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黄潇婷  王志慧  张野 《人文地理》2023,38(1):158-168
在乡村振兴背景下,旅游生计成为乡村可持续发展的重要议题,但与之相关的研究较为匮乏。文章以栾川县重渡村为案例地,通过对亲代和子代进行半结构化访谈,探讨旅游生计代际传承的过程及其主要影响因素。研究发现:(1)旅游生计的代际传承经历了亲代生计开拓、子代培养和发展、共同经营、生计传承四个阶段,并与重渡村这一乡村旅游目的地起步、培育、快速发展、规范管理的生命周期相适应。(2)文化因素、主体因素和规制压力是影响生计传承的主要原因。(3)旅游生计的代际传承关乎乡村旅游的可持续发展和乡村振兴战略的有效实施,相关问题值得进一步探索和研究。  相似文献   
1991年8月,河南省安阳县伦掌乡盂村(岳城水库南区“柏阳城” 战国遗址南1500米处)出土一古钱窖藏,计160余公斤8万余枚。我们征集到其中的20余公斤,现经初步整理报告如下。 一、出土概况 据发现人称,古钱原放在一灰陶缸内,距地表0.5米,在出土过程中陶缸被打碎,残存陶片上饰有花纹,无盖。出土时钱币多成串放置在一起,大小相混,锈蚀严重,有穿系痕迹,呈长条形盘放其中。据初步整理,该窖藏数量大,种类丰富,有较多的珍稀币种,是安阳地区近一时期发现较重要的古钱窖藏之一,实为难得的实物资料。 二、钱币类别…  相似文献   
专业村是近年来得到学术界普遍关注的领域,其对农区经济发展有着重要的促进作用。本文基于对国内专业村文献的梳理,论述了专业村的概念以及专业村形成的影响因素,总结了专业村研究中出现的一些新动向:基于社会网络联系的专业村研究、农户自主发展能力的研究、专业村和金融地理研究等。在以下领域尚需加强:专业村研究适当关注地域广阔的中西部地区;除加强专业村经济效益评估外,应注重专业村对农区经济、政治、文化建设的整体推进;加强多尺度综合研究,如微观的农户,中尺度的农区,宏观尺度的国家和国际层面等。  相似文献   
本文通过对西递村、束河古镇两个典型旅游村落的调查发现,村落中不同游览区的游客数量差异较大,80%以上游客到达的主要游览区域面积占村落建成区的比例分别约为29%和35.6%,由此提出村落的主要游览区域面积可控制在45%以内。对此,本文从游客常规线路、游客观赏行为、游客疲劳限度、游客寻路和从众心理五个方面进行分析,指出村落的主要游览区域范围不会因为游客的增加而扩大,并得出了应减少无序无用开发、挖掘主要游览区价值、保持非主要游览区氛围三点启示。  相似文献   
This article seeks to establish that the 1892 general election marked a major change in the relative positions of the parties in the Unionist alliance. Not only did it reveal the limitations of the Liberal Unionist Party's strategy and appeal in an age of increasingly organised, mass politics, but it also acted as a brake on the ambitions of the new leader of the Liberal Unionists in the house of commons, Joseph Chamberlain. It argues that the Liberal Unionist Party suffered a more severe setback in 1892 than has been recognized hitherto and that Chamberlain's attempts to revive his party both before and after the general election were now prescribed by the reality of the political position in which the party now found itself. Rather than regarding the fluid political circumstances of the 1890s as the outcome of an emerging struggle between increasingly polarised ideologies, it seeks to reinforce the significance of local political circumstances and the efficacy of party management in the growing dominance of Lord Salisbury and Arthur Balfour and the Conservative central organisers.  相似文献   
Home range is commonly understood to be the distance from home that children are allowed to go in the outdoor environment with the term being used within various academic disciplines. Different factors influence children's home range including traffic, age, parental fears and understandings of what it means to be a good parent. Research addressing home range over different generations has identified a context of changes in the built environment, demography and technology. This paper reports results from three generations of two families in Sheffield in the north of England and confirms a reduction in four major domains: home range, variety of outdoor spaces visited, range of activities undertaken and the number of companions.  相似文献   
章毅 《安徽史学》2015,(3):129-134
文章利用《汪氏渊源录》和《回岭汪氏宗谱》以及相关元代文集为主要参考资料,研究了元代徽州路的军功家族群体,尤其是其中的典型个案———婺源回岭汪氏。作者认为婺源回岭汪元龙、汪元圭兄弟在宋元易代之际,因为归附蒙元及“保障乡里”之功走上致身荣显的仕宦之路,他们不仅自身建立了可观的权势,而且有效地将之世代传承,以与元朝统治相始终,最终使婺源回岭汪氏家族成为“朱紫满庭”的“新安巨室”。在元代的徽州,类似的军功家族分布广泛,人数众多,深具影响。他们的出现,与元代统治者重视“根脚”的政治铨选原则紧密相关,与那些在蒙元征服战争中出现的“汉军世家”具有相似的来源和特点。  相似文献   
The article explores the interactions of materials, skills and gender identity through examining DIY practices in New Zealand. It traces the relationship between materials used for home repairs, the competences needed to use them and the (re)production of specific gendered identities. It argues that housing and building materials were an important part of the European settler history of the country and this history forms the context within which New Zealanders work on their houses today. Drawing on interviews with 30 Pākehā homeowners, it explores how both men and women respond to the materials of their homes, how skills are acquired in relation to the demands of the materials used and how these skills become part of the (re)production of specific white, heterosexual gender identities. The figure of the ‘Kiwi bloke’ is discussed as an important imaginary in the negotiation of gender identities for both men and women. Interviewees saw their DIY activities in the light of the creation and re-creation of this specific national and gendered identity. The article reveals the intertwining of history and materiality in the continual negotiation and contestation of gendered identities.  相似文献   
赵新平 《史学月刊》2007,3(8):109-113
民初晋北乡村作为历史大变革时期重要的社会单元,其生活方式不仅仅局限于衣、食、住、行等日常生活领域,还包括劳动生活方式和婚姻生活方式等。且由于晋北是农耕文明与游牧文明的交汇区,故在生活方式上呈现出一些突出的特点。  相似文献   
东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞与侨乡建设 --梅州市个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述和评价了东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞在梅州投资办企业、捐资办学的实绩及其对梅州社会经济发展的作用、意义,从一个侧面展示了梅州侨乡社会经济发展的轨迹.  相似文献   
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