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The presence of single and also of married British women in overseas colonies, especially those employed by or married to men in the Colonial Service in the later colonial period, has been the subject of scholarly enquiry. Their lives, roles and values and their distinctive contribution, if any, to the development of empire and of its ending have been debated. Their gendered roles were usually subordinate in a masculine culture of empire, and especially as wives they are commonly regarded as marginalised. The archived records left by Lady Margaret Field reveal her commitment as a single woman to a colonial mission and her sense of achievement as a school teacher and educational administrator, while also acknowledging the independence and career satisfactions she subsequently lost when she married a senior Colonial Service officer who rose to be a governor. But it is also apparent that, though incorporated and subordinate as a governor's wife to her husband's career, she was not marginalised to a separate sphere. As is evident from this case study, governors’ wives had important and demanding political duties, and such responsibilities need to be acknowledged.  相似文献   
试论夏商城市水利设施及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就考古所见夏商城址内的水利遗存进行了分析,对夏商城市水利设施的种类、功能、渊源等相关问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
藤井省三《村上春树心底的中国》构建了从鲁迅到村上春树再到王家卫的影响链条,详尽分析概括了村上春树作品在中国的一些规律性阅读现象。如此宽阔的视野与实精神证,对认识当代人阅读文学的缘由、心态和意义极具启发性。文学所关注的乃是人之心灵,所呼唤的是人的自省,正如村上春树的作品虽然常常被消费社会所利用,但其精神实质却依然是生活在消费社会中的人们强大的反思力量。  相似文献   
本文是2002年发表于《古籍整理研究学刊》第二期上面的《上海博物馆藏(战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论)解诂(一)》的续篇。体例一仍其前。解诂主要针对疑难字词。  相似文献   
李东阳佚作辑考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东阳是明代茶陵派领袖,一生著述宏富。其诗文作品,有明清刻本抄本七种。今人据此所编有《李东阳集》(周寅兵点校)和《李东阳续集》(钱振民辑校),均由岳麓书社分别于1983年和1998年出版。两集约一百五十万字,将东阳作品网罗殆尽。然挂万漏一,亦所难免。笔者于专题研究之际,意外获得李东阳佚作四篇。佚作对研究李东阳的生平、交往和思想都不无裨益。  相似文献   
对唐代贾耽的地理(地图)著述的名目进行辨析,分析了"关中陇右及山南九州等图"、《九州图》、《海内华夷图》之间的关系,以及别录与通录的区别。指出《九州图》、《海内华夷图》是贾耽国图撰修总体事业在不同历史阶段的总称。并从地图学传统、方志学传统入手,探讨了贾耽地理(地图)著述的性质,对其中的地图学成绩进行了重新评价,进而从"近意就实,依稀像真"分析了贾耽地图学的滞后性,指出"古墨今朱"应只是文字注记的区别,并非通过图形绘制表达古今地理要素的差异,由此审视了中国古代地图史上图形绘制与文字注记的关系。  相似文献   
Heavily corroded metal artifacts recovered from the site of an 18th-century steel cementation furnace in Trenton, New Jersey, are cast iron altered by internal oxidation. The progress of the internal oxidation process was followed by comparison with the microstructure of cast iron exposed to high temperature in a wood-burning fireplace. The graphite flake structure of the cast iron allows deep, rapid penetration of oxygen that reacts at the iron–carbon interfaces within the iron to form iron oxides that eventually replace the graphite flakes. Microprobe analyses show that the silicon in the cast iron is converted to knebelite that also serves as the host for phosphorus. Sulfur dispersed in the internal oxidation product and porosity appear to be responsible for rapid rusting of the artifacts. Internal nitriding accompanies the oxidation. The Trenton artifacts are interpreted as grate bars from the fire box of a cementation furnace.  相似文献   
编写《中国文学史》,总爱用我们今天的文艺理论来评价古代的文学家与他们的作品,这当然是必要的,因为学术总得与时俱进。但阅读评论古代的作品,必须知其人,而知其人,又必须论及世。我们对那些特定的时代是否能有正确深入的了解,光靠泛泛而言的所谓时代背景介绍是不够的,因此通过宋人的记载与议论去感受那个时代的社会风尚以及领会当时的思想与眼光,这样。我们才能逐渐贴近那个时代,较为正确认识这些作家与作品,以及其时发生的种种事件。本文企图通过宋人三大笔记的相关记载与议论,谈谈北宋文学史的编写问题。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(2):188-200

I think it is time that theologians, as well as the Church at large, speak up and speak to the social injustice we are faced with because of the economical collapse in Iceland in autumn 2008. If we think theology (i.e. the discourse about God) does not happen in a vacuum, if we think it is affected by, and is also affecting its context, then theology must have a part to play in the political discourse. If we think everything related to our human condition is affecting our understanding and our talk about God, then all theology has to be political in the most inclusive sense of the word. In this article the intention is to test major theological terms against the situation we are faced with in our society, which is recovering from an economic collapse. Thus the question: to what extent are key theological terms useful when we need to address the outgrowth of social injustice and self-inflicted economical catastrophe?  相似文献   
尤袤是南宋"中兴四大诗人"之一,文章在当时也很有影响。但其诗文在身后却散佚太多,以致声名日小,甚至于渐难以匹配"四大诗人"之盛名。其文集流传情况直接关乎他的声名、影响及文学史地位,本文试着手考察尤袤文集的版本流传情况。通过考辨,认为尤集首刻时间在尤袤当世,其文集在元、明两代尚有流传;同时介绍了尤袤文集的最新整理成果,以及辨伪、辑佚情况。  相似文献   
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