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卡特政府撤出驻韩美军地面部队政策的制定与实施,是20世纪70年代后半期美国对韩政策的重要组成部分.这是美国战略思想转变的结果,也是卡特政府力图在朝鲜半岛避免直接卷入军事冲突的考虑.该政策从制定到终止,此中的缘由经纬万端.来自政府内部、军界和国会等相关各方的反对及卡特政府对日、对苏政策的综合考虑等,均为卡特政府终止该政策的原因.同时,美国对朝情报分析结果及"韩国门"事件也是卡特政府终止撤出驻韩美军地面部队的因素之一.国际局势变化促使驻韩美军以美国国家利益为主线在"撤"与"留"之间徘徊.  相似文献   
马涛 《攀登》2011,30(5):126-128
目前,党报受到网络等新兴媒体的冲击,加之自身发展的困境,使党报亟待创新。今后,党报要进一步在理念、内容以及版面形式上创新,以增强竞争力,促进党报的发展。  相似文献   
国共合作抗日时期,陕甘宁边区政府根据新的形势,开始建立财政税收体系,同时着手建立税收法律制度。边区税务稽查缉私活动也经历了从无到有、逐步健全的过程。税收工作和税务稽查缉私活动为稳定边区经济、支持持久抗战起到了比较重要的作用。  相似文献   
通过对四川省汉源县皇木镇水井湾遗址的考察和发掘,首次发掘出了明代皇木采办所留圆木遗物,推测认为发掘的圆木或是明末皇木采办遗留的不合式的残木,或为运送皇木的滑槽遗木,进而证明了明清之际叶氏家族在汉源县皇木镇采办皇木的历史事实,同时也复原了当时大渡河沿岸山地的植被景观,对环境考古研究有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
发生在物理世界的裂变现象告诉人们,一种元素通过核反应转化为另一种元素,这种变化是彻底的。纵观金星村的历史变迁,从一个固守传统农业的村子通过农业发展方式的转变,一跃而成为全省的优质果品基地,其间的变化  相似文献   
马征 《中国土族》2011,(2):19-20
说起丹噶尔明清时的"茶马古道",据载"陆地崎岖,车亦罕及,故运售货物,番人用牛与骆驼,汉人用骡、马与驴,亦有肩挑背负者"。就是说,茶马古道因为它多属山路,不便行车,仅通人马,故行路难。这种行路难的状况,直至上世  相似文献   
明代大报恩寺皇家建筑基址及北宋长干寺地宫的考古发掘是"2010年度十大考古新发现"之一,地宫出土的众多珍贵文物具有重大科学研究价值。本文以地宫内出土的一件编号为TN5的玻璃盏为保护研究对象,在前期分析研究的基础上,筛选了玻璃盏的黏接和灌注材料,并从表面清洗、碎片黏接以及裂缝灌注和修补三个方面,对玻璃盏实施了保护修复。修复后的玻璃盏基本保留了其原始形貌和负载的历史信息,取得了比较满意的效果。  相似文献   
Two PhD students due to attend WAC 8 reflect on what brought them to Kyoto and what they hope to gain from the encounter.  相似文献   
With the development of China’s economy, the protection and conservation of ancient buildings were put on the agenda. However, the current understandings on Chinese traditional mortars are limited and rarely reported in the literature. In this article, the authors investigate seven ancient city wall sites built during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368–1841 AD) in situ, and subsequently the laboratory analysis were carried out on the collected mortar samples. The characterizations of mortar samples were performed using digital microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DSC), as well as wet chemical analysis. The analytical results show that pure lime mortar was widely used in construction during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it was also a common practice adding sticky rice soup into slaked lime to form sticky-rice lime mortar during preparations. This organic-inorganic composite material could effectively improve mechanical strength of the lime mortar. Moreover, it was first found that the sticky-rice lime mortar sample from Kaifeng ancient city wall contained very fine quartz aggregates, with an approximate binder/aggregate ratio of 1:1. The appearance of this type of mortar probably indicates a great development of Chinese traditional mortars during the mid-19th century.  相似文献   
Y. Wang  H. Ma  K. Chen  X. Huang  J. Cui  Z. Sun  Q. Ma 《Archaeometry》2019,61(1):43-54
Low‐temperature vitreous materials fluxed with lead (and barium) appeared in the early Warring States period (c.fifth century bce ) in ancient China. A range of lead vitreous products fluxed with the same agent, including faience/glass beads, glazed pottery and Chinese blue (purple) pigment, were developed subsequently. This study carries out scientific analysis of six vitreous beads unearthed from the Zhaitouhe cemetery site in northern Shaanxi dating to the early and middle Warring States period to investigate their chemical composition, microstructure and coloration. The lead (and barium) vitreous beads identified here are some of the earliest lead vitreous materials discovered in China so far, and therefore important for the study of the development of lead vitreous technologies in ancient China. This paper also points out that it is meaningful to evaluate the lead glass, glazed pottery and barium copper silicate pigments as a whole technological assemblage given their close relationships.  相似文献   
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