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杨印民 《史学月刊》2007,(10):105-110
籍没法是元代刑法中的一种附加刑,是指没收犯者的全部或部分资产甚至包括犯者的妻孥和奴婢以充公。籍没妻孥的处境相当悲惨,他们一部分成为官奴隶,到官营匠局劳作;一部分被转赐为私人奴隶,其中一些妇女则被官府指配为他人妻妾。籍没妻孥本是蒙古人的传统习俗,元代一直沿袭不辍。元文宗朝,由于燕铁木儿对上都派政敌采取大规模的籍没行动,社会上要求废止籍没妻孥的呼声十分高涨,统治者不得不做出政策修改,并于元顺帝朝基本废止此法。籍没妻孥法的行废,实质反映的是蒙汉两种不同文明在政治、文化、思想意识、道德观念等领域的一场冲突和较量,其结果是汉法对蒙古旧法斗争的一次局部性胜利。这一结果对明初法律的制定也产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Newspaper editors in Cincinnati saw the abolition question on a spectrum before President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862. Most favored some form of confiscation of Confederate slaves for use in the Union war effort; some favored emancipation of slaves as a means to weaken the Confederacy; but almost all vociferously opposed any idea that unrestrained black freedom might be an outcome of the Civil War. While it appears to historians that there was an “inexorable logic” in the development of Union war aims, it is clear from the point of view of Cincinnati that the inexorability of that logic was heavily contested.  相似文献   
解放前,湖北官僚资本企业遍及电力、化工、纺织、机械、炼油、印刷、军工、公用等工业各行业,主宰湖北经济命脉。从湖北解放至1952年,湖北军管会采取种种举措,彻底没收了在鄂的全部官僚资本,并建立了社会主义国家银行、国营工商业等国营经济,奠定了湖北的社会主义经济基础。  相似文献   
When in 1945 the Czechoslovak authorities confiscated the estate of the Princes von und zu Liechtenstein, the two countries became involved in a dispute which had not been resolved until recently, at least on a diplomatic level. For several decades, the 1948 Communist coup d'état in Czechoslovakia dashed the hopes of the Liechtenstein family for a restitution of their confiscated assets. However, officials responsible internally admitted that the property confiscation had been questionable in the case of the Liechtenstein family. The court had not confirmed the confiscation until after the Communist coup. However, the Liechtenstein family did not renounce their claims, and after the collapse of the Communist regime in 1989 they brought them up again.  相似文献   
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