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村级尺度上探索农村基本公共服务与区域贫困之间的关联特征以及二者耦合作用机理,是实现精准扶贫与乡村振兴战略有机结合的重要一环。本文分别建立农村基本公共服务和多维贫困综合发展监测模型,结合时空探索性分析和耦合协调分析方法,综合揭示两者的时空发展分布特征及其耦合关联关系。2015—2018年研究区内58个行政村的实证结果表明:①研究区内农村基本公共服务的发展呈中段高、南北段低的空间非均衡性分布,整体发展差异呈缩小趋势;②研究区内贫困村的多维贫困状况在空间分布上呈现出中北段地区贫困程度较轻、南段贫困程度较深的格局;③农村基本公共服务与多维贫困存在空间负相关性关联与明显耦合,且自实施乡村振兴战略以来,贫困村多转为同步型发展。研究结果可为现阶段乡村振兴战略的实施提供科学的决策依据和参考。  相似文献   
油画颜料层裂纹是一种常见的病害类型,严重的裂纹会影响作品的视觉效果。裂纹修复所采取的措施应以缓解病害,延续寿命为目标,避免不当修复对其文物价值的改变。本研究通过红外光谱和便携式X荧光能谱分析,初步确定了裂纹产生的原因与材料技法和机械作用力有关,长期的温湿度波动则是最终形成老化裂纹的重要因素。对两类常见的裂纹加固方法比较后得出结论,色蜡改变了原画的光泽度和肌理层,动物胶调碳酸钙更适宜作为裂纹的填补材料。观察修复后的油画保存状况,发现经过修复的颜料层仍存在继续劣化的风险,必须维持保存环境的相对稳定,方可延长修复周期。  相似文献   
This article examines petitions submitted by royalist widows to the House of Lords during the first few months of the Restoration. The husbands of these women had been tried and executed for treason during the 1640s and 1650s for their perceived loyalty to the royalist cause, prompting their spouses to demand retribution against their judges and jurors. As the Convention Parliament deliberated over the Act of Indemnity during the summer of 1660, these aggrieved widows were presented with an opportunity to ensure that the men they held responsible for their husband’s deaths were brought to account. By assessing the petitioning strategies adopted by these women and the government’s responses to their demands, the article throws light on a group of war widows who have received little scholarly attention. It is argued that whilst these women were largely unsuccessful, their efforts represent a significant aspect of female activism during the seventeenth century.  相似文献   
This article discusses the financial policies of the Papal States from the late eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century in relation to the rest of Europe, and especially Italy. Its crucial starting point is the Napoleonic economic reforms, which had important and often lasting effects throughout its former empire. French reliance on debt reduction and heavy though equitable taxation improved the financial conditions of most European lands even as they convulsed from the protracted wars. The economic austerity prior to 1814 forced post-Napoleonic Europe to make decisions on the degree of continuity on these two financial fronts. Political instability beginning in the 1820s for some, and the early 1830s and late 1840s for the rest, upset the rather tenuous financial position that most lands found themselves in. For the Papal States, the Napoleonic period improved its financial position to the detriment of ecclesiastical institutions. The period also revealed the inherent flaws in its financial system, necessitating a decentralized approach to the restoration, relying on individual (or institutional) initiatives and large foreign loans, in lieu of overarching policies. By the 1850s, a further lack of financial control induced the renewal of Peter’s Pence.  相似文献   
抗日战争爆发后,南京政府认识到抗战将是持久战,持久抗战的关键之一在于农村能否持久地提供支持。因而,维持和发展农村经济就成为坚持抗战的重要一环。而维持和发展农村经济的关键又在于是否能够为农村提供金融支持。本文以台湾"中研院"近代史研究所档案馆藏有关资料为中心,特别是农林部中央农业实验所农业经济系所作的农村金融调查资料,辅以其他史料,对1939年至1944年间国统区15个省的农村金融借贷、放款利率、放款期限、借贷办法、放款机关等情况进行具体考察,分析和观察其成效与特点,并与抗战前后的情况进行比较,以期对抗战时期国统区的农村金融发展和演变情况,有一个较为清晰的认识。  相似文献   
Intersectionality is a complex concept to deal with when doing research but also when teaching the interrelationships between space and social relations. Here we present “Relief Maps” as a visual tool for teaching intersectionality and its spatial dimension in higher education courses. “Relief Maps” are a model developed for research and applied in a Geography and Gender course at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) with the aim of promoting student reflection on the relationships between power structures, places and lived experiences, starting from their everyday lives.  相似文献   
This article discusses the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as a cultural and political force in shaping the gendered and classed subjectivities of young women growing up in ‘red-light areas’ in Kolkata, India. It foregrounds the flexible deployment of NGO gender narratives by ‘subjects’ of NGO development to improve their everyday lives. Drawing on debates of NGOization, post-colonial urban Indian femininities and intersectionality, it demonstrates how several young women who grew up as ‘subjects’ of NGO development mobilize, reject and improvise contested NGO-inspired femininities for their everyday gain. At the same time, it illustrates how NGO gender narratives that are useful to some young women in their renegotiation of gender norms are deemed ineffective, if not obstructive, by other young women, particularly those whose lives remain entangled in multiple marginalities.  相似文献   
浙江平湖庄桥坟遗址出土的石犁是史前考古的新发现,属于痕迹文物。出土时木构件痕迹饱水,为暗褐色、开裂严重、整体呈腐蚀状,非常脆弱。针对器物的保存状况,因地制宜地制定一系列保护方法:木构件痕迹的脱水保护、底托的加固制作、木构件粘贴复原等,使文物得以长期保存。  相似文献   
古砖的烧制温度决定了其物理力学性质。本研究提出基于磁化率来确定古砖烧制温度的方法。通过对古砖重新加温,测量不同温度下古砖的磁化率,得到磁化率差值的平方-温度曲线图。图中第一个较大的偏差对应的横坐标即为古砖的烧制温度。利用上述方法测得实际烧制温度为700℃、800℃和900℃的黏土砖的烧制温度分别为690℃、810℃和870℃。二者误差较小,认为利用该方法确定砖的烧制温度可行。本研究利用该方法确定了平遥古城10块古砖的烧制温度,发现其烧制温度在650~690℃和850~870℃两个区间范围内。据此推测平遥古城古砖是以秸秆和木柴为燃料烧制而成。本研究实验结果可为古建筑修复和保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   
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