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The article considers the story of the Norwegian sports strike during the Second World War. What kind of resistance does the story reveal? What was the effect of a boycott of leisure activities like sports? The Norwegian sports organizations, unlike other international sports organizations, came to see themselves as part of the resistance movement against the Nazi regime during the German occupation from 1940 to 1945, using non-violent, civil disobedience as their weapon. Unprecedented historically and internationally, this meant that Norwegian sportsmen and women, for four and a half years, stopped participating in any way in sport. The boycott comprised sportsmen and spectators, regardless of whether the contestants were friends or foes, Allies or Nazis, Norwegians or German. Based upon previous and recent research the article contends that the sports strike can be considered an effective act of civil disobedience. It demonstrated in a visible way that civil resistance was possible, while the German and Nazi authorities sought to promote sports as a means of creating an impression of normality. Finally, the story of the sports strike can be read as a tale of the limitations of totalitarian regimes.  相似文献   
试析美国黑幕揭发运动衰落的原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪初一批新闻记、学家在美国发动了一场专事揭露社会黑暗的黑幕揭发运动。这场运动持续十多年,且与当时的进步改革有直接的因果关系。运动最终衰落,其原因有人为的也有客观的、有内在的也有外在的。综合来讲,主要有以下几点:被揭露的阴谋压制、广告制约、法律威胁以及一战的爆发和读的冷漠等。  相似文献   
In this article, we address the international dimension of Stellenbosch University (SU) during the apartheid era, most notably during the academic boycott of South African universities between the early 1960s and the early 1990s. Based on information gathered from the documentary sources of the university and interviews with key role players at the university, the findings of the research will put some of the well-established hypotheses on South Africa’s academic isolation and an increasing localism in higher education during that period into perspective. The article will show that prior to 1990 there were different kinds of international activities going on at SU, despite the academic boycotts.  相似文献   
Abstract: Ethical labeling campaigns have become a central means for diffusing and negotiating conflicts between social movements and market actors. Fair Trade was a pioneering ethical label and, by many accounts, a success. For nearly a decade, United Students for Fair Trade (USFT) activists worked to build the reputation of the Fair Trade Certified (FTC) label, but in Fall 2011 they withdrew their support and urged ethical consumers to do the same. This paper is an urgent reflection on USFT's trajectory from guerrilla marketing to boycotting FTC products. While their actions may appear shortsighted and contradictory, their decision to withdraw support from the FTC label has roots in a long struggle for control of Fair Trade. We argue that their actions signal a new stage in consumer action, as activists lose faith in the legitimacy of ethical labels and instead target the agencies that own the ethical brandscape.  相似文献   
1905年抵制美货运动的新视角--近代商人人格特点简析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1905年抵制美货运动时期,近代商人在深重的民族危机面前表现出独立性、公利性、理性和进取性,但又因受自身和时代的局限,表现出妥协性、依附性和逆向退化性的特征。在这场几乎全民参与的运动中,商人资产阶级的群体性格得到了充分的展示与张扬。  相似文献   
Does electoral integrity affect turnout? And if so, how? We analysed some variables that are closely related to electoral integrity – government actions, opposition actions, and the context in which the election is held – and find significant impact on turnout. We argue that higher turnout is often found in elections with higher electoral integrity. We tested our claims using data for over 700 elections covering 85 democracies for the 1950–2008 period. Results reveal that both boycott and election-related violence decrease turnout, but the effect of the former is substantially higher. We also find that, contrary to initial expectations, governments’ harassment of the opposition and the occasional banning of parties actually increases turnout.  相似文献   
中国近代民族主义的兴起与抵制美货运动   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
抵制美货运动展示了与传统排外主义迥然不同的对外方式和理念 ,包括人民主权思想和全民国家观念的兴起、新式社团和报刊等现代传媒的运用、民众政治参与意识的成长和现代舆论的崛起 ,以及文明理性的对外精神 ,因而是中国近代史上最早以近代民族主义为动员方式反抗西方列强的运动之一  相似文献   
晚清时期,在中西商贸领域,频频出现由华商商业行会倡导的对洋商的"停交"抵制活动.该种抵制活动,通常源于洋商破坏商事惯例及交易则例、赖欠货款、欺行霸市等损坏华商利益的行为,有时也因华洋商人分割市场、侵夺商利的市场竞争而起.它其实是一种扩大化的华洋商事纠纷形态,在特定历史背景下也成为华洋商事纠纷的一种独特解决路径.而其在中西商务交往过程中的实践和运作,从经济层面来看,是当时中国被强行融入资本主义世界经济体系过程中华洋市场仇恨的一种表征;从法律层面来看,则是中国商人藉本土商事习惯法与洋商进行斗争的一种自救行为.  相似文献   
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