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本文基于波特的“钻石模型”,提出了影响区域旅游竞争力的因素构成,并运用配对比较法对碧峰峡、丽江、深圳、大连和开封等5个案例进行了比较研究,验证了本文所提出的生产要素、需求条件、相关与支持性产业、区域旅游战略及其结构以及区域竞争是区域旅游竞争力形成的普适性因素。  相似文献   
Tang sancai is one of the most important types of Chinese ceramics. To determine the provenance of Tang sancai is important to study ancient trade and other issues. In this paper we compare ICP-MS trace elements and TIMS Sr–Nd isotopes of visibly similar Tang sancai from two major production centres Gongxian and Yaozhou. The variation in contents/ratios of many of >40 trace elements is small for samples from Gongxian, yet is considerably bigger for that from Yaozhou. However, the variation in 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios is very small for samples from both places. Gongxian and Yaozhou samples have distinctive Sr–Nd isotopic and trace element features despite their similarity in major elements, and these analysis data can be interpreted with geochemistry, indicating that Sr and Nd isotopes have great potential in ceramic provenance studies. The distinct characterisation of these samples provides valuable criteria for identifying provenance of Tang sancai of uncertain origin. Two modern fakes are also analysed, and they can as well be distinguished from antique Tang sancai using above criteria.  相似文献   
预防性保护对馆藏环境温湿度提出了适宜稳定的要求,本研究是对温湿度稳定性全新评估方法的研究。将馆藏环境温湿度监测时序数据(时域图谱)使用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)转换成频域图谱,并通过对频域图谱的解读,分析温湿度稳定性。本研究详细分析了温湿度频域图谱的优缺点,并通过频域图谱评估了展厅、展柜温湿度变化的特点、稳定性以及调控效果。研究结果为馆藏环境温湿度稳定性评估提供了一种全新的有效方法。  相似文献   
The grain-size distribution (based on cumulative probability curves) in the sediments produced by potential palaeofloods at the Shiniusi archaeological site is similar to that of modern flood sediments from the Wujiang River Drainage in the upper Yangtze River. There is an obvious pattern in the curves, with two segments, and the mean grain size (Mz), standard deviations (σ1), skewness, and kurtosis are all similar. Combined with the AMS14C dating data and the ages judged based on the presence of cultural remains, our data suggests frequent palaeoflood events within the Wujiang River Drainage. We hypothesize the existence of seven high flood possibility layers in the QST4 unit from Shiniusi archaeological site: during the periods of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644 AD) to the Qing Dynasty (1616–1911 AD), and the end of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC–256 BC) to the Shang Dynasty (1600–1100 BC). We also hypothesize ten high flood probability layers in the QST2 unit from Shiniusi archaeological site: during the periods of the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the periods of Song Dynasty (960–1279 AD) to the Yuan Dynasty (1206–1368 AD), as well as during the Han Dynasty (207 BC–220 AD) to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC–256 BC). These results are consistent with palaeoflood events inferred from pollen and spore analysis and from historical records in other rivers.  相似文献   
Using a set of modern/young (0 to about 200 years old) dust samples collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau the bleachability of IRSL measured at 50°C (IR50) and post-IR50 elevated temperature IRSL (measured at 225°C and at 290°C) is investigated by measuring the apparent (residual) doses recorded by these signals. Doses recorded by quartz OSL are used as a reference. Allowing for differences in dose rates it seems that both IRSL and post-IR IRSL signals yield residual doses that are significantly larger than the doses measured in quartz. These residual doses can be largely explained by thermal transfer caused by preheating. Nevertheless, we advise against the use of a low temperature preheat (<200°C) with IR50 to date loess samples because, as has been reported before, the signal appears to be thermally unstable. In general, we conclude that it may not be advisable to apply post-IR IRSL dating to Chinese loess samples where residuals of up to ∼20 Gy are a significant fraction of the total dose. However, these residuals quickly become unimportant when dating older samples, and this is the age range in which post-IR IRSL dating is likely to be most useful.  相似文献   
王世杰与战后对日和约问题的交涉   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
缔结对日和约是二战后国际间的一项重大议题。因其关乎中国利益尤甚,国民政府给与了相当程度的重视,王世杰及国民政府外交部进行了一系列交涉,努力促成对日和约的签订并试图使其最大限度的有利于中国。但对日和约问题主要取决于当时的世界大势,取决于美苏两个超级大国力量对比的消长及彼此的战略策略转换,国民政府显然并不具备支配局势的能力,特别是内战的不断扩大以及国内局势的动荡不安,这种能力益乎衰微。王世杰及国民政府外交部未能实现其既定目标。  相似文献   
《高丽史》为迄今为止较为全面系统记载10-14世纪高丽王朝政治、军事、外交和经济、社会、文化的纪传体史书,其历经五次修纂,先后有甲寅字本、乙亥字本和木刻本以及手抄本,但存世不多,流传不广。现存最早的《高丽史》版本,为韩国首尔大学奎章阁收藏的乙亥字铜铸字本,然已残缺不全。其所藏太白山史库本等和韩国东亚大学收藏的《高丽史》,则是以乙亥字本为蓝本雕版印刷的木刻本,并非活字本,但为现存较早的全本和善本。英国剑桥大学收藏的《高丽史》是流布海外抄本中唯一的全本。  相似文献   
江燕玲  潘卓  潘美含 《人文地理》2017,32(5):147-153
通过解构农用地多功能性与乡村旅游辩证关系,设计了"农用地多功能性-村域乡村旅运营模式"联动引导决策体系,并对重庆市九龙坡区25个行政村进行实证分析。结果显示:采用"农户自助式微型运营模式"的区域乡镇企业和产业集聚程度较高;采用"集体经济自营型运营模式"的区域农业生产条件较好、农地多功能性明显;采用"承包经营流转型运营模式"的区域农业产业化进程滞后;采用"多元股份合营型运营模式"的区域集体经济发达、农地多功能性显著。研究显示,通过农用地多功能性与主导功能评价对乡村旅运营模式引导决策,从一定程度上弥补了以往研究中决策过程缺乏定量数据支撑和量化方法画的缺陷。  相似文献   
谢静  张阳生  雷昉  黄卓 《人文地理》2010,25(5):103-107
结合陕北公路交通与经济发展的实际,应用1998-2007年度的数据,运用主成分析、相关性、回归模型、弹性分析等方法,对经济转型期陕北公路交通与经济发展效率进行了综合分析评价。结果发现,陕北公路交通与经济发展之间相关度较高,两者之间的最优回归方程可表示为Logistic曲线函数,交通发展指数对经济发展指数的平均弹性系数大体在0.42-0.58之间波动。在综合经济发展过程中,原来较为落后地区的公路交通基础设施与经济发展会逐步趋向协调;公路交通基础设施的改善是经济发展不可缺少的条件之一,但其边际效益会逐渐减小。最后,建议在当前阶段,为实现陕北经济的顺利转型和健康发展,应建设形成多种运输方式协调发展的综合交通运输体系。  相似文献   
潘美含  杨晓霞  潘卓 《人文地理》2017,32(6):154-160
对养老旅游决策行为影响因素的研究有助于发现旅游主体的内在动因,深入开拓养老旅游市场。本研究基于生命历程理论,选取影响养老旅游决策行为的16个变量设计问卷,在重庆市展开实地调查;运用二元logistic回归模型对调查数据进行分析。结果显示:对养老旅游决策行为的影响中,“个人能动性”影响最为显著,“相互联系的生活”影响较为显著,“一定时空中的生活”有一定影响,“生活的时间性”影响不显著;总体而言,对养老旅游决策行为影响较为显著的因素有居住地、退休前从事职业、退休后年收入水平、是否有需要照顾的家人、文化程度、养老储蓄、个人年际旅游最高频次、动态爱好活动频率。养老旅游决策行为受不同生命历程影响。  相似文献   
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