府、淮南府、太平府芜湖县、滁州直隶州、泗州五河县等六个府州县建立教堂多所,吸收信众;与西洋传教士配合,徽州信徒姚若翰到江苏海门、池州石埭教徒沈方济各赴湖北谷城传教;有十多名安徽教徒在江苏、北京等地过宗教生活,其中有汪钦一、鲍天衢、汪伊纳小等六名徽州人,参与西方传教士传教活动。作者认为,与各省比较,安徽属于天主教活动相对沉寂的省份;徽州人在外省颇有皈依天主教的,而徽州本地人似乎不感兴趣,是否与这里宗族势力强大、理学观念深入人心有关,需要深入研讨。  相似文献   
《新安文献志》收录的一通唐代户部蠲牒,具有很高的史料价值。文章基于对蠲牒内容的考析,结合新出《天圣令》,对唐代任官者及其荫亲的赋役蠲免内容与程序进行讨论,以丰富学界对唐代蠲免事务管理的认识。  相似文献   
In the later Middle Ages the predominantly rural Frisian territories covering the coastal area between the Zuider Zee and the River Weser stood out by virtue of their anomalous position. One striking phenomenon in this area was the early breakdown of feudalism; another was the failure of sovereign rule to take root. A crucial development was how the resulting political vacuum was filled by communal institutions. This paper tries to explain this state of affairs, a situation the Frisians themselves referred to as ‘Frisian freedom’, in terms of the communalism thesis propounded by Peter Blickle. In summary, it can be said that the Frisian territories, at least while the communal institutions were in their prime, constitute an even more prototypical model of rural communalism than the founding cantons of the Swiss Confederation.  相似文献   
Based on an analysis of musical childhood memories from over 80 Germans from the Bohemian lands and historical evidence, this article investigates processes of social and political integration and assimilation of German children and young adults who, in the aftermath of the Second World War, were either expelled to Germany or remained in their Bohemian homelands. Memories of Germans expelled to West Germany disclose the various ways in which musical repertoire and musical practices are able to mitigate both the loss of the homeland and the distressing overall effects of expulsion, as well as reveal how music facilitates the building of a new sense of belonging in the face of geographic displacement and material dispossession. The study further highlights how the reframing and even silencing of musical practices on the other side of the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia affected processes of social-identity reconstruction until and after the 1989 fall of Communism. Results of this study foreground that individual musical experiences reveal new historical narratives of how German expellees used and still use musical practices to negotiate intercultural power relationships and rebuild a sense of belonging in their respective post-war environment in West Germany or Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic.  相似文献   
2007年,河南省焦作市中站区发现了我国唐至五代时期名门望族范阳卢氏一支的家族墓地.墓地共出土墓志两方,一方为卢真启墓志,一方为其子卢价墓志.其中卢价墓志已发表,而卢真启墓志史料价值也颇高,为了解和研究唐至五代时期卢氏家族的历史,增添了新的实物资料.  相似文献   
2003年2月,云南省文物考古研究所为配合三峡工程建设,对位于重庆万州区武陵镇的中嘴遗址进行了考古发掘。本次发掘的遗存以隋唐时期为主,出土了陶器、瓷器以及其他遗物,从中透射出渔业活动是当时当地居民生产生活的一个重要方面,同时也可看到当地文化与周边文化的交流。  相似文献   
张家山汉简《二年律令·贼律》补释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江陵张家山汉简原注过于简略。本文对其中的《二年律令·贼律》作了补充注释,部分标点符号也作了调整。  相似文献   
本文就《楚辞》名篇《国殇》中的名句“首身离兮心不惩”阐述了“身首分离”的内容和这一恒语产生的基础以及它在《国殇》中的意义。  相似文献   
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