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This article presents the restitution of an operation of excavation carried out in 1937 by Moreau Chambers on the site of a Chickasaw village. The objective of my research is to carry out a new analysis of the documents of the old excavations, to answer the interrogations concerning the way of life of Chickasaw at the beginning of the historical period and to reconstitute a site plan for this Chickasaw village. This operation included/understood also the handing-over of repatriated bodies. I also discuss the way in which my implication in this project interacted with my identity as a Chickasaw woman. The restitution of the operation of excavation, repatriation, and associated research contributed to show to the Chickasaw people the ways in which the law can help them. I finish this article by discussing the implications on the long term of the operation of Chambers for the modern archaeologists, the Chickasaw people, and Chickasaw who are themselves archaeologists.  相似文献   
2003年10-12月,郑州市文物考古研究所配合基本建设,在郑州市南阳路家世界购物广场工程区发掘一批战国墓葬,出土大量随葬器物,以陶器为主,其年代为战国中、晚期。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了在襄樊市长虹南路墓地发掘的13座墓葬,其中东汉墓2座、隋墓2座、唐墓9座。均为砖室墓,随葬器物有陶、硬陶、瓷、铜、铁、铅锡、金、银器等。它们的发掘丰富了本地区汉唐时期墓葬资料,尤其是M16画像石门的结构填补了东汉墓葬发掘的空白。  相似文献   
重庆合川市南屏东汉墓葬群发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
合川市位于重庆以北长江水系的嘉陵江、渠江、涪江汇合处。南屏汉墓分布在涪江南岸南津街南屏乡的南屏、中南、牌坊村一带,与合川城隔岸相望。80年代末考古调查发现该地区分布着二十几处高出地面2米.3米左右的大小土丘,并且有为数不少...  相似文献   
Many versions of the history of Americanist archaeology suggest there was a stratigraphic revolution during the second decade of the twentieth century—the implication being that prior to about 1915 most archaeologists did not excavate stratigraphically. However, articles and reports published during the late nineteenth century and first decade of the twentieth century indicate clearly that many Americanists in fact did excavate stratigraphically. What they did not do was attempt to measure the passage of time and hence culture change. The real revolution in Americanist archaeology comprised an analytical shift from studying synchronic variation to tracking changes in frequencies of artifact types or styles—a shift pioneered by A. V. Kidder, A. L. Kroeber, Nels C. Nelson, and Leslie Spier. The temporal implications of the analytical techniques they developed—frequency seriation and percentage stratigraphy—were initially confirmed by stratigraphic excavation. Within a few decades, however, most archaeologists had begun using stratigraphic excavation as a creational strategy—that is, as a strategy aimed at recovering superposed sets of artifacts that were viewed as representing occupations and distinct cultures. The myth that there was a stratigraphic revolution was initiated in the writings of the innovators of frequency seriation and percentage stratigraphy.  相似文献   
Examining recently excavated burnt burials, we explore the potential of spatial analysis to contribute to the understanding of changes that human body goes through during burning and relocation to the place of secondary deposition. Artificial heat decomposition of a body is a complex process that consists of several stages of intentional manipulation with the body. Each stage can be biased by several accidental factors which then significantly change the final archaeological record. We focussed on the post‐burning stage, especially the pathways of bone fragments to secondary deposition. We investigated spatial distribution and weight of bones in urns and pits and asked whether it is possible to observe their intentional arrangement. The trend of bone arrangement could be distinguished in most cases. Bones of peripheral parts of body were typically situated at the bottom; skull bones were usually concentrated in the upper part. However, the weight underrepresentation of all investigated burials was apparent. Deposition of selected burnt bones suggests their careful collection from the pyre and complex post‐mortem manipulation. Our detailed analysis aims to reconstruct particular steps executed during funeral rites of past populations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Osteological lesions can be important to positively identify human remains in forensic contexts, as well as contribute to past population studies. However, their analysis requires training and appropriate research conditions, which may be lacking in certain geographic areas as, for example, the northern region of Brazil. Emphasising existing resources, such as anatomical collections, may help to address this issue. This study explores the anatomical collection of Professor Dr. Manuel da Silva Braga of the Federal University of Pará (Brazil), introducing the traumatic lesions identified in seven crania (13.7%; 7/51) of male (four) and female (three) individuals. The sample profile and the cases identified are in accordance with the pattern of violent victims in the region. This study is the first of its kind in the Pará State, contributing with case studies and examples, to the disciplines of biological anthropology, paleopathology, and bioarchaeology and forensic discipline. It also highlights the significance that anatomical collections may have in the development of those disciplines, suggesting a need for reappraisal and reevaluation of existing resources, as these may be of use for training and research. Lastly, this study builds a bridge towards the social and cultural context of the collection, reinforcing the value of an interdisciplinary approach to human remains. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
1999年以来 ,新乡市文物工作队在市区内几个地点共发掘 7座唐代墓葬。墓皆为砖室 ,可分为长方形多室墓、长方形单室墓和方形单室墓三种。这批资料为研究新乡地区唐代的社会经济有较重要的价值  相似文献   
2002年度香港西贡沙下遗址C02区和DⅡ02区考古发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20 0 2年 ,香港古物古迹办事处和河南省文物考古研究所联合在香港发掘西贡沙下遗址 ,发掘面积达 70 0平方米。发现有新石器时代晚期、青铜时代和宋元代的遗存。遗迹中属新石器时代晚期有房址、灰坑等 ,青铜时代有房址、灰坑、石器制造场、灰沟等 ,宋元代有灰坑。遗物中有不同时代的石器、陶器、硬陶器、瓷器、釉陶器等。  相似文献   
2003年2~4月,河南省文物考古研究所受重庆市文化局委托,对万州铺垭遗址进行钻探、发掘.该遗址始于东周,历东汉、唐宋,一直延续到明清,其主要文化遗存为东周文化,发现有房址、陶器等.东汉和唐代的遗存次之,发现有灰坑、墓葬,以及陶、瓷器.  相似文献   
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