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The Qing Dynasty Grand Secretariat Archives are considered to be among the four great ancient texts discovered in modern Chinese history, and the memorials from the Ministry of Justice have garnered particular attention due to their well-preserved socio-economic content(s). From the 20th century onwards the New History, with its emphasis on drawing upon the social sciences’ discussions of citizens, communities and society, came to replace the more traditional “Imperial Genealogy” style of historiography, affording us a grander view of history. Progressing forward with “the times,” the New History continued to innovate and diversify the field; in terms of Qing dynasty social historical research, it brought about constant exploration and change within the field, first having shifted from socio-economic history to social history, then moving on to life history, the investigation of the “seeds of capitalism,” class relations, lower-class society, marriage and family relations, law and justice, gender studies, daily life (“life, livelihood and environment”), and so on, continually pushing the boundaries of academic research. Yet, underlying all this change was a close relationship between the use of the Ministry of Justice Memorials and the field’s overall development. This article not only introduces several findings made by academicians in using the Ministry of Justice Memorials, but also sets out to further reveal the relationship between the New History and the memorials themselves, probing into the deeper question of broader changes in historiography and their relationship with generational shifts in intellectual thought.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case of Singapore's latest theme park, the Universal Studios Singapore (USS). While theme parks are commonly perceived as money-making entities providing entertainment to the masses, the study argues that heritage is an equally important dimension of a commercial theme park's development, identity and profile. As a heritage-rich environment, the USS is a tourism landscape shaped simultaneously by the forces of corporate heritage and local cultural considerations. ‘Glocalization’ – the interaction of global and local forces – offers a conceptual insight into understanding how themed environments are created and marketed as tourism destinations welcoming to all and yet distinctive to its community and locality. Caution, however, is also sounded as to whether an international attraction can or should ever be ‘too local’ at the risk of diluting its global brand name and broad-based appeal.  相似文献   
本文从中国古代奇石鉴赏的著述中,选取名篇要籍六种,考订其作者、内容、价值及版本诸项,为探讨赏石美学和赏石文化的学人提供求书问道之便。  相似文献   
常书鸿先生40年代只身前往敦煌 ,在极其艰难困苦的条件下 ,对敦煌莫高窟进行了卓有成效的保护 ,并开展了临摹研究等一系列工作 ,终于迎来了敦煌的解放和中华人民共和国的成立。为了事业 ,他吞下了妻离子散的苦果 ,心血沥沥 ,饱尝艰辛。他以牺牲个人幸福为代价 ,保护了祖国优秀文化遗产。全国解放初期 ,中央即决定在北京举办“敦煌艺术展览” ,周总理亲临参观指导并对他进行了亲切表彰勉励 ,中央人民政府政务院文教委员会为敦煌文物研究所颁发了时任政务院副总理的郭沫若先生亲笔书写的奖状。  相似文献   
A paleo-parasitological study was performed on soil samples from archaeological sites in the old district of Seoul Metropolitan City (Old Seoul City) where the capital of the Joseon Kingdom was constructed about 600 years ago. The sampling sites were the original locations of the Royal Palace Wall, Yukjo Street and the Royal Arsenal. Microscopic examinations showed that parasite eggs of Clonorchis sinensis, Diphyllobothrium latum, Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. remained in the soil strata, which were estimated to represent the 14th-19th centuries. We suspect that the medieval citizens of Old Seoul City, numbering around 200,000, might have been made vulnerable to parasite infection by a combination of bad hygiene, inadequate sewer system and seasonal flooding.  相似文献   
长弓 《民俗研究》2000,(4):185-187
由钟敬文担任顾问、周星、邱立担纲主编的《中华民俗丛书》首批四种,已于近日由中央民族大学出版社出版发行,它们是《闹洞房》(尚会鹏著)、《抢婚》(叶涛、吴存浩著)、《姓名》(纳日碧力戈著)、《谐音民俗》(张廷兴著).  相似文献   
吴俏  严艳  刘畅 《人文地理》2017,32(4):15-21
以移民聚集地丽江束河古镇为例,运用质性分析法中的半结构式访谈法对26位生活方式型企业主移民进行访谈,从流动性视角出发,在预调研、半结构式访谈和二手资料分析基础上,对束河古镇此类移民群体的综合感知进行研究,编码分析共得出4个一级类目(社会交往、自我认知、生活环境、负面感知)以及12个二级类目,详细分析各类目之间的关系和意义后,深入探讨了移民群体的归属倾向问题,剖析该问题的主要影响因素并提出了具体策略,为该类移民发展提供了保障。  相似文献   

After the Korean War, both the autocratic and later democratic South Korean governments actively fostered the development of Korea’s arts sector, in part by emulating the organizational and legal structures of U.S. nonprofits. Yet, in this policy transfer, Korea has taken a different path, notably rearticulating the U.S.-style hands-off facilitation model to reflect and accommodate Korean political, institutional, and cultural exigencies. We analyze the effects of the resulting cultural policy on Korean public arts institutions, using documentary evidence and narratives from our case studies of two national arts organizations restructured by the government: The National Theater Company of Korea and the Seoul Arts Center. We employ the concept of cultural statism, conditioned by "culture as glorification," resource dependence, and path dependence, to understand the development of Korea’s public arts sector. Specifically, we consider: the government’s desire to use the arts to enhance its image on an international stage shaped by western liberal democratic values; arts leaders’ desire for reliable support (resource dependence); and the tendancy of Koreans to want to be associated with the stability and prestige of the government (path dependence).  相似文献   
常志霄 《攀登》2010,29(3):10-16
本文以1985-2005年的经济数据和相关理论模型分析为基础,较为系统地探讨了东亚经济一体化的进展和未来趋势,并着重从东亚区域内贸易发展与贸易结构、资本流动、区域经济的货币金融相关度、区域一体化的福利效应和推进一体化的制度安排等方面进行了定量分析和政策探讨。  相似文献   
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