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本文对明代浙派健将蒋嵩之子蒋乾作了若干史料的补充与考证。包括蒋乾之生卒年补证、画史二蒋乾考、画派归属、生平编年等。并对广东省博物馆藏《临流图轴》之作者蒋乾是否为蒋嵩之子蒋乾作了考辨。  相似文献   
为了解古代彩绘文物中胶结物的研究现状和发展趋势,本研究利用Web of Science核心数据库,对古代彩绘中常见的胶结物(蛋白质类胶结物、植物胶、干性油、天然树脂、天然蜡)的研究论文进行了收集整理。通过对数据库中发文时间截至2017年的研究论文进行了系统检索,对期刊论文的年份、收录情况、期刊种类、作者、研究机构、被引数和影响因子等进行定量分析,并对中国学者的研究论文进行统计,以此了解国际国内彩绘文物胶结物的研究现状和发展水平。此外,还对近年来迅速发展的免疫分析技术在彩绘文物胶结物检测中的应用进行统计,以此了解免疫法在检测彩绘文物蛋白质类胶结物中的适用性。  相似文献   
水东宋氏从唐初至明末统治贵州水东地区,唐宋元明四朝先后封赐诸多官衔。通过对水宋氏所任职衔的研究,可充分认识其兴起、发展、兴盛和衰亡过程,也可窥见中央王朝的治黔方略及贵阳政区的形成过程。  相似文献   
This article considers two intimately related claims about Mediterranean port cities. First, that their citizens felt more affinity with each other than they did with the inhabitants of non‐port cities. And second that they were the scenes of liberal cosmopolitanism during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It discusses the concept of “cosmopolitanism”, and briefly reviews the case of Izmir as an exemplar and compares it to the cities of Alexandria and Trieste. The article argues for a more careful and differential use of the notion of “cosmopolitanism”, and suggests questions for further anthropological and historical research.  相似文献   
中国现代史家论文学作品的史料价值及其史学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现代史家在继承传统思想与方法的基础上,吸收近现代西方新的文学观和史料观,对文学作品的史料价值及其成因、如何正确看待文学作品的史料价值、历史研究运用文学作品的基本原则和方法等问题作了深入探讨,一些史家还在运用文学作品研究历史方面取得了突出成就。  相似文献   
A.F. Pollard*     
A.F. Pollard is now better remembered for founding the Institute of Historical Research than he is for his scholarship. In his heyday, however, Pollard was a formidable and prolific historian, primarily of parliament and the Tudor period. Pollard has been characterised both as a modernist and as a whig historian. Rejecting romantic invocations of liberty, he extolled instead the sovereign nation state, pinpointing the 16th century as the moment when it was achieved. Pollard rejected anachronistic accounts of parliament's development: for him, the assembly had grown by accident (out of the medieval king's council), rather than by design. This adaptability had ensured parliament's longevity and would preserve it into the future. Pollard revered the English parliament all the more for its embodiment of this national good fortune. Pollard helped to professionalise the discipline of history, but his own writings could be found wanting when measured against the standards that he had advocated. Criticism of his approach and assumptions comes easily now. Yet, upon reacquaintance, historians of parliament may find enduring interest in Pollard's shrewd and extensive work.  相似文献   
石质文物病害机理研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
导致石质文物产生病害的因素很多,其中近年来日益加剧的环境污染带来的病害加速问题引起文物保护工作者的广泛关注。精确的病害诊断是文物保护的先决条件,因此,多学科综合研究和新技术不断引进到病害机理研究方面。对各种可能的病害原因从最初的定性分析逐渐转变到定量模拟分析方面。目前,石质文物病害研究从地质勘察、室内试验、现场试验等各个方面展开,但是由于各个试验条件不同,会出现不一致,甚至相悖的结论。在对石质文物病害的研究现状进行了总结后,认为试验体系标准的制定可以使得文物保护工作者的研究具有可比性,从而可以得出较具一般性的结论,这也是进行病害机理研究的基础。由于文物完整性保护的特殊要求,无损检测技术的发展及检测结果的判定是整个的试验体系中一个重要方面。同时,由于室内实验存在时间及尺寸等比例效应问题,室外长期观测试验应是今后的研究方向。最终将病害严重程度及发展趋势的判定和有效预防发展成为一个科学体系。  相似文献   
泉州湾宋代海船保存现状的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为国内乃至亚洲大型海洋出水木质文物保护的先例,泉州湾宋代海船自出土至今已保存近40年,经过多年来综合性地保护修复,其保存现状值得关注。本文通过对古船保存环境、船体构件保存状况、船体病害、材质状况的调查分析,综合评估船体保存现状,分析影响古船稳定保存的主要因素,从而为后续的保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

Language maps can represent many aspects of the linguistic situation in a certain territory. They usually draw particular views of the language setting as seen from outside, i.e. by linguists or scholars in general. However, maps can also be used to show the geographical distribution of the perception of language variation from the point of view of the speakers. The starting point for every kind of language map is the language border (and its definition): thus a perceptual language map needs a definition of border from the point of view of the speaker. To do that it is necessary to analyse 'perceptual data', that is to study the opinion the speaker has of the language diversities and compare the different kinds of perception. Points of interest can be, for example: the influence of the perceived ethnic diversity on the language variation—or vice versa, the fact that perceived ethnic borders do not match with perceived language borders; or moreover that perceived language borders do not necessarily match with the perceived comprehensibility of other language varieties (symbolic versus communicative function of language). Hence a possible linguistic borderline on perceptual language maps could be the limit among social language behaviours. From this point of view, sociolinguistic studies can be a good tool to draw perceptual language maps, since quantitative sociolinguistic researches provide the diatopic/diasthratic variation of the data, whilst qualitative research provides the perception of the variation. The paper discusses some field research case studies, coming from the Eastern and Western Alps in Italy, to better introduce this kind of perceptual geolinguistic explanation.  相似文献   
Britain's post-war interventions in former colonial territories remain a controversial area of contemporary history. In the case of India, recent releases of official records in the United Kingdom and South Asia have revealed details of British government anti-communist propaganda activity in the subcontinent during the Cold War period. This article focuses attention on covert or unattributable propaganda conducted in India by the Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD). It specifically examines the 1960s: a time between the outbreak of the Sino-Indian border war in 1962, and the Indian general election of 1967, when IRD operations peaked. The Indian government welcomed British support in an information war waged against Communist China, but cooperation between London and New Delhi quickly waned. Britain's propaganda initiative in India lacked strategic coherence, and cut across the grain of local resistance to anti-Soviet material. The British Government found itself running two separate propaganda campaigns in the subcontinent: one focused on Communist China, and declared to the Indian government; and a second, secret programme, targeting the Soviets. In this context, Whitehall found it difficult to implement an integrated and effective anti-communist propaganda offensive in India.  相似文献   
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