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马德 《敦煌学辑刊》2007,(4):114-124
序 伴随着历史的发展,学术观念需要不断更新,许多学术方面的问题也应该重新认识.这就算是我们近年来所说的与时俱进吧!与时俱进这个词反映的内容可能有一种消极和盲目,与我们讲的开拓进取是不太相符.但反过来讲,消极也好,盲目也好,总得先跟上时代的发展;另一方面,对于宗教来讲,与时俱进可以说是非常恰当和合理的.宗教如果不能适应时代的要求,就会被时代的发展所淘汰.  相似文献   
日军大屠杀期间南京军民反抗问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1937年12月,面对日军的猛烈进攻,南京守军在南京保卫战中进行了英勇的抵抗,显示了中国人民顽强不屈的精神。13日南京沦陷后,日军在城内进行了长达数周惨绝人寰的大屠杀。在南京沦陷后的最初几周内,南京军民面对日军的大屠杀暴行,进行了英勇的反抗,但这些反抗斗争行为,其特点表现为分散和无组织性。在城市沦陷后数周内,不仅中国军队未见有组织的游击或巷战发生,市民们也没有进行较为普遍和成规模的反抗,这无疑是受到当时的历史环境和条件制约的。对此问题进行进一步研讨,并不是为了抹煞中国军民在南京大屠杀过程中的反抗事迹,而是希望能更深入系统地了解和分析南京军民当时的应对状态以及相关背景和原因。  相似文献   
北宋是书院发展的初级阶段,虽然多数书院的学田、藏书、祭祀、院规等并不完备,但对北宋社会的贡献功不可没。文章以地方志为主要史料来源,辅以文集、正史等材料,从微观和宏观两方面探求北宋书院的基本情况及其特点,可以说,北宋书院在教育史和学术研究上有着重要地位。  相似文献   
马世之 《中原文物》2007,2(3):26-29
郑州大师姑城址是一座夏代晚期古城。其性质既不是夏都斟寻,也非夏王朝东部的军事重镇,更与韦、顾等方国都城无关。根据考古资料和文献记载进行综合考察,我们认为它很有可能就是昆吾之城。  相似文献   
文有谋臣,武有良将,他们个个如猛虎咆哮,似霹雳震天,且看——《格萨尔王传》作为藏族人民献给世界文化艺术宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠,时刻闪耀着智慧的光芒,当我们打开  相似文献   
Considerable progress has been made on the research of non-rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) squat walls over the past decades. However, the experimental data of L-shaped RC squat walls remain limited, especially for their seismic behaviors under non-principal bending actions. This paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation on L-shaped RC squat structural walls with an emphasis on how varying the directions of lateral cyclic loading influences the seismic responses of these walls. Four L-shaped specimens are tested under lateral cyclic displacements and low levels of axial compression The variables are axial loads and lateral loading directions. The performance of specimens is discussed in terms of cracking patterns, failure mechanisms, hysteretic responses, deformation components and strain profiles. Furthermore, three-dimensional finite element models are developed to supplement the experimental results. The direction of lateral loading is found to have a significant effect on the peak shear strength of L-shaped RC squat walls.  相似文献   
The article has a double focus: explaining the so-far obscure origins of children’s fashion in the later eighteenth century and putting its emergence in the context of the ‘grand narrative’ concerning the ‘discovery of childhood’ during this pivotal period. Contrary to Rousseau’s famous dismissal of the hussar suit, the role of ‘fancy dress’ inspiration in the development of children’s fashions for the first time purposefully meant to distinguish the (male) child from the grown-ups and, concurrent with the Enlightenment’s ideas on childhood, emerges as central rather than marginal. The repertory of styles adopted for boys’ wear is shown to have been inspired by various ethnic and historical dress traditions rooted in the fascination with masquerade characteristic of the Rococo culture but harnessed to express the emerging new attitudes. Among them, special attention is given to inspirations by Polish national dress.

Second, the article takes on the argument presented by Daniel Thomas Cook in his inspiring article in Textile History, 42, no. 1 (2011). Having acknowledged the foundational role of fashion history in the emergence of childhood studies, Cook regards its present status as peripheral. He dismisses the underlying premise of its principal ‘grand narrative’ as based on a fruitless distinction between utility (and functionality) and fashion rather than the invention or discovery of the ‘child’ and ‘childhood’. While partially accepting Cook’s criticism, the article argues that the ‘grand narrative’, thus modified and expanded, retains its usefulness. In the nineteenth century, the ‘fancy dress’ and ‘playfulness’ theme continued, reflected in the most popular children’s styles (sailor suit, Little Lord Fauntleroy suit) and a range of others, temporarily or locally prominent, and intertwining with multifarious cultural, artistic, social and commercial developments.  相似文献   
访问者(以下简称"访"):霍老师您好!很荣幸有机会向您采访。我们知道,您自从1978年考入四川大学考古系以来,已经在考古学界耕耘了四十余年,取得了很多成绩,尤其是在历史时期考古的领域,创获颇丰。而这四十年,中国考古学也发展得十分迅速,重大发现目不暇接,各项研究也都有所突破。那么在您看来,历史时期考古研究在这四十年间发展的如何?它目前在中国考古学的体系中。  相似文献   
1959年5月,为适应防疫的需要并迎接新中国成立10周年,中华人民共和国卫生部、中国人民解放军总后勤部卫生部和中华医学会在北京联合召开了全国急性传染病学术会议。会议贯彻中西医结合的卫生工作方针,结合时代发展需要,交流并总结了新中国成立以来医学界在防治急性传染病方面取得的成功经验,制定了8种急性传染病防治方案,对此后的传染病防治和研究起到了重要的推动作用。此次会议既为当代中国防疫史增添了浓墨重彩的一笔,同时也在我国医学发展史上具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Social media outlets such as Twitter constitute valuable data sources for understanding human activities in the virtual world from a geographic perspective. This article examines spatial distribution of tweets and densities within cities. The cities refer to natural cities that are automatically aggregated from a country's small street blocks, so called city blocks. We adopted street blocks (rather than census tracts) as the basic geographic units and topological center (rather than geometric center) to assess how tweets and densities vary from the center to the peripheral border. We found that, within a city from the center to the periphery, the tweets first increase and then decrease, while the densities decrease in general. These increases and decreases fluctuate dramatically, and differ significantly from those if census tracts are used as the basic geographic units. We also found that the decrease of densities from the center to the periphery is less significant, and even disappears, if an arbitrarily defined city border is adopted. These findings prove that natural cities and their topological centers are better than their counterparts (conventionally defined cities and city centers) for geographic research. Based on this study, we believe that tweet densities can be a good surrogate of population densities. If this belief is proved to be true, social media data could help solve the dispute surrounding exponential or power function of urban population density.  相似文献   
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