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磁县赵王庙摩崖造像是有明确纪年的隋代佛教造像遗迹,由于地处偏僻,过去鲜为人知。本文作者对赵王庙摩崖造像进行了初步的考古调查,并对造像题材、造像题记、造像风格等进行了初步探讨。赵王庙摩崖造像的发现,为研究隋代佛教信仰、佛教组织以及进一步研究邺下佛教和响堂山石窟又补充了新的资料。  相似文献   
兴隆洼文化的类型、分期与聚落结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1980年代初期,中国社会科学院考古研究所内蒙古工作队通过对内蒙古敖汉旗兴隆洼遗址的发掘,首次揭示出了一种比赵宝沟、红山文化更早的新石器时代遗存,这种遗存后来被正式  相似文献   
The time dimension has not attracted enough attention in policy process research in China, yet speed is the most distinctive feature of China’s recent development. This article, based on observations of China’s policy practices, proposes a new research perspective for understanding how the Chinese government has been able to address policy challenges in an era of rapid transition. The approach adopted by the government allows decision makers to respond quickly to serious problems with a truncated decision-making process, and then implement the decisions through a more gradual deliberative process. The article examines China’s coal-mining industry reform as an empirical case to illustrate how this governance approach has been used to achieve major policy reform, namely property rights reform for coal mines, while simultaneously maintaining stability, regulating production safety, and stimulating industrial development. The article concludes with a discussion of the broad implications of this pattern for improving the effectiveness of public policy both in and outside China.  相似文献   
俄藏敦煌文献缀合四则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄藏敦煌写卷碎片很多,其中有许多可以缀合.本文拈出四个可缀合的写卷,提供缀合后的图版,并尝试进行定名和录文,定名一律参照其他有原题的同类写卷.  相似文献   
过去朝阳是北山, 石板崖, 要喝个互助的酒哩; 阳世上陪你到阴间, 望乡台, 转过了还绕个手哩. 这首传唱了数百年的"花儿",以地名和酒起兴,歌颂了土族人民坚贞的爱情和对家乡的热爱.歌里说的"互助的酒",就是现在闻名遐迩的青海青稞酒.  相似文献   
河北蔚县三关墓地作为一个文化类型从属于夏家店下层文化,利用线粒体DNA方法研究其遗传结构,发现蔚县三关墓地古代居民在母系遗传上与现代东亚人群的亲缘关系较近。在与古代居民的对比中可以看出,三关组与姜家梁、喇嘛洞古代居民聚为一支,而与拓跋鲜卑位于两个不同的分支上。从新石器时代晚期到青铜时代,在此地区母系遗传关系较近。夏家店下层文化壶流河类型的古代居民对于今天北方汉族的形成有一定的基因贡献。  相似文献   
赵德云 《华夏考古》2006,8(4):78-86
在中国唐代金银器、陶瓷器中,扳指杯是引人注目的一类器物。本文在分析唐代扳指杯形制特征的基础上,结合国外资料,提出扳指杯源于罗马造型意匠,萨珊波斯、粟特等的扳指杯,在吸收罗马造型的基础上,形成了自身的一些特征;而中国扳指杯在造型上的细部差别,可能一方面反映了罗马意匠的扳指杯传入中国的不同途径和方式,另一方面反映着外来文化因素与中国传统造型艺术的和谐融合。  相似文献   
A human skull, buried about 2500 years ago in a Bronze Age cemetery at Jinggouzi, a site of an important ethnic group in ancient China, appeared to have characteristics of fibrous dysplasia. The CT images indicated a reduction in bone density and relatively homogeneous lesions. More features were revealed using CT reconstruction techniques. Lesions seen in low‐magnification images using a 3D deep‐field microscope had an irregular honeycomb‐like structure. At higher magnification, the trabeculae morphology and the gaps between the trabeculae were irregular and varied in size and shape. Paraffin‐embedded specimens stained with HE showed trabeculae with tortuous irregular arrangements varying in shape and width. The irregular trabeculae of woven bone has been described as having fibrous dysplasia. Molecular analysis of the GNAS gene indicated no mutation. This provides a non‐invasive approach for us to make more comprehensive diagnoses and to assist research into ancient human diseases.  相似文献   
安徽合肥出土的买地券述略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
买地券是研究中国古代丧葬制度以及当时社会经济发展状况的原始材料。文章公布了合肥市历年出土的五代暨宋、明8块买地券的资料,并从买地券的质地、形式、内容等多方面进行初步研究,提出了一些新的见解。  相似文献   
本文通过对《战国策》一书的成书时间、作者、书名以及该书的流传过程和义献价值的论述,考证了《战国策》是南多人写成,经由西汉末年刘向整理的,记载了战国时期策士谋略和游说之辞的优秀历史散文集。  相似文献   
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