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赵永春 《北方文物》2020,(1):103-107
中华书局1975年出版的《金史》点校本,校勘精审,为促进金史研究起到了重大作用,然百密一疏,其仍然偶有失误之处。选取《金史》部分"纪""传"中的十则史料重新进行校勘,以期有利于对这些问题的进一步讨论。  相似文献   
乡村旅游资源的公共产品特性使得乡村旅游开发中"公地悲剧"成为普遍现象,影响了乡村旅游的可持续发展。通过对河北省乡村旅游资源开发的实地调查分析各地区旅游资源开发的现状,利用博弈模型分析"公地悲剧"产生的原因,并探讨如何利用村民在集体联合组织约束下的行为选择来解决"公地悲剧"问题。最后,论文指出应组建乡村旅游联合组织,规范组织行为并健全农村环境保护法规以克服"公地悲剧"问题。  相似文献   
Based on Morison hydrodynamic force theory, a simplified calculation method for hydrodynamic force to slender structures is proposed. A typical cylindrical deep water pile was chosen for study and the simplified method was used to analyze the influence of hydrodynamic pressure on the pile. Then the finite element method was used to study the dynamic characteristics of the model, and the results from both methods were compared. A comparison was also made between the shaking table test on the south tower of the Nanjing Yangtze 3rd River Bridge and the results from the simplified method.  相似文献   
赵榆 《收藏家》2010,(9):83-87
随着7月19日中贸圣佳国际拍卖公司收槌,2010年全国文物与艺术品春季拍卖会全部结束,全国八大拍卖公司一共成交961918.6万元。其中北京保利拍卖公司成交331348.2万元,中国嘉德公司成交212781.1万元,北京翰海公司成交131618.0万元,北京匡时公司成交108131.2万元,中贸圣佳公司成交68653.6万元,  相似文献   
<正>二里头遗址是东亚地区青铜时代最早的大型都邑遗址,以其为典型遗址的二里头文化则是东亚地区最早的"核心文化",史无前例的都邑的庞大化与大范围的文化辐射构成其最重要的特征①。二里头遗址发现了东亚地区最早的青  相似文献   
China was one of the major centers for the origin of agriculture in the world. The origins of agriculture in China, especially the origin of rice agriculture, made a significant contribution not only to the occurrence of Chinese civilization but also to the development of world history. Recently, the study on the origin of rice agriculture has attracted the attention of the academic community due to the dramatic development of archaeobotanical research in China. In recent years, the flotation technique has widely implemented in archaeological excavations in China. As the result, a tremendous amount of plant remains have been recovered from archaeological sites, including those much related to the study of early rice agriculture. The new data provide direct archaeological evidence for, and raise some new issues about, the origin of rice agriculture in China. For example, the rice remains from the Shangshan site, dated to ca. 10,000 cal. B.P., suggest the beginning of rice cultivation regardless of whether that rice was domesticated or not. The quantitative analysis of plant remains recovered by floatation from the Jiahu site, dated to ca. 8,000 cal. B.P., revealed that the subsistence of the Jiahu people mainly relied on fishing/hunting/gathering, while the products of rice cultivation and animal husbandry were only a supplement to their diet. The ongoing excavation, with floatation and water-sieving, at the Tianluoshan site, dated to 6,000 to 7,000 cal. B.P., suggests that rice farming, though important, was only part of a broader subsistence pattern of the Hemudu Culture, and rice domestication culminated after 6,500 B.P and the beginning of rice domestication remain unclear.  相似文献   
关于小河沿文化的内涵和命名问题,学术界虽讨论了多年,但至今仍存在较大争议。通过对燕山以北地区小河沿文化遗址材料和墓地材料的检讨,重新界定了小河沿文化的基本内涵和分布范围。经过进一步的比对分析,认为燕山以南的雪山一期遗存、中贾壁遗存、午方遗存(类型)总体特征与小河沿文化区别明显,不宜纳入小河沿文化范畴。燕山以南各类遗存中所见的少部分小河沿文化因素,实为相同时期诸考古学文化之间彼此交流或受到了相同文化影响的结果。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,广大农村中文盲半文盲普遍存在的现实难以适应国家社会经济发展的要求,因此开展大规模的农村文化教育势在必行。在中央人民政府的领导下,山西省政府对农村扫盲工作高度重视,通过积极的宣传动员、有效的组织管理以及灵活多样的学习形式,提高了广大农民的文化素质和思想觉悟,形成了良好的社会风尚,为社会主义建设培养了优秀人才。由于农村扫盲受到时代与环境的限制,亦存在形式主义和官僚主义倾向、学习形式僵化等局限性。  相似文献   
杜甫在诗学艺术和儒学思想两个方面均有极高之造诣,但是其儒学思想被诗学盛名所掩,故论杜甫诗学者多而论杜甫儒学者少.本文则着重论述杜甫的儒学思想成就,尤其是杜甫对孟子思想的继承与拓展.本文认为,杜甫在精神气质方面与孟子异常相似,在他们身上都体现出狂者的精神和独立的人格.杜甫具有孟子的仁爱情怀,仁民爱物,推己及人,实现了个体与宇宙万物的和谐共存.更为重要的是,杜甫持守孟子首倡的人伦观念,试图重新调适被安史之乱打破的儒家伦常秩序,其诗歌具有重振纲常的思想史意义.  相似文献   
The handle‐shaped artefact is a special jade object of the Three Dynasties (c.2000–200 bc ) period. The manufacturing technology and function of the handle‐shaped artefacts are widely questioned. In this paper, two handle‐shaped artefacts from Yinxu (c.1300–1046 bc ) are tested by digital microscope, Raman spectrometer and scanning electron microscope. The results indicate that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be made in four steps, namely rough shape cutting, edge reforming, handle making and single‐side polishing. It also suggests that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be used as sacrificial offerings, but not as hairpins or handles.  相似文献   
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