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Regional inequality within Japan has been a key political issue in Japanese politics throughout the entire postwar period. In this analysis, we examine how Japanese parties have positioned themselves on the question of regional inequality, focusing on how the party system response has been shaped by ideas and ideologies. The article analyses two 15-year periods separated by a quarter of a century (1960–75 and 2000–15) during which regional inequalities became a particularly salient and pressing issue. We compare institutional and socioeconomic contexts, broader governing ideas, and policy responses to this issue by major parties in their election platforms (manifestos). We find that party ideology and broader paradigms continued to shape party responses to regional inequality during both periods.  相似文献   
There is much evidence for the parliamentary organisation of the whig junto in Queen Anne's reign, but little for its extra‐parliamentary organisation. This note gives evidence for such extra‐parliamentary organisation late in the reign of William III from letters by both James Vernon and Robert Harley, which describe meetings of the junto and some of its supporters in the country houses of followers in the summers of 1698, 1699 and 1700.  相似文献   
This article seeks to establish that the 1892 general election marked a major change in the relative positions of the parties in the Unionist alliance. Not only did it reveal the limitations of the Liberal Unionist Party's strategy and appeal in an age of increasingly organised, mass politics, but it also acted as a brake on the ambitions of the new leader of the Liberal Unionists in the house of commons, Joseph Chamberlain. It argues that the Liberal Unionist Party suffered a more severe setback in 1892 than has been recognized hitherto and that Chamberlain's attempts to revive his party both before and after the general election were now prescribed by the reality of the political position in which the party now found itself. Rather than regarding the fluid political circumstances of the 1890s as the outcome of an emerging struggle between increasingly polarised ideologies, it seeks to reinforce the significance of local political circumstances and the efficacy of party management in the growing dominance of Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour and the Conservative central organisers.  相似文献   
党、革命动员和地域社会:论中共河北党组织(1928~1934)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐进 《史学月刊》2007,70(12):70-77
大革命失败后,河北区域的中共党员数量急剧下降。由于国民党势力的打压,党的发展重心不得不转移至农村,党员的社会构成也由以学生为主变为更加多样化;党的大多数支部有名无实,组织涣散,纪律松弛,经费短缺,上下级组织间信息传递迟缓。因此在白色恐怖下其生存境遇相当艰难,屡遭重创。另外中共在河北区域的革命工作遇到极大困难,其欲动员的工农群体,自身资源短缺亦是一重要因素。在基层,革命斗争往往异化,阶级革命经常与地缘亲缘多种因素相互缠绕。  相似文献   
中国国民党早期军队政工制度的演变:1924-1928   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江沛 《安徽史学》2008,3(4):57-66
在孙中山的“党治”理念及苏联“党军”体制影响下,中国国民党于1924年改组后积极倡行“党在国上”、“党在军上”的政治制度,在黄埔军校教导团时代,即仿效苏联红军实施以党代表为中心、以政治部为具体实践单位、辅以自上而下建立党部的三位一体的政工制度。1925年7月改编为国民革命军后,这一体制在黄埔军校生为主体的军队内基本保留。因国共间的猜忌,国民革命军政工制度随着“清党”运动而产生重大变异,党代表制废除,政治训练部地位下降,军队党部更是形同虚设。试图控制军队的国民党,却被以蒋介石为首的军人反控,形成了事实上的“以军干政”、“军强党弱”现象,成为此后影响民国政治走向的一大因素。  相似文献   
成立于战国后期的日本茶道(初期称为“茶汤”或“佗茶”),虽然在形式上与南北朝时的“婆娑罗寄合”这种喧闹、奢靡的饮茶之风迥然不同,甚至与室町幕府的将军所举行的茶会也有很大的差异,但是禅的精神的融入,正是对“婆娑罗寄合”的一种反省与反动,而室町幕府茶会中的“唐物数寄”、以建盏天目茶碗为代表的“茶具足”和“书院座敷”这三个基本文化元素,是后来日本的茶道得以成立的非常重要的前提条件。“书院座敷”构成了茶道得以展开的基本空间,“茶具足”是茶道得以进行的基本器具,而“唐物数寄”则是使整个茶道活动充满了优雅文化气息的基本组成。  相似文献   
肖小华 《攀登》2008,27(6):30-32
干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。加强现阶段的干部培训工作,必须针对新的形势和任务,必须针对干部培训对象的变化,必须注重教育内容和方式的创新,以增强干部党性教育的时代感、针对性和有效性。  相似文献   
李蓬 《攀登》2008,27(4):40-44
政治现代化是整个社会现代化的重要组成部分。中国共产党始终坚持鲜明的政治现代化导向.为实现中国社会的政治现代化进行了不懈的理论追求与实践探索。与时俱进,实现党的政治现代化是顺应时代发展的必然要求,也是执政党加强自身执政能力建设的根本问题。作为中国政治现代化的领导者,中国共产党只有不断加强执政能力建设,才能顺应时代要求不断推进中国的政治现代化进程。  相似文献   
构建外商投资企业灵活多样的党建运行机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王世谊 《攀登》2008,27(1):65-69
外商投资企业的党建工作,是新的历史条件下执政党建设面临的一个重大课题。适应发展中国特色社会主义的内在要求,积极探索外商投资企业灵活多样的党建运行机制,在新时期新阶段具有重要的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   
晚明是中国古代舆论最活跃的时期,其中又以东林党的舆论力量最为显著。从万历初年到天启末年,东林党人的舆论活动经历了三个阶段。东林党围绕官员诠选、官员考察、对阁臣的批判、以学术促清议等方面开展了一系列舆论活动,其主张在邸报发抄、印刷刻传和书信交流等方式的扩散之下,迅速流通于士林。东林党以舆论为载体,形成了与朝廷对峙和对话的政治力量。东林党的舆论活动加剧了明政府的党争态势,加速了官僚系统的分裂,不利于政治局面的稳定。但东林党的舆论主导了当时的社会思潮,对社会风气尤其是士大夫的气节产生了一种鼓舞作用。  相似文献   
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