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周晶 《丝绸之路》2009,(8):77-78
我国栽培葫芦历史悠久,葫芦通常被当作吉祥物,并创造出极具观赏价值的葫芦工艺品。金城兰州作为丝绸之路的必经之地,是连接东西的交通要地,特殊的地理环境形成了本地特有的刻葫芦民间工艺,选材和制作工艺极具特色,在百余年的发展中逐渐壮大。高文化素质民间艺人和艺术家的涉入使兰州刻葫芦的艺术表现形式有了几次大的飞跃。  相似文献   
西北地区经济发展的理性选择:发展文化、旅游产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北地区生态脆弱,自然环境恶劣,沙漠面积较大,水土流失严重,不宜进行大规模的工业开发。同时,西北地区是中华民族发祥地之一,蕴含着灿烂的民族文化,旅游资源非常丰富。丝绸之路跨国申报世界遗产将提高西北地区文化、旅游品牌,除了一条"文化线路",沿线有48个遗产点之外,大量可移动遗产和非物质文化遗产进入文化旅游整体领域。西北地区文化旅游产业发展滞后,文化旅游产业发展潜力和空间巨大。按照科学发展观的要求、全国主体功能区规划和西部大开发的部署,以丝绸之路申报世界遗产为契机,加快产业结构调整,促进西北地区文化、旅游产业的发展。  相似文献   
为了解山西大同北魏司马金龙墓出土木板漆画屏风的颜料使用情况和制作工艺信息,利用Micro-Raman、FrlR、XRF、断面切片等技术,对屏风残片上的四种主要颜色(红,黑,黄,白)、红色漆底层、断面分层进行分析与鉴别,结果如下:(1)屏风所使用的颜料有朱砂、炭黑、雌黄、雄黄、石膏.(2)屏风的红色底层系由生漆与朱砂调和、结膜而成,其中可能未曾添加桐油.(3)屏风彩绘部分的颜料分层十分明确,各层的厚度相对均匀,反映出制作者较为高超的绘画技法.(4)在颜料层、木胎与红色漆底层之间的"过渡层"中,分别观察到一些白色物质.初步分析后认为,"过渡层"中白色物质为羟基磷灰石的可能性较大.颜料层中白色物质的成分和物相仍有待进一步的分析.  相似文献   
瞿林东教授勤于笔耕,著述丰富。他在中国古代史学史研究取得大量成果的基础上,对20世纪中国史学的研究又表现出特殊的重视。近十多年来,不断发表关于20世纪中国史学的长篇大作,在史学界产生了较大影响。瞿教授选取有代表性的论文24篇,另选2篇作为附录,结集为《20世纪中国史学散论》(以下简称《散论》)。  相似文献   
明代江西泰和因具有故家多、人文昌、文献丰等特征而富有典型性.通过对永乐、宣德之际崛起于该县的35个代表性家族的分析,可以发现:儒、富、贵几种社会资源不仅是家族崛起的重要条件,它们之间相互为用的关系又是崛起家族将既有资源转化为发展资源而实现再生增殖的根本机制.在家族崛起的过程中,其拓展社会资源的方式基本不受制度约束,这最终致使泰和地域社会资源分配格局呈现由分散到集中,乃至垄断的样态.那些在新王朝中较早崛起的家族往往占据了资源分配格局的中心位置.  相似文献   
Most wooden remains from archaeological sites in waterlogged burial environments are found to be intact without shrinkage despite centuries of storage. However, waterlogged wooden remains are subject to shrinkage damage and some even lose up to 80% of their original volume when exposed to air. The shrinkage of archaeological waterlogged wood with the loss of a large part of the initial volume of the wooden remains has been considered irreversible. Here we show that “active alkali-urea”, serving as a re-swelling chemical agent, can almost fully restore the collapsed archaeological wood to its original shape. The restoration experiment showed that the main reason for the restoration of collapsed wood is that the collapsed cell cavity almost completely recovered its original shape during active alkali-urea treatment. We suggest that the shape of collapsed archaeological wood remains can be fully recovered, and that the collapsed archaeological wood can thereby recover its valuable cultural properties.  相似文献   
Domestic horses played a pivotal role in ancient China, but their exact origin remains controversial. To investigate the origin of Chinese domestic horses, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 35 horse remains, aged between 4000 and 2000 years, excavated from nine archaeological sites in northern China. The Chinese ancient horses exhibited high matrilineal diversity, falling into all the seven haplogroups (A–G) observed in modern horses. These results suggest that several maternal lines were introduced into the gene pool of Chinese horses in the past. Haplogroups A and F were more prevalent in ancient horses than the other haplogroups. Interestingly, only haplogroups A and F were present in the samples older than 4000 years, while the more recent horses (between 2000 and 3000 years BP) fell into all seven haplogroups. Comparison with DNA data of present-day horses suggests that haplogroup F is like to be an ancient haplogroup of East Asian origin. These analyses also suggest that the origin of Chinese domestic horses is complex, and external mtDNA input occurred after initial domestication. Our results indicate that the Chinese ancient horses are more related to the modern Mongolian horses. Lastly, our results cannot support the previous hypothesis that early Chinese domestic horses were derived from the Przewalski horse.  相似文献   
赵赟 《文博》2009,(3):12-16
汉代王陵防盗设施形式多样,较为全面。本文根据已公布的考古资料,结合历史文献对已发掘的西汉崖洞墓防盗设施略作探讨,以展见西汉诸侯王对墓葬修建的重视。  相似文献   
全球范围内动物考古研究方兴未艾,其研究成果很大程度上为考古学家提供了有关过去人类社会不可多得的信息,推动了考古学研究走向深入.动物考古实际上是研究遗址出土动物骨骼的学问. 考古学家们日益重视利用从动物骨骼上获得的信息展开考古研究,动物考古学家为此做出很大努力,尽量从出土动物骨骼上挖掘信息.为此必须从收集基本数据开始,也就是从测量出土动物骨骼入手.  相似文献   
In June of 1959, joining the working team, Lan Zhigui headed to the palace of Lhagyari, the ruling lama in Lhoka. On June 10^th, he arrived at Tsethang Township and began recording his journey.  相似文献   
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