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In the early 1970s, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) was the cornerstone of French foreign policy regarding East-West relations. It was considered by Paris as the best way to maintain dialogue with Moscow as well as an instrument to reach the Gaullist goal of overcoming the European status quo. This double objective explains why the French adopted an ambiguous attitude during the CSCE: even though their goal was to challenge the Brezhnev doctrine and initiate a process to meet the aspirations of peoples under Soviet domination, they knew that this would be a lengthy process. For them, it was necessary to avoid provoking the Soviets by putting forward expressively liberal proposals. The French leaders of the 1970s saw the CSCE as the multilateral prolongation of the Gaullist policy of ‘détente, entente, cooperation’.  相似文献   
对“上博竹书”的研究,无疑已成为当前学术界的一个热门课题。我们便随处可见专家学者们对这部竹书的品头论足与考订释读。然而,从总体上看,人们对它的基本认识和看法却并不一致。仅就这部“竹书”的主体内容而言,有人称它是“《孔子诗论》”;还有人称之为“古《诗序》”,进而认为,所谓“《孔子诗论》”的说法并不妥当。于是,争论日起,尚未止息。本文认为,这种有关称谓的争辩是无畏的,因为比此更必要也更重要的是从根本上搞清楚孔子这部“竹书”所要表达的思想和道理。本文以所谓“诗言志”与“诗无隐志”为切入点和突破口,经过研究认为,这个思想和道理就在于以孔子为代表的先秦儒家的“中庸之道”。  相似文献   
After 60 years maintaining Self-Defense Forces rather than a normal military, Japan is moving towards exercising collective self-defence, long restricted by interpretations of its 1945 Peace Constitution. The merits of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo's ‘proactive pacifism’ are intensely debated by those welcoming greater international contributions from Japan and others suspicious of Japanese ‘remilitarisation’. A nation’s defence posture can theoretically be hijacked by aggressive nationalists, shift to pacifist isolationism, or rely on non-military internationalism or multilateral security cooperation. This article assesses competing explanations about the post-war trajectory of Japan’s defence posture by charting variation in military doctrine and capabilities. The analysis finds that Tokyo has made incremental policy adjustments under domestic and international constraints, and is not aggressively remilitarising.  相似文献   
现代新儒家之一的熊十力创造了以"体用不二"本心论为核心的哲学体系。他通过科玄之辨,明示哲学为究体之学,且破立结合,通过批驳西学、道家和大乘空有二宗,最终构建起"体用不二"本心论这一哲学本体论。这样熊氏就会通中外,熔融古今,揭橥其本体哲学的逻辑架构,昭示了其哲学缜密的思维逻辑论证过程。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(5):464-478

Recent experiences of terror, violence, and catastrophe, such as the terror attacks in Norway in 2011 or the Peshawar School Massacre leaving 132 children and nine staff dead on December 16, 2014, strengthen the sense of the fundamental vulnerability in human existence. In this article, it is argued that political theology, in responding to such experiences, should aim at perceiving and protecting vulnerability as a value. For this purpose, basic propositions for a theological anthropology of vulnerability are put forward. Likewise, propositions for interpreting God as vulnerable are presented, criticizing the traditional theistic concept of God as immutable and hence unable to suffer. The relevance of these propositions for political theology is finally addressed.  相似文献   
Two dominant themes in architectural conservation doctrine are to (1) avoid the fabrication of ‘false’ histories through the clear differentiation of ‘new’ from ‘old’ building fabric; and (2) the deprecation of subjective ways in which the perception of building fabric engenders sense of place. This study explores the cultural values of a group of citizens engaged in revitalising their historic downtown through the ‘Main Street’ program in Anderson, South Carolina, United States. This ‘revitalisation culture’ values and promotes treatments to its historic environment that emphasise the conjectural fabrication of ‘historic’ elements to existing buildings and the use of historicised design for new, infill construction. Whilst these values go against the grain of conservation doctrine, the revitalisation culture is preserving a kind of authenticity that stems from socially and culturally constructed values in an effort to maintain the ability of the historic environment to engender ‘spontaneous fantasies’, which serve to emotionally attach the revitalisation culture with its historic downtown. Ultimately, the revitalisation culture is engaging in ‘unethical’ behaviour from the perspective of conservation professionals, which begs the question of whose values deserve attention and if the field of heritage conservation is able and willing to accept pluralistic concepts of how the authenticity of historic places can and should be conserved.  相似文献   
This article presents an analysis of the political thought of Lord Hugh Cecil. It argues that in order to understand Cecil's thought it is necessary to emphasize the role of the constitution in his thinking. There are three reasons for this. First, his opposition to Chamberlain's tariff reform campaign was rooted in a view of the detrimental effects the policy would have on politics, evidence for which Cecil saw in the tactics used by the tariff reformers. Second, because his opposition to the Parliament Bill and to the home rule proposals, which lay behind the removal of the house of lords' veto, was similarly rooted in what he saw as the unconstitutional nature of these measures. Third, because Cecil was an active proponent of constitutional reforms that were designed to ensure that the second chamber could still exercise a restraining influence on government and so stand up for the interests of what he saw as the moderate majority of the people.  相似文献   
Narendra Modi's election as India's prime minister in May 2014 has generated speculation that a new ‘Modi doctrine’ is emerging in Indian foreign policy. This article assesses the evidence for that claim. It argues that a ‘doctrine’ should embody a set of clearly stated principles for foreign policy making. It analyses the main achievements of Modi's policy in the months after his election. It finds that while Modi has brought new energy to the conduct of foreign policy, his approach is essentially pragmatic, and his objectives are similar to those pursued by his two immediate predecessors—Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh.  相似文献   
吐蕃占领时期的敦煌宗教文明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在李唐王朝处于平定安史之乱时期 ,吐蕃乘机占领了河西北广大地区达七十多年。在此期间 ,敦煌呈现出佛教、景教、摩尼教、苯教、祆教多种宗教共存的局面。本文援引大量文献资料 ,对上述宗教的基本状况及相互关系作了论述  相似文献   
清康熙朝的建储之议,一直以来备受清史研究者关注,惟康熙晚年大学士王掞密奏建储一事的始末,尚未尽白于世。弄清此事原委,对了解康熙册储思想的变化及王挾家族的际遇,不无裨益。本文通过文献及史事考证,以厘订《文献丛编·康熙建储案》所收王掞议储密折的奏上时间为主线,进而剖析王掞议储的心理及康熙处理此事的隐衷。  相似文献   
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