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Wool fibre measurements defining fleece type are described from the cloth in the Bocksten costume dated about 1350 and kept in the Varbergs Museum, Sweden. Over 80% belonged to hairy types, the remainder coming from the modern true medium or primitive generalised medium types. Three quarters of the wools had natural pigment giving a grey colour.The findings accord with the fleece of the native Swedish Landrace sheep, but fibre diameter measurements were closer to those of the 17th century Wasa textiles, than to fleece measurements of the surviving Goth remnant of the Swedish Landrace.  相似文献   
本研究对东下冯遗址出土的17件第三期冶金遗物进行了金相和扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析。其中1件附渣冰铜块的检测表明该遗址的铜有独立于锡、铅料的来源。熔铜渣及铜块的分析表明第三期时已经使用锡青铜,同时还有铅青铜、铅锡青铜、砷铜等合金种类的应用。青铜合金通过向红铜中添加锡、铅物料(可能含砷)得到,与二里头等遗址类似。  相似文献   
清雍正朝的官造玻璃器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玻璃器是清代工艺美术品中的新宠,备受皇家珍爱。清代的玻璃制造始于康熙朝。雍正朝在此基础上继续投入大量的人力、物力制作为皇室享用、馈赠的玻璃器皿。本文通过对中国第一历史档案馆收藏的《造办处各作成做活计清档》中有关雍正朝玻璃制作档案的整理,并结合现存珍贵的玻璃实物,系统地对雍正朝玻璃厂制作的玻璃品种、工艺、用途及风格特点进行了论述。  相似文献   
运用科学技术方法对清代珐琅的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者运用原子发射光谱、扫描电子显微镜、偏光显微镜和金相显微镜,对故宫博物院藏清代珐琅残片进行了实验分析。研究中.对构成珐琅的硅酸盐材料、铜材料、焊接材料以及镀金层的元素组成进行了测试;对珐琅残片断面的焊接层和镀金层的微观形貌、焊接层的金相组织进行了观察和鉴别。在此基础上,运用结晶学、矿物学、金属学和金相学的基础理论对珐琅原料种类、各种原料的作用、珐琅料的熔制与烧蓝、铜材料与焊接材料的合金属性、焊层的金相组织、掐丝珐琅的烧制工艺等问题加以探讨,试图藉现代科技手段揭示清代珐琅所包含的科学技术内涵。  相似文献   
基于2008年企业的相关数据,以兰州城区行政区划中街道为空间单元,通过对兰州市制造业企业的宏观总量空间分布、行业类型分布、企业规模分布的分析,探寻该市内部制造业的空间结构特征及规律,并从影响企业区位选择的因素入手,分析现有制造业空间结构的影响因素。研究表明:无论从宏观总量空间分布、行业类型分布、企业规模分布来看,兰州城区制造业企业空间结构由内到外都呈现明显的圈层分布特征;这种空间分布特征是在历史因素、土地因素、城市规划和政府政策、集聚效应、开发区等多重影响因素和驱动力的共同作用下形成的。  相似文献   
Over the past two and a half decades, the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary, have become an integral part of the global economy. Following the change of regime, the rate of foreign direct investment increased, modern industries emerged and exports became significant. However, this process was halted by the global economic crisis in many advanced and transition economies, and the concept of ‘reindustrialization’ emerged as one of the economic policy responses to the new challenges generated by the crisis. In our paper, we study whether reindustrialization is present following the lowest point of the crisis in one of the post-socialist countries of the EU, in Hungary. If so, in which regions and industries, and under what conditions? Our research indicates that reindustrialization can be generally observed only in a few rural regions after 2009, limited to only one or two industries, while, for instance, in the capital and in its agglomerations and in urban regions with large research universities, deindustrialization is more likely to take place.  相似文献   
The putting-out spinning of flax for merchants and weaving of kersey in house-manufactories for export are examples of new elements in wool production and manufacturing in late 18th-century Iceland. The import of luxuries also increased, and a broader group of inhabitants acquired these items from the monopoly-trade merchants. The article analyses how these elements can be understood in light of Iceland’s pre-industrial society. How did these changes become visible and have an impact on the country? Did changes in wool production and consumption signify new trends in 18th-century society, or should one interpret them as extensions of structures that already existed within what can be called the ‘Old Society’?  相似文献   
李娜 《江汉考古》2020,(3):49-56
漆器是良渚文化的重要器类之一,本文从胎质、漆色、髹饰技法和纹饰等方面梳理了良渚文化漆器的工艺特征,并根据出土单位认为墓葬出土的漆器应为仪式用具,填嵌玉石的漆器可能是财富和身份的一种标志,非墓葬单位出土的漆器应为生活用具。良渚文化漆器制作技术继承了长江下游更早的史前文化漆工艺,并有较大的创新与进步。  相似文献   
Using a series of interviews with the heads of Russian subsidiaries of Western multinational corporations and a unique database registering the openings of their new manufacturing plants in Russia during 2014–2015, we trace the changing demography, geography, and economics of foreign direct investments in industrial assets in Russia. We demonstrate that foreign companies in general were capable of overcoming the adverse economic conditions of 2015 and were able to complete their projects of installation of new factories that were launched in 2012–2013. More importantly, economic sanctions caused accelerated completion of previously started industrial works. Such new and upgraded factories not only target current opportunities and market niches in consumer markets but also aim at exploring possibilities in core industrial markets, including mining equipment, transportation equipment, and other types of industrial equipment. We also highlight the emergence of a new type of industrial project known as “fenced field projects,” which are new manufacturing facilities within the existing industrial sites of successful Russian firms. This new type is particularly attractive for companies in the machine-building and chemical industries. Fenced field projects can be either wholly owned subsidiaries or joint ventures, but the main feature of such projects is the active use of the developed physical and business infrastructure of the “hosting” Russian company. We demonstrate not only the changes in the geographic distribution of foreign direct investments in Russia but also the impact on medium-sized industrial towns (200,000–400,000 inhabitants), the most frequent location for industrial projects by foreign multinationals.  相似文献   
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