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This article explores the ‘more-than-work’ aspects of the lives of vulnerable women who street-sex work. Particularly, we are interested in the differences between the women’s experiences, within the broader context of power structures as manifested in neoliberal cities. Few studies have explored this aspect of street-sex workers’ lives and theorisations of the co-creation of environments tend to elide the experiences of the most vulnerable people. Specifically, we explore the relationships that these women have with two environments: the quotidian (where they undertake routine everyday activities), and the gentrified (relating to changes in the spaces in which they live and work). We find that their experiences are extremely local, and heavily contingent on the services made available to them (or not) by the statutory and third sectors, and the emotional contacts they make, particularly in third sector support services. This challenges some of the literature which suggests a separation of ‘home’ and ‘work’, and which finds close associations between women who street-sex work. While places designed by the third sector are more responsive to these women, they are also more vulnerable to closure through lack of funding. This contributes to a significant degree of ontological non-linearity and ontological insecurity in these women’s lives.  相似文献   
The child-friendly city advocates for children's ‘right to the city’. Much of this advocacy focuses on the independent child, with little attention paid to the accompanied experiences of younger children, such as those travelling in prams. This paper draws on a material feminist perspective to help address this gap. We offer the concept of mother–child–pram assemblage to bring to the fore the corporeal dimensions of everyday pram journeys. By analysing sensory ethnographic materials collected with mothers and young children living in Wollongong, Australia, this paper highlights how the ‘affective affordances’ and ‘affective atmospheres’ of pram mobilities shape urban experience by reference to how motherhood and childhood are achieved on-the-move. We conclude with policy-relevant insights for the child-friendly city.  相似文献   
明代中后期,闵行镇凭借其便利的交通条件与繁荣的棉花种植业,成为上海县重要的商业市镇。近代以来,随着上海城市的发展,闵行镇与上海城区间经济联系不断密切,政治地位也日趋重要。新中国成立初期,优先发展重工业的国家政策与华东沿海地区的战略地位,使得民国时期奠定重工业基础的闵行镇备受各方重视。在国家政策、经济体制、地方利益等因素的综合作用下,闵行镇最终由江苏省上海县划归上海市。  相似文献   
城市居民环城游憩距离选择的实证研究——以长沙市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过抽样调查所获取基础数据,对城市居民环城游憩距离选择进行了实证研究,发现城市居民环城游憩活动并不完全符合距离衰减规律,而是存在出游理想距离。理想距离范围内是城市居民到访率最高的区域,形成环城游憩密集带。通过理想距离与游客性别、年龄、收入、文化程度、职业等交叉列联表分析,得出城市居民出游理想距离选择的差异性。在此基础上,本文探讨了城市居民环城游憩活动理想距离的形成机理,认为这是在各种因素共同影响下,在三大作用力系统——推动力系统、阻碍力系统、交互力系统相互作用下的一种均衡结果。  相似文献   
桑才让 《攀登》2007,26(2):12-14
统筹城乡协调发展是我国经济社会发展进入新阶段的必然要求。统筹城乡协调发展,就要加大对农业和农村的投入,增强城市对农村的带动作用,消除农村发展的体制性制约因素。  相似文献   
The city dashboard has become an integral component of smart city asset management systems. It leverages data collected from multiple sources to monitor performance and enable evidence-based decision making. This article investigates the use of a design thinking framework to develop a functional and easy to understand city dashboard. The Smart Social Spaces project is used as a case study to illustrate how design thinking can be employed to develop an asset management dashboard, enabling efficient management of public space and infrastructure. The article profiles the unique collaboration between a local government, a multi-disciplinary team of university academics, and a street furniture designer and manufacturer, all located in Sydney, Australia. We unpack some of the design practice nuances that led this project to receive national awards and international recognition, and most importantly, created a user-friendly system to track and maintain public micro assets. We conclude with lessons learnt and recommendations for dashboard development through a design thinking process.  相似文献   
河南巩义市黄冶窑址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年,河南省文物考古研究所、中国文物研究所等单位联合对巩义市黄冶窑址进行了四次发掘,发掘面积2429平方米,发现窑炉10座、作坊5处和淘洗池、澄泥池等遗迹。出土瓷器、三彩、白釉绿彩器皿和各类窑具等遗物3000多件,为了解黄冶窑的文化面貌提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   
中国企业家成长路径的地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建构中国786位企业家四个成长阶段空间信息数据库,本文运用地理空间分析方法和复杂网络模型,在对企业家成长时空规律分析的基础上,对中国207个城市在企业家成长中发挥的作用进行了研究,并着重对在企业家成长中发挥重要作用的30个城市的角色进行了精准识别,得出以下结论:①中国企业家成长在空间上呈现出分散-集中-分散的演化过程,长三角地区是中国企业家成长最为依赖的空间载体;②企业家成长视角下的中国城市创新网络等级层次明显,北京市以绝对优势成为中国城市创新网络的核心;③在30个扮演重要角色的城市中,只有北京与宁波两市同时身兼两个角色,其中北京为成功兼创业型,宁波为成功兼奠基型。  相似文献   
2000年9月,山东省博物馆考古队为配合三峡库区建设,对重庆万州区上沱口墓群进行了抢救性发掘。清理 了3座南朝墓,墓葬形制呈刀形,墓室、券顶均遭破坏,但随葬品保存较好,出土陶器、瓷器、铁器、钱币及装饰品46件。 上沱口南朝墓出土的较丰富的青瓷器,为重庆市南朝墓的研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
港口经济及其地域空间作用:对鹿特丹港的案例研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
赵鹏军  吕斌 《人文地理》2005,20(5):108-111
港口经济在国民经济中起着越来越重要的作用,面临全球化竞争的挑战,借鉴国外港口经济的经验对我国三角洲地区和海港城市的发展具有重要意义。本文将分析荷兰鹿特丹港的港口经济发展,研究港口产业对于港口地区的社会经济带动作用,港口产业的时间演替规律和在港口产业带动下的港口地区地域空间扩展规律。  相似文献   
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