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唐调露元年设六胡州,长安四年并为匡、长二州。神龙三年于此二州地设兰池都督府,分六州为县。过去学界多认为,此兰池都督府即《新唐书.地理志七》所记灵州都督府所属党项羁縻府州"兰池都督府"。本文考辨以为两兰池都督府非同一,原六胡州所设应为"兰池州"或"兰池州都督府";并考释兰池州所辖六县中,可知的有长泉县和塞门县。  相似文献   
周书灿 《华夏考古》2011,(1):67-70,103
河南省新密市新砦城址中心区大型浅穴式建筑并不具有古籍文献所栽"坛"、"墠"的特征,似并非当时人们用来祭祀祖先的"坛"、"墠"的遗迹.它是夏代初年夏人自然崇拜的遗迹,其具有"高而入于下"的特征,更为接近文献中所栽古人祭祀川谷泉泽之神灵的"坎".具体而论,它可能是夏代初年人们祭祀洧水之神的场所.  相似文献   
丝绸来自蚕桑丝织,蚕桑丝织的起源在本质上是一项科学技术的创造发明。先人们栽桑养蚕,并让其吐丝结茧,巧织经纬将其织成锦绮,还用印花刺绣让虚幻仙境和真实自然在织物上体现。在这一过程中,就有着无数项创造发明的专利。如把野桑蚕驯化成为家蚕,是生物学史上的一项极难的成果,  相似文献   
新疆古代雕塑形式多样、内容丰富,但相关研究却相对较少。本文主要对新疆的木雕、泥塑、铜铸、金器、鹿石、石人等艺术进行了全面分析与总结,展示了新疆古代雕塑艺术的全貌。  相似文献   
A direct methodology for solving the seismic intensity of each point on the capacity curve is proposed. By utilizing the procedure, a continuous curve between the structural response and the seismic intensity, the structural response function, can be easily generated. Unlike previous procedures that search for the performance point of a determined seismic intensity, the proposed methodology easily draws the full curve without iterations. The procedure is applicable to both a smooth design spectrum and an actual response spectrum. Examples indicate the methodology is accurate and fast, and convenient to be combined with existing procedures, such as Modal Pushover Analysis.  相似文献   
周维强 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):18-34+131
熊是传统礼制中,天子和诸侯在射礼中的靶标,而乾隆皇帝的政治生命,实起于猎熊。即位后,他创新礼制,将满洲行围旧俗和传统射礼的礼制相结合,形成了新军礼秋狝,而典礼的高潮之一即为射熊。他不仅撰写诗文来纪念祖父助他射熊旧事和自己的猎熊活动,还将熊皮披覆于木胎之上,用作藏传佛教神坛陈设的配祀神像,后改为油画木胎熊配祀。对于乾隆皇帝而言,熊不仅仅是一种猎物,也成了军礼射艺、纪祖父施恩与战神威德的投射。  相似文献   
琥珀制品在两汉时期风靡一时,琥珀印在琥珀制品中颇具特色。本文在对中国境内考古发现所见两汉琥珀印资料收集与整理的基础上,对其出土地域、自身特征、出土位置及伴出物品等问题进行了探讨。研究表明出土琥珀印的墓葬等级较高,且出土位置特殊,并伴随有水晶、玛瑙、海蓝宝等贵重宝石。这些宝石的产地可能源自南亚或东南亚地区,而这类随葬品在两汉墓葬中的流行亦体现了当时物质交流的成果。  相似文献   
周晓晶 《收藏家》2013,(3):81-83
三文房清玩广义的"文房清玩",可以指所有具有或兼具欣赏功能的古代文房用具,狭义的概念即"文玩",特指与书写和绘画实用功能无关,专门用于营造书房清雅情趣的玩赏类器物,其特点是器型小巧奇特,适于手中把玩,而且工艺精致,清雅脱俗,最能体现文人雅士的审美情趣。最具代表性的文玩材质,是那些便于文人雅士亲自操刀的竹、木、牙、石之类,而且其久经抚玩,会产生滋润莹厚的包浆,时间愈久愈发可爱。依"文玩"制作的年代,可大致划分为时作文玩和古玩二类。时作文玩,是指以一个时代流行的器型和纹饰样式制作的各类用于文房把玩的小件工艺品。  相似文献   
In this paper we analyzed the natural dyes in well-preserved, ancient textiles from Yingpan, an important archaeological site on the Silk Road, using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometric detection. Dyes were removed from textile fibers using a soft extraction method (pyridine, water and oxalic acid). Two species of madder-type plants, Rubia tinctorum and Rubia cordifolia were identified as the dye sources in red and brown samples. We also were able to detect unusual flavonoid glycosides in yellow and green woolen yarns, although we have not been able to pinpoint with certainty a specific plant that may have been used to produce this dye(s). On the other hand, we found that yellow and green silk threads had been colored with protoberberine-type dyes, probably obtained from species of cork tree, Phellodendron spp., and/or other protoberberine producing plant. We propose that the textile dyes found at Yingpan reflect a merging of Eastern and Western practices and technologies during the 800-year period (206 BCE–618 CE) encompassing the early years of the Silk Road.  相似文献   
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