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The taxonomic identification of fossil charcoal can be a useful archaeobotanical tool, as it can reveal information about prehistoric humans' use of plant resources and other factors. In this study, we quantify the fossil charcoal in a cultural sequence from Xishanping in the western Loess Plateau of China representing 4800–4300 cal yr BP to consider aspects of humans' impact on this landscape. The fossil charcoal assemblages reveal that the relative abundances of Picea, Betula, Acer, Ulmus and Quercus decreased markedly after 4600 cal yr BP. This suggests a marked decline in the mixed coniferous-broadleaved forest after this time. Concurrently, an increasing abundance of Bambusoideae charcoal has been suggested to reflect the expansion of the bamboo forest. The marked changes in the vegetation after 4600 cal yr BP were not obviously influenced by climate; they may be a better reflection of the results of human activity. Furthermore, other genera that provide important resources to humans also increased after 4600 cal yr BP, including Castanea, Cerasus, Padus and Diospyros. It is nearly certain that nuts and berries were an important food resource and that fruit trees were managed by prehistoric humans in the late Neolithic. This work suggests that the scale of prehistoric human impact on the western Loess Plateau landscape during the late Neolithic was much greater than was previously believed.  相似文献   
综合花粉、炭化种子等生物指标记录可以提供有关早期植被与农业活动方面的信息。研究显示,下河遗址地区在距今5300~4700 cal a BP之间植被类型以草原为主,仅在河谷地区与山区有少量乔木生长;该地先民在仰韶时代晚期农业活动以旱作农业为主,广泛种植粟类作物,伴随少量黍类作物;另外,较多数量草木犀植物种子的出现可能暗示该地先民利用植物资源饲养牲畜,但仍需进一步研究,以获得更多证据的支持。  相似文献   
周佳 《中华文史论丛》2012,(4):65-88,387
本文在釐清北宋前中期集議制度形成與變化基礎上,旨在呈現仁宗朝政務決策如何圍繞集議展開運轉的實態,以及由此引起的北宋中期決策方式的調整。仁宗朝是北宋集議活動鼎盛時期,它從前期繼承的集議有兩種:一是唐五代以來以討論禮樂典章爲主的尚書省集議;二是宋代新出現的、討論專門政務以供二府(中書門下、樞密院)決策的有司集議。當時尚書省集議的功能逐漸被有司集議取代,並在多部門集議基礎上,形成以兩制、臺諫爲核心的穩定議事羣體,集議流程趨於完善。集議爲宰執以外的官員提供了參政議政的重要渠道,一定程度改變了宋初以來君主或二府獨斷的決策方式。  相似文献   
This paper presents a multi-analytical study of the polychromy in the Guangyuan Thousand-Buddha Grotto. Samples taken from 15 locations in No. 512 and No. 689 caves are prepared as cross-sections for the analysis by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with backscattered electron imaging (SEM-BSE). The cross section analysis indicates that some paintings were repainted in the past. The chemical composition of each painting layer is obtained by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX). The main pigments for 15 samples including green, red, blue, white and black paint layers, are identified by the combination of polarized light microscopy (PLM), Fourier Transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy (RS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The integrated analytical results reveal that the green pigments are malachite and atacamite; the red color is attributed to minium, hematite and cinnabar; the blue pigments are lazurite and organic blue materials; the white color is ascribed to anglesite and gypsum; and the black surface of polychrome is the accumulation of longtime smudging by folk burning incense in the devotional practice or the soot deposition resulting from burning bonfires in the caves. Some arsenic-containing pigment is detected in the green samples. This case study also demonstrates the advantages and the limitations of every analytical technique for the pigment identification, confirming the necessity of the integrated analytical techniques approach. The present results are not only useful to assist in the authenticity of the used pigment materials and history of the polychromic in the past, but also aimed at guiding the conservation scientists in taking into account materials and methods utilized in the past.  相似文献   
周晓晶 《收藏家》2012,(1):57-64
大利“伪”即假,伪古玉即是假冒的古玉,制作伪古玉的目的,是冒充古玉以获取高额利润,因此制作者主观上是刻意地按照原物或图录中真品的样子去加工,不仅追求造型、花纹的逼真,  相似文献   
周晓晶 《收藏家》2012,(4):67-71
玩赏与实用皆宜的文房用玉以优良玉料雕琢的文房用具,既是文人雅士不可或缺的实用工具,又可作为雅玩和陈设品,因此自宋代以来,文房用玉就深受社会上层的欢迎,使用量很大,住玉器生产中占有重要的地位。清代的义房用玉与其他玉器一样,在数量和质最上都超过以往的任何时期。  相似文献   
周明生  吴正林 《攀登》2006,25(3):14-20
发达地区与欠发达地区所处的发展阶段不同,科学发展的条件、要求以及所要解决的难点也就不同。同时,发达地区、欠发达地区均存在着影响贯彻落实科学发展观的二重性因素,只有正视这些因素,才能趋利避害,扬长避短,寻求适当路径,使科学发展观在各地区都能得到有效的贯彻落实。发达地区与欠发达地区贯彻落实科学发展观的不同路径既有相对独立性,又需要在宏观上相互衔接和协调。  相似文献   
所谓“叠范铸钱”,即以青铜等质地的金属阳模(俗称“范母”)翻印出众多泥质范片,层层相叠成范包,并在烘干后共用一个直浇道垂直浇铸的铸钱工艺。它是中国古代范铸技术的新发展。范片上下层叠和共用一个直浇道是“叠铸”工艺的两个关键要素,缺失任何一项都不能称为叠铸。目前,钱币学界有把叠铸分为所谓“竖式叠铸”(铜阳模拓图举例:图1)①和“卧式叠铸”②的声音,而实际上,前者仍属于传统“块范铸钱”的范畴,在其所指的工艺中也仅允许模印出的两块范片面背相合后共用一个直浇道,其他组合的范片也是每一对共用各自的直浇道,不存在许多范片共用…  相似文献   
关于清代厘金创始的考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于清代厘金是由江北大营帮办军务雷以諴采纳幕僚钱江的建议而创行的说法,经过罗尔纲先生的考证①,几乎已成为史学界的定论。1993年,袁成毅发表《钱江首创厘金制度质疑》②,根据雷以諴在咸丰三年二至五月间的行踪分析,认为钱江首倡厘金的说法不可信。但是,这一论点并未引起学术界的重视。因为后来公布的档案史料与袁先生的论据有所矛盾,本人在《晚清财政与社会变迁》一书中也未加采用。近来,我重新审视了各方面的有关证据,可以认定,钱江创行厘金的说法的确是以讹传讹,不足为训。一关于钱江创议开征厘金的说法由来已久。罗玉东先生的《厘金…  相似文献   
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