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Tragic theater is a phenomenon both extremely rare and sadly ephemeral. Perusal of Nietzsche will lead to the proposal that tragic theater developed in periods marked by scientific revolutions, related here to sweeping and far-ranging changes in the social fabric and the myths — or world theories (condensed images of the world) — underlying it. Tragic theater expresses an insoluble conflict between a mythology (or world theory) in decline and a new form of culture, epitomized by a new world theory. True tragic theater therefore exhibits the same conditions that give rise to scientific revolutions. This “Tragedy — the Swan Song of Myth” thesis, outlined in Nietzsche's early studies of Greek tragedy, will be generalized and extended to the case of 17th century English tragedy and science, and the origins of the modern myth of Progress and Enlightenment.  相似文献   
《诗经》的婚恋悲剧,多是追求自由与专一的悲剧,这其中固然有礼制的原因,但并非是最根本的。西周以来的嫡长子继承制,使女性失去了拥有基本权利的经济基础,从而导致男权凌驾于女权之上,进而演化成整个社会的男权集体无意识。女子的婚恋悲剧就是由于女权被男权剥夺而导致的。  相似文献   
This article explores the complex ways in which Racine handles time in Andromaque, particularly as it is experienced by the tragic protagonist Andromaque herself.  相似文献   
蒲松龄对屈原悲剧的主动认同并通过撷取屈赋文句和凸现"狐死首丘"悲剧原型表达对屈原悲剧性的理解。相同的生存境遇沟通了原本孤立的个体悲剧,但在文本书写和情意表达上又有不同,包括娱忧与饮酒文字、悲情宣泄与转折结构、抑郁感伤与幻境描写以及取象、造境、文体样式等方面的差异,显示出不同的悲剧形态:屈原是崇高的壮美,蒲松龄是悲深的感伤。差异的原因包括时代意绪、地位悬殊、最后的结局、后人的接受态度以及生命力感的刚韧之别。  相似文献   
浅析《九歌》的悲剧意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《九歌》是《楚辞》中一组比较特殊的诗歌,它是中国文人文化和民间宗教祭祀文化的伟大结合。屈原以一颗浸透辛酸的丰富心灵感受着生命、爱情和时间等这些具有人类普遍性的命题,从而使《九歌》具有独特的悲剧意蕴。本文试从悲壮美、悲伤美和悲叹美等三方面论述之。得出结论,认为《九歌》的悲剧意蕴是其艺术魅力的重要原因,同时也对后代文人创作产生深远影响,可以说它是中国悲剧文学的源头。  相似文献   
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