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After over a century of archaeological research in the American Southwest, questions focusing on population aggregation and abandonment continue to preoccupy much of Pueblo archaeology. This article presents a historical overview of the present range of explanatory approaches to these two processes, with a primary focus on population aggregation in those regions occupied by historic and prehistoric Pueblo peoples. We stress the necessarily complementary nature of most of these explanations of residential abandonment and aggregation. Case studies from the northern Southwest illustrate the continuous nature of these processes across time and space. We suggest that additional explanatory potential will be gained by the use of well-defined theoretical units to frame our current approaches. We extend the use of the local community concept as a theoretical unit of organization that, along with explicit archaeological correlates, should help advance our research into population aggregation and abandonment in this and other regions of the world.  相似文献   
傅聚良 《华夏考古》2007,(3):97-102
本文对湘江流域出土的西周时期的铜器窖藏做了介绍,讨论了窖藏的时代,对与铜器窖藏相关的学术问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
殷墟出土青铜器铭文的制作方法,可分为铸铭和刻铭两大类。铸铭占绝大多数,刻铭极少。铸铭的制作方法有模作铭、芯作铭和范作铭等三种形式,以模作铭为主。刻铭出现于殷墟四期,目前虽然只发现4件刻铭铜器,但其意义重大,不仅把中国青铜器刻铭的历史追溯到商代晚期,而且为研究青铜器铭文的制作技术,尤其是刻铭技术,提供了十分珍贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
2003年10-12月,郑州市文物考古研究所配合基本建设,在郑州市南阳路家世界购物广场工程区发掘一批战国墓葬,出土大量随葬器物,以陶器为主,其年代为战国中、晚期。  相似文献   
鲁北—胶东盐业考古调查记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对鲁北莱州湾和胶东半岛16个县市和出有盔形器的遗址进行了调查,对盔形器的形态演变、分布区域、使用功能等进行了初步研究,并与国内外有关遗址和类似器物作了比较分析,确认菜州湾沿海包含大量盔形器的遗址是商周时期的制盐作坊,而盔形器则是制盐的特殊用具.  相似文献   
As the south-central Andes came under Inca control, many hillfort towns and villages were abandoned in favor of low-lying, non-defensive settlements. Recent investigation at Ayawiri (Machu Llaqta), a fortified hilltop town in the Titicaca Basin of southern Peru, sheds light on how such sites met their end. Ayawiri was abandoned in the 15th century a.d. with no reoccupation and little to no scavenging afterwards. Excavated house structures have whole or reconstructible artifacts left in situ on floors, including bronze adornments and other valuables. Expediently-prepared throwing stones or slingstones were stockpiled and used near the outermost wall, suggesting that the abandonment may have been precipitated by enemy attack. While the evidence indicates rapid abandonment overall, there were distinct and varied micro-processes of abandonment that took place among different family groups at Ayawiri, who engaged differently in rituals, abandonment caching, and departure.  相似文献   
二里头文化陶礼器的造型艺术表现为简洁质朴的艺术风格,这与夏代礼制文化中"尚质"的审美倾向十分吻合。陶礼器的造型艺术由黄金比例、纹饰和仿生三种设计方法以体现陶器造型和装饰的简洁与抽象性,而三至四期动物造型装饰的增多则为商代青铜礼器的艺术形式奠定了基础。酒器和食器的器物造型构成了礼仪中行为与时间的观念,以及动与静的礼仪活动的日常行为规范。而高等级墓葬中的稀有陶器斗笠形器,其造型与古人对天的描述相同,它不仅代表了所葬之人的身份与职能,还是上层社会对天祭祀权力的象征。  相似文献   
考古出土实物研究表明,商周青铜器铭文制作,通常是先雕刻正阴字铭文模,然后翻制反阳字铭文活块泥芯,镶嵌于主体泥芯合适位置组成复合泥芯,最后在浇铸青铜器时一并铸成于器物内壁上。复制具有151字铭文的西周晚期青铜颂鼎,整体采用失蜡铸造工艺,铭文制作借鉴商周青铜器陶范铸造的相关工艺,多次翻制制作一块铭文蜡片,嵌入模具型腔后翻制整体硅橡胶泥芯,获得了理想的效果。  相似文献   
本文分窑与窑系、官窑诠释、纹饰、器名杂识、残瓷琐语、科技之光照耀下的古瓷五个部分,论述、探讨、解决了古陶瓷研究方面存在的诸多问题,同时,阐述了研究的方法论,对将来进一步推进古陶瓷研究具有重要的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   
史前太湖流域,礼器出现在社会初步分化的崧泽文化时期;良渚文化时期已经是一个分层的复杂社会,社会成员分化成为不同的等级、阶层,与此相适应,太湖流域史前社会出现了陶质、石质和玉质三种不同质地的礼器,并有着比较严格的使用制度,太湖流域史前社会的礼仪制度初步形成。  相似文献   
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