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Cultural resource management (CRM) work accounts for most of the archaeology conducted in the United States. A diverse and somewhat fragmented field, CRM has nonetheless achieved a degree of institutional and organizational maturity. CRM archaeology has produced important contributions to archaeological methodology and has established and refined knowledge of regional cultural-historical sequences and settlement and subsistence patterns. The current florescence of historical archaeology is attributable to CRM. Yet the maintenance of high quality in CRM is a pervasive and enduring problem. Academic institutions need to reestablish alliances with the CRM community. The future viability of CRM archaeology depends on factors both internal and external to the discipline: regulatory and statutory “reform,” agency funding levels, looting and other destructive forces, and Native American and other public involvement.  相似文献   
In this essay, I reflect on the massive and dramatic re-emergence of the dead of Cape Town’s District One in 2003, and its aftermath. I discuss how the resurfacing of these ancestors helps us understand how heritage discourses operate in Cape Town, and how their agency forces us to consider what it means to live in the city during post-apartheid urban renewal. I argue that the agency of the District One dead hinges on their exposure of the internal workings of discourse and the associated disciplinary practices through which we experience Cape Town and its heritage. This story ends ambiguously. I discuss how, following the storage of the District One dead in the Prestwich Ossuary, the gaze on Cape Town was redirected away from the city’s past and towards its future; I explore how their reinterment foreclosed a series of discussions regarding the reconciliation of past events with the present realities of Cape Town. I argue, finally, that truth at District One can be understood as a form of historical recapitulation.  相似文献   
文章以浙江省临海市城市旅游开发为主要研究对象,通过阐析城市环境、城市文化与城市旅游之间的关系,探讨基于临海文化视野下的城市旅游开发思路,对临海城市文化建设、提升城市形象具有重要意义。  相似文献   
国洪更 《史学月刊》2004,(11):70-74,87
长期以来,法制史家和亚述学家分别依据《汉穆拉比法典》有关婚姻的条款和古巴比伦时期有关婚姻的文献来研究古巴比伦时期的婚姻习俗,然而,他们的研究方法以及某些结论值得商榷。童养媳、婚约、聘金以及离婚权等问题的研究表明,只有将《汉穆拉比法典》有关婚姻的条款与古巴比伦时期的婚姻文献相结合,才能研究古巴比伦时期的婚姻习俗问题。上述问题的研究还表明,古巴比伦妇女在婚姻中处于被动地位,商品经济对婚姻影响很大。  相似文献   
汤治 《旅游科学》2010,24(6):64-71
现今旅游纠纷日益增多,而在我国旅游行政管理部门及司法实践中,普遍存在"无法可依"的认识误区,以及回避纠纷性质,重结果轻分析的倾向。《最高人民法院公报》公布的"孟元诉中佳旅行社旅游合同纠纷案"及其判决,虽然并未引起旅游业界、法学界的太多争议,但其在旅游合同性质认定及解除权问题上的认定,存在着一定的问题和瑕疵。本文从民法解释的角度重新审视该案,并对该案判决提出较为具体的不同意见,以呼吁业界通过解释现行民事立法,充分发挥其在解决旅游民事纠纷中的作用。  相似文献   
雍正年间黄河河政管理制度的变化,推动了清代黄河图绘制内容和机制的变化;而康熙年间张鹏翮所绘河渠水利图集的内容和形式,也影响了乾隆年间江南黄运河图集的编绘。海内外分别收藏有以江南黄河、运河、洪泽湖、淮河工程为主题的河渠水利图集一"南河图说",经考证均为乾隆十五年(1750年)江南河臣高斌、张师载等人在乾隆帝首次南巡的背景下绘制呈送的定本、副本或后人摹绘本。《南河图说》既是河督高斌反映河情、陈述治河政见、彰显治河政绩的工具,也是乾隆帝确定南巡路线、了解河务、进行河政决策的重要依据。《南河图说》的绘制、呈奏和运用在很大程度上确定了乾隆首次南巡的模式,对研究乾隆南巡和乾隆朝河政运作具有重要价值。  相似文献   
《History & Anthropology》2012,23(5):497-502

Despite its importance, life at sea, as well as the labour of those who toil in these waters, often remains murky to those on land. Based on ethnographic research onboard cargo ships and ashore at Mission to Seafarers (MtS) and other seafarer clubs this essay emphasizes the centrality of care and capture in shaping the global shipping economy. Drawing insights from an anthropological archive of capture, this essay highlight the multi-faceted ways in which care and capture define maritime labour on land and sea and where the ultimate form of captivity is abandonment.  相似文献   
刘啸 《人文地理》2009,24(5):126
旅游产品的随意涨价,让很多游客感到头痛和不爽,然而业界还在蠢蠢欲动,继续运筹涨价。旅游产品的价格问题实际上关系到一重大的理论问题:由什么来衡量旅游产品价值量。旅游产品在其实现过程中没有物质性的产品传递过程,因此用"商品的价值量取决于社会必要劳动时间,商品按照价值相等的原则互相交换。价格围绕价值上下波动",已经明显解释不通了。感受才是决定旅游产品是否有价值的关键因素。旅游过程中旅游者所获得的感受越深,旅游产品的价值越大,因此它遵循刘氏"发汗定律"。也就是感受的程度是决定价格高低的直接因素。但是感受是一种纯粹的主观心理体验,它是人类社会经济文化背景的直接反映,也是人类文明的区域再现。  相似文献   
对发展温泉旅游的建议   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
高鹏  刘住 《旅游科学》2004,18(2):54-57
温泉旅游是温泉与休闲度假旅游相结合的产物。本文在简要论述了我国温泉发展现状及其与旅游业相结合所产生的新业态——温泉旅游的基础之上,针对我国温泉旅游的开发利用提出一些建议。  相似文献   
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