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In order to carry out strontium (Sr) isotope analysis, glass artefacts from South Asia were sampled with portable laser ablation (pLA), a relatively novel sampling technique that leaves damage invisible to the naked eye. Subsequently, thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) was used to obtain Sr isotope ratios after sample dissolution and separation. In this study, the goal was twofold: to determine whether the measurements of Sr isotope ratios were impacted by using a portable laser as a sample tool; and to assess the pertinence of using Sr isotope ratios to provenance Indian glass. Despite a deterioration in the precision of the measurement of the Sr isotope ratios for artefacts sampled with pLA compared with the traditional sampling method, the Sr isotope ratios of certain Indian glass are so different that this does not affect their separation but a comparison of data sets obtained using standard methods and pLA might be challenging.  相似文献   
现代旅游信息管理系统(TIMS)的构建   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
旅游信息管理系统的开发与应用是推动当前旅游业发展的一重要因素。本文根据目前我国众多已投入使用的旅游信息管理系统的现状,就该类系统的功能改进、数据库重新设计及系统建设和运行机制等问题,提出了自己的一些新看法。在具备传统的基本功能基础上,现代旅游信息管理系统要加强为企业经营决策、区域旅游开发决策服务的功能;旅游信息数据库的设计也要以这一功能的实现为目标做出相应调整;在系统的建设过程中要坚持政府统筹管理、景区自主开发的原则。  相似文献   
Lead isotope ratios in archaeological silver and copper were determined by MC–ICPMS using laser ablation and bulk dissolution without lead purification. Laser ablation results on high‐lead metals and bulk solution analyses on all samples agree within error of TIMS data, suggesting that problems from isobaric interferences and/or mass bias variations due to the presence of matrix elements are insignificant. Inaccurate laser ablation analyses on low‐lead copper reflect erroneous mass bias corrections from use of a non‐matrix matched standard. However, in most cases, silver and copper are analysable for lead isotopes by bulk dissolution or laser ablation MC–ICPMS with simplified sample preparation.  相似文献   
The ability to make rapid measurements on small samples using laser fluorination enhances the potential of oxygen isotopes in the investigation of early inorganic materials and technologies. δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values are presented for glass from two primary production sites, four secondary production sites and a consumer site in the Near East, dating from Late Antiquity to the medieval period. δ18O is in general slightly less effective than 87Sr/86Sr in discriminating between sources, as the spread of measured values from a single source is somewhat broader relative to the available range. However, while 87Sr/86Sr is derived predominantly from either the lime‐bearing fraction of the glass‐making sand or the plant ash used as a source of alkali, δ18O derives mainly from the silica. Thus the two measurements can provide complementary information. A comparison of δ18O for late Roman – Islamic glasses made on the coast of Syria–Palestine with those of previously analysed glasses from Roman Europe suggests that the European glasses are relatively enriched in 18O. This appears to contradict the view that most Roman glass was made using Levantine sand and possible interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   
Carbonized grains survive for millennia in many archaeological contexts. Their stable structure raises the possibility that they preserve biogenic strontium isotope signatures. This hypothesis was investigated using short‐term, laboratory experiments with modern grain immersed in Chalk solution. HCl leaching removed > 95% of secondary alteration from charred grain, and isotope ratios close to the starting value were recovered. This could not be achieved with uncharred grains. HCl leaching of archaeological carbonized grains produced comparable levels of decontamination. Although preliminary, these results suggest that strontium isotope analysis of archaeological carbonized grains from calcareous burial contexts could be used to investigate ancient trade and agriculture.  相似文献   
Tang sancai is one of the most important types of Chinese ceramics. To determine the provenance of Tang sancai is important to study ancient trade and other issues. In this paper we compare ICP-MS trace elements and TIMS Sr–Nd isotopes of visibly similar Tang sancai from two major production centres Gongxian and Yaozhou. The variation in contents/ratios of many of >40 trace elements is small for samples from Gongxian, yet is considerably bigger for that from Yaozhou. However, the variation in 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios is very small for samples from both places. Gongxian and Yaozhou samples have distinctive Sr–Nd isotopic and trace element features despite their similarity in major elements, and these analysis data can be interpreted with geochemistry, indicating that Sr and Nd isotopes have great potential in ceramic provenance studies. The distinct characterisation of these samples provides valuable criteria for identifying provenance of Tang sancai of uncertain origin. Two modern fakes are also analysed, and they can as well be distinguished from antique Tang sancai using above criteria.  相似文献   
Lead and strontium isotope analyses were performed by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) on Roman to Byzantine iron artefacts and iron ores from the territory of ancient Sagalassos (south‐west Turkey), to evaluate Pb and Sr isotopes for provenance determination of ores for local iron production. It can be demonstrated that for early Roman artefacts and hematite iron ore processed in early Roman times from Sagalassos proper, as well as for magnetite placer sands and early Byzantine raw iron from the territory of the city, Sr isotopes are much less ambiguous than Pb isotopes in providing clearly coherent signatures for ore and related iron objects. Late Roman iron objects were produced from iron ores that as yet remain unidentified. Early Byzantine iron artefacts display more scatter in both their Pb and Sr isotope signatures, indicating that many different ore sources may have been used. Our study demonstrates that iron objects can be precisely analysed for their Sr isotopic composition, which, compared to Pb isotopes, appears to be a much more powerful tool for distinguishing between chronological groups and determining the provenance of raw materials.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution micro-sampling of tooth enamel offers the possibility of high temporal resolution isotope data to reconstruct climate, environment, diet and mobility. Questions remain about the duration and pattern of the maturation phase of enamel and the existence and direction of chronological 'time-lines'. LA-MC-ICP-MS measurements of c. 400 μm craters and TIMS analyses of transverse enamel sections of an archaeological bovine third molar were undertaken to investigate the long-term averaging of incorporated strontium. The same gradually increasing isotope profile was obtained from both approaches, indicating that the large increase in spatial resolution did not change the response profile obtained. The results suggest that even at the microscopic scale, strontium is incorporated over a period in excess of 12 months. Averaging of the input signal may result from both long-term retention of strontium in the skeleton and recirculation in the body pool, or long-term maturation of enamel on a microscopic scale. Whichever mechanism is responsible, it may not be possible to recover strontium isotope ratios with a high time resolution from cattle molar enamel unless there is a large imbalance in the amount of strontium supplied by different sources. Consequently, strontium isotope profiles may not be synchronous with those of lighter isotope systems.  相似文献   
Results from soil chemical analysis have demonstrated enhanced concentrations of lead (Pb) associated with archaeological sites. However, interpretation of these Pb concentrations is difficult because of the multitude of possible Pb sources. This pilot study of an abandoned croft in Shetland suggests that Pb isotope ratios have the potential to identify sources of anthropogenic Pb. The results highlight two different Pb associations. The first includes hearth, house floor and house overburden soils, with end members of fuel materials and an unidentified material with a low (< 1.126) 206 Pb/ 207 Pb ratio. The second includes byre, kailyard (garden) and arable soils, with end members of hearth materials and local wind‐blown sand.  相似文献   
White pottery is among the most significant finds from China's earliest state, Erlitou (c. 1900–1500 bc ). Samples were primarily discovered in small numbers from elite tombs of a few sites, leading to the hypothesis that they were made at only a few locations and then circulated regionally as prestige items. To facilitate determining provenances, we compare the ICP–MS trace elements and TIMS Sr isotopes of whiteware with two soil samples from Nanwa, a possible manufacturing site, and with shards found at three other sites: Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai. The Nanwa shards demonstrate special elemental and Sr isotopic features. Considering the chemical observation and archaeological background together, we propose that Nanwa was a centre for whiteware production, although the two soil samples we collected there were probably not the exact materials used. Some whiteware pieces from Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai fall in the chemical field defined by Nanwa samples, indicating that they were possibly made at Nanwa. Many other samples from these three sites plot outside the Nanwa field, implying they were probably not Nanwa products. This study demonstrates that while chemical sourcing is very useful, firm archaeological context must remain the cornerstone of such research.  相似文献   
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