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How do votes disperse through a territory? Studies of spatial voting patterns have largely focused on the influence of local factors on voting. The “Friends and Neighbors” model (Key (1949)) explains the advantage of candidates running for office in the locality with which they are associated (Arzheimer and Evans (2012, 2014): Collignon and Sajuria (2018); Horiuchi et al. (2018); Jankowski (2016); Hunt (2020); Munis (2021)), and the “neighbor” effect helps to explain why votes spread. More recent studies have found that the dispersion of votes decreases with distance (Put et al. (2020); Arzheimer and Evans (2012)). However, we know little about how spatial patterns of voting emerge or the mechanism behind the neighbor effect. We argue that this effect depends on the neighbors’ access to information about a candidate, which is constrained by the way information flows. Although scholars have argued that information is a relevant driver explaining the dispersion of votes (Bowler et al. (1993); Arzheimer and Evans (2012); Evans et al. (2017); Campbell, Cowley, Vivyan, and Wagner (2019)), no research has examined the relevance of the network through which information flows. We propose that a spatial interaction model (Wilson (1971)) allows us to predict where this information flows or the voting pattern that will form. Taking advantage of a quasi-natural experiment in Brazilian legislative elections in 1974 and 1978, we show that votes spread through areas of influence created by a hierarchy of cities based on the flows of exchanges among them, including information. We then use our spatial interaction model to predict voting patterns in the elections of 1978 using data from the 1974 elections. Our findings show that the spatial interaction model results fit the data quite well and can help predict spatial patterns of voting.  相似文献   
泥河湾遗址出土的古象足迹有非常重要的研究价值,而组成足迹印痕的泥土为层状河湖相沉积物,失水容易出现收缩剥离现象导致破坏。为了保护古象足痕迹,采用丙烯酸树脂非水分散体对表面层进行了加固处理,保护处理后的表面层外观改变小,强度提高,不出现收缩开裂和粉碎现象,得到加固处理的象足痕迹通过套箱提取成功地得到搬迁。  相似文献   
丙烯酸非水分散体等几种土遗址防风化加固剂的效果比较   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
对丙烯酸树脂非水分散体等几种土遗址防风化加固剂进行了加固效果对比检验,包括加固前后土样各种性能的变化,如:重量、颜色、孔隙率变化,抗压强度的提高,耐水、耐冻融、耐盐能力的增加等。通过检验发现,在所试材料中丙烯酸树脂非水分散体加固刑在浓度非常低的情况下对土体就有加固作用,使土体具有很好的耐水性、耐冻触能力,耐盐破坏能力也有提高,并且不影响土体的外观和透气性。而其它材料如正硅酸乙酯、丙烯酸树脂、聚氨酯、聚酯等虽在一些性能上能满足需要,但还有一些方面不能满足要求。对比表明,丙烯酸非水分散体是一类优良的土遗址防风化加固剂。  相似文献   
为找到耐候性良好并对土遗址有良好保护效果的材料,以工业品的有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂乳液为原料,采用转化法制备了有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂非水分散体材料。对形成的非水分散体进行了外观检验和老化性能检验。通过对土样的加固试验和实地应用发现,浓度为0.8%的加固剂251M具有良好的固结效果,表面颜色基本不变,证明这种材料是一种有应用前景的土遗址防风化加固保护材料。  相似文献   
一体化条件下的空间经济集聚   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
空间经济集聚是经济地理学研究重点,并且渐渐被经济学所重视。本文以经济地理学的理论为基础,借鉴主流经济学的有关理论,探讨了区域经济一体化导致的空间经济集聚的机理,即经济集聚与经济扩散同时并存,空间上以经济集聚为主导,以扩散为辅;提出了经济集聚的本质是规模经济、范围经济和外部经济共同作用的过程。规模经济导致经济集聚产业点,再加上范围经济产生集聚产业区,规模经济、范围经济和外部经济共同作用产生经济集聚产业核心区。指出经济扩散的原因是纯粹的集聚不经济、区域分工共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
This study attempts to reproduce in an artificial way, at a given magnitude-distance couple, the statistical characteristics of damage caused by real accelerograms. The structure adopted is a low-rise shear wall, modelled as a nonlinear, one degree of freedom system with a degrading frequency as a function of a non-cumulative damage variable. Strong-motion records, contained in a large database, are characterised in terms of seismological and seismic parameters. Artificial accelerograms are generated from response spectra representative of real accelerograms belonging to different magnitude-distance zones. Although the mean damage is consistent, the low dispersion of damage caused by the artificial accelerograms with respect to that caused by the real accelerograms is highlighted. In order to reproduce the damage dispersion in addition to the mean damage, a generation method of representative artificial accelerograms is proposed. This method introduces the standard deviation drawn from attenuation relationships into a dispersion pre-process with respect to the regressed spectrum at a given magnitude-distance point. The method turns out to be capable of reproducing the statistical features of damage produced by real strong-motion records.  相似文献   
This case study illustrates that some Canadian cities are not as compact and centralized as conventional wisdom would have us believe. The spatial structure of Kitchener CMA is shown to be ‘dispersed’ based on empirical trends towards lower population densities, outward spreading of jobs, retailing and other activities, CBD decline, increased open space, a transportation system that is singularly dependent on auto use, and an overriding demand for residential settings deemed to be ‘private’ and ‘rural-like’. The paper acknowledges factors unique to the case study locale that have precipitated dispersed city form. It argues that some other Canadian cities can be expected to share fundamental features of Kitchener's dispersed city form, most notably metropolitan areas that amalgamate two or more historically autonomous cities, but also smaller metropolitan areas and/or ones specialized in manufacturing industry. As regards Canadian cities in general, the paper also makes the point that most parts of all cities built since World War II are primarily dispersed in form. Conceptually, this paper explains dispersion as a change in balance between three sets of factors - ‘space’, ‘proximity’, and ‘place’ - that configure in the locational decision making that underlies urban development. Cette étude de cas révèle l'existence d'une plus grande dispersion urbaine au Canada qu'on ne le laisse généralement entendre. Plusieurs facteurs rendent compte du fort niveau de dispersion de la structure spatiale de la région métropolitaine de Kitchener: densité résidentielle en décroissance, mouvement de l'emploi ainsi que des activités commerciales et autres vers la périphèrie, quantité grandissante d'espaces verts, un système de transport orienté presqu'exlusivement vers l'automobile et une prédilection pour les secteurs résidenties qui offrent de grandes quantités d'espace privé ainsi qu'une proximité de la campagne. Cet article attritue la dispersion urbaine de Kitchener à certains facteurs qui sont propres à cette agglomération. Il soutient également la thèse selon laquelle d'autres régions métropolitaines canadiennes partagent les caractéristiques de Kitchener qui en font une agglomération dispersée. Ceci est le cas notamment des agglomérations qui résultent d'une fusion de plusieurs centres, de celles qui sont de petite et de moyenne taille et, enfin, de celles où le secteur manufacturer joue un grand rôle. L'article maintient aussi que dans toutes les agglomérations canadiennes, les secteurs construits depuis la guerre ont adopté une forme dispersée. Sur un plan conceptuel, cet article impute la dispersion urbaine à un changement dans l'importance respective de trois facteurs de localisation: l'espace métropolitain, la proximité sectorielle, et les particularités des sites urbains.  相似文献   
非水分散体加固剂固结砂土能力的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
有机树脂非水分散体是一种新的土体防风化加固材料,对黄土样品和考古遗址都有好的加固效果。为检验这种加固剂对不同土体的加固能力,选择砂土作为被加固材料,用1.5%TD和2%21J加固剂进行加固试验。结果表明这种材料以低的浓度就有好的加固效果,经过加固的砂土样颜色和孔隙率变化小,土样的力学强度得到提高,具有好的耐水耐冻融能力及较好的耐盐能力,证明这种材料可用于砂土质遗址的加固保护。  相似文献   
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