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通过分析博物馆馆藏文物的悬吊、固定、浮放等基本放置形式,探讨了文物的陈列特征及其可能造成的震害因素。综合考察和分析研究了国内外浮放式物体及陈列文物的运动状态,指出陈列文物在地震发生时的主要危害性运动是滑移和倾覆。根据相关浮放物在地震作用下的计算方法、上海博物馆文物的陈列特征及防震设计参数,提出简便实用的浮放式陈列文物稳定性计算模型,编制了适合上海博物馆文物安全性分析的计算程序。并以上海博物馆文物陈列的3类接触材料、4楼中国古代玉器馆的典型陈列文物为试点,计算了陈列文物在地震中遭受破坏的临界值。表明在设防水准的大震和中震情况下,目前陈列现状的绝大多数文物均存在倾覆和滑移安全隐患,但当文物所受到的地震动减小到110gal时可满足陈列安全。  相似文献   
湖北秭归何家坪遗址发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
何家坪遗址位于湖北省秭归县郭家坝镇楚王井村11组。1996~2000年,湖北省文物考古研究所分三次对遗址进行了发掘。三次发掘面积1600平方米,清理新石器时代至明代墓葬5座、灰坑3个、窑址1处,出土了陶、石、瓷、银、铜、铁等不同质料的文化遗物百余件。该遗址年代跨度长,遗存特征比较典型,是三峡地区一处比较重要的考古发现。  相似文献   
This paper explores the use of universalizing language as a discursive strategy to promote shifts in energy policy. Building on scholarship that seeks to understand the political nature of energy transitions, including resistance to transitions, the role of the state, and implications for justice, we examine three phases of energy transition in Ontario in the period 2009–2019, focusing on the ways that three successive ruling coalitions used the first plural pronoun “we” to promote contrasting energy policy orientations. Our analysis of policy documents and government news releases confirms that all three coalitions used the “we” form as a strategic device to define priorities, prescribe courses of action, and broadcast achievements. However, they also used the ambiguity of the “we” form to obscure alternative perspectives, claim credit for rivals’ accomplishments, and gloss over harmful and differentiated impacts of policy choices. The paper concludes by reflecting on broader questions about power and justice relevant to energy transition scholars.  相似文献   
This article offers a new perspective on the relationship between cocaine and medical practitioners in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain. Cocaine is often understood as one of a number of potentially addictive substances to which Victorian physicians and surgeons were regularly exposed, and tempted to indulge in. However, while cocaine has frequently been associated with discourses of addiction, this article proposes that it was also widely represented as a technological triumph, and that the drug was frequently used as a symbol for the scientific and moral virtues of the medical man. The argument draws on popular journalism, medical publications, and fiction to establish the cultural context of cocaine at the fin de siècle. In 1884, cocaine was revealed to be the first effective local anaesthetic, and this article traces the processes by which cocaine came to be regarded as the iconic achievement of nineteenth-century therapeutic science. This aura of innovative brilliance in turn communicated itself to the medical professionals who employed cocaine in their work, so that many patients and practitioners alike depicted cocaine as a most fitting emblem for the idealized selfhood of the modern medical man. This idea also informs portrayals of the drug in fiction, and I conclude with a detailed analysis of L. T. Meade’s 1895 short story, ‘The Red Bracelet’ (published in the Strand Magazine as part of Meade’s series, ‘Stories from the Diary of a Doctor’), as an example of the way in which cocaine functions as metaphor for the physician’s unassailable moral primacy and technical excellence.  相似文献   
通过对出入西安美加游客的实地调查,利用计算机软件建立数据库进行资料统计分析,探讨西安与其它旅游热点城市之间美加游客空间转移模式及其影响因素,提出美加旅游市场的几点营销策略。  相似文献   
朵云轩传统的木版水印工艺精湛绝伦,复制艺术的水平达到了形神兼备以至乱真的境地。木版水印工艺重梓精印《十竹斋画谱》并取得成功,为我国图书艺术园地继续增色添彩。  相似文献   
龚留柱 《史学月刊》2005,(10):87-96
朱绍侯先生是我国当代著名的历史学家,半个世纪来笔耕不辍,在中国古代史的诸多领域都取得了突出的学术成就。在对他的访谈中,内容涉及到了其治学经历、主要学术成果、学术风格及他长期形成的史学观和方法论等诸多方面。最后,朱先生还对当前学术研究的环境和风气提出了自己的评判,并对21世纪的中国古代史研究做出了乐观的展望。  相似文献   
本文在占有详实资料和实地考察的基础上,运用城市历史地理学方法,分析了五代至元时期与西安城(新城)督建者韩建有关的两个问题,探讨了此时期西安城的城垣范围及其建制特点,并揭示出西安城城墙、城门和城角的具体特征,从而全面地揭示了五代至元西安城垣的面貌。  相似文献   
“登州海行入高丽道”是唐代重要的海上航道。但在不同时期,其主要航线也不尽相同。大致说来,前期主要从登州北部的蓬莱、黄县境内的出海口出发,沿着贾耽所记述的“登州海行入高丽道”的航线航行;后期则主要从登州南部的牟平、文登县境内的出海口出发,横渡黄海,直抵韩半岛。正是在登州通往朝鲜半岛主要航线变迁南移的形势下,赤山浦以其优越的地理位置和交通条件,成为新罗商人张保皋首选的在唐贸易最重要的联络地和中转站,并在这里修建了一座法华寺院。  相似文献   
破损丝绸服饰文物的保护与修复研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探索出土破损丝绸服饰文物的保护与修复方法 ,以一批出土的明代破损丝绸服饰为研究对象 ,根据文物的破损状况 ,采用传统的手工衬补缝合法 ,运用不同的针法技能 ,完成了破损百褶裙 ,素缎广袖长袍等的修复工作。修复后的服饰仍能保持真丝柔软特性。研究表明 ,本方法是目前最为适宜的方法。  相似文献   
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