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凉州番禾县瑞像故事及造型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文就番禾县瑞像的由来、发展及其不同时期的表现形式进行了分类探讨并就瑞像的定义提出了新的看法。  相似文献   
关于司马光民族观的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司马光充分汲取自先秦儒家与他同时代欧阳修等人民族观中的有益成份。他提倡了民族和睦观 ;发展了民族平等观 ;丰富了民族诚信观。司马光将孟子的“气节观”、“大丈夫”精神 ,渗透入其民族观中 ,大力倡导民族气节。  相似文献   
《梦窗词》有多种版本,通行的主要有《梦窗甲乙丙丁稿》四卷本和《梦窗词集》一卷本。本研究和考述了上述两种版本以及由此演变而来的各种版本。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper studies a general equilibrium model of economic geography in which firms engage in oligopolistic competition. This framework is conducive to analytic results. With increasing returns, oligopolistic competition leads to interindustry trade between regions rather than intraindustry trade. The choice of appropriate technology is a channel of concentration of industries.  相似文献   
L. Zhou  E. Mijiddorj 《Archaeometry》2020,62(4):863-874
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of 15 individuals buried closed to Bayanbulag site or the Shouxiangcheng fortress in southern Mongolia revealed complex dietary features. Only one individual had a diet similar to that of the pastoral population in northern China, while the others, who had varying carbon isotope values and low nitrogen values, might have been from different agricultural areas. 14C dating results suggest that the earliest interment could be much earlier than the building of Shouxiangcheng fortress recorded in Han texts. Analysis of the burial arrangement further confirmed that these deceased were not buried at the same time.  相似文献   
敦煌文书与吐鲁番文书对于“舍”的记载内容存在很大差异,仅就敦煌文书而言,其在不同时期对于“舍”的记载格式也有所不同。敦煌文书与吐鲁番文书记载内容的差异,反映了两地居民在各自特殊地理条件下的居住形态及田地经营方式的不同;而敦煌文书记载格式的变化,则反映出不同政权统治下敦煌地区均田制实施情况的差别。此外,敦煌、吐鲁番文书中的“舍”具有不同的用途,明确这一区别,有助于更加深入地理解中古时期两地居民的社会生活状况。  相似文献   
二里头文化陶礼器的造型艺术表现为简洁质朴的艺术风格,这与夏代礼制文化中"尚质"的审美倾向十分吻合。陶礼器的造型艺术由黄金比例、纹饰和仿生三种设计方法以体现陶器造型和装饰的简洁与抽象性,而三至四期动物造型装饰的增多则为商代青铜礼器的艺术形式奠定了基础。酒器和食器的器物造型构成了礼仪中行为与时间的观念,以及动与静的礼仪活动的日常行为规范。而高等级墓葬中的稀有陶器斗笠形器,其造型与古人对天的描述相同,它不仅代表了所葬之人的身份与职能,还是上层社会对天祭祀权力的象征。  相似文献   
前秦时关中氐人分布的武都是指侨置武都郡。侨置武都郡始于曹魏。曹魏为与蜀汉争夺陇右,将武都氐人迁徙至关中,并先后在小槐里和美阳设置武都郡以进行管理。西晋江统的《徙戎论》反映出此时关中武都氐聚居的地方未置武都郡。十六国初期屠各刘氏和羯族石氏先后统治关中,将大量氐羌迁往关东,因此这一时期在关中侨置武都郡缺乏现实基础。苻健立国关中后,在战略要地宝鸡附近侨置武都郡,是其氐人本位政策的体现。北魏时侨置武都郡始领县级行政单位,统治范围扩大,标志着氐人的关中化,同时它也是太武帝平定盖吴叛乱时分化关中南道氐人的重要战略举措。西魏北周立国关中后受政区滥置影响,武都郡领县减少。隋开皇间侨置武都郡在当权者废郡、保留州县的地方行政政策的影响下消失于历史舞台。  相似文献   
In this article, a Simulink simulation block with the finite element function is developed on the basis of S-function and implemented as the numerical substructure of real-time dynamic hybrid testing. Thereby, a real-time dynamic hybrid testing system coupling finite element calculation and shaking table testing is achieved. Using the developed system, a shear frame mounted on the soil foundation is tested, in which the shear frame is simulated as the physical model and the foundation is simulated as the finite element model with 132 degrees of freedom. Several cases of the dynamic behavior of soil-structure interaction are studied.  相似文献   
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