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孙中山的道德实践精神乃中国传统道德精神的延续与发展。其主要内涵涉及重“行”思想、内在实践与外在实践三方面。所谓重“行”思想包括源于现实的冷峻思考、积极改造传统落后心理与阐发自己的“知行”说;而内在实践涵盖注重良心、知耻、立志、修身与宣誓等以改良与培育近代人格;至于外在实践具体表现为秉持理性反对盲动、积极塑造近代理想人格救国、实践三民主义追求大同理想、革命建设次递推进、藉整顿党务重振伟业等。  相似文献   
《曾国藩家书》反映了曾国藩对子弟独特的文学教育方式,其中对训诂和辞章关系的探讨就很有价值。曾国藩学兼汉宋,不主一偏。闳通的学术胸怀使得他能客观地评定和借鉴汉宋学家的成果,并结合自己的创作经验,提出以"精确之训诂,作古茂之文章"的文学创作法,并将韩愈古文与汉魏辞赋文学传统相勾贯,以建立不囿于前期桐城派的审美观。  相似文献   
1998年5月,吉林大学考古系的部分师生和镇赉县文物管理所的同志对该遗址进行复查时,发现石制品111件。经整理研究,将石制品划分为细石器和非细石器两类。发现的石制品中有石片、细石叶、细石叶石核、刮削器、石镞、雕刻器、舌形器和磨制石器等,是新石器时代早期的典型细石器工业,为新、旧石器时代的过渡研究提供了一批宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
关于楚国的西境,由于史籍缺载,因而语焉不详。本文结合考古资料和文献记载,认为峡江地区考古发掘出的大量楚墓,说明了云阳、忠县等区域曾为楚国的西境。在战国中期,楚国西进占领该地区;在战国晚期,楚国完全丧失该地区。  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地是我国最东部的一片沙地,分布于松辽分水岭以南、冀北山地以北、大兴安岭南段以东、第一松花江和东辽河以西的广大地区.  相似文献   
一、引言人类在地球生物中是一个特殊的类群,其特殊性就在于他能制造和使用复杂的工具,具有特殊的生存方式.对古人类技术、行为和生存模式的研究是旧石器时代考古学的范畴.这一学科通过对埋藏于地下的古人类生产与生存活动所遗留下来的遗物、遗迹及其空间分布关系的发掘与研究,探讨人类对特定环境的适应方式、所占有的食物和生活资源的种类及获得的方法和途径,其活动区域的大小及其对土地的开发利用方式,以及与其它生物的相互依存关系1.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯市(原伊克昭盟)位于内蒙古自治区西南部的鄂尔多斯高原腹地.西、北、东三面临黄河.南接长城,处于黄河与万里长城的环抱之中.  相似文献   
梁永照 《华夏考古》2005,(3):111-112
最近,孟州市博物馆在当地村民手中征集到2套大泉五十钱范,其形制相同。从其形制结构、文字风格等判断,当为王莽时期盗铸钱币的钱范。这2套钱范的发现对研究王莽时期的社会状况有一定价值。  相似文献   
Optically Stimulated Luminescence signal of quartz extracted from modern aeolian dust with known maximum age (about decades) was analyzed in terms of degree of bleaching. The results of dose recovery tests show that the modified double single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol with the early background subtraction is robust for dating these modern dusts using small aliquots. Bleaching of these dusts is discussed based on the distribution of De values in histograms, scatter plots of De versus sensitivity corrected natural OSL signal and comparison between measured De and expected De. The results indicate that most dusts were completely bleached but some dusts were not completely bleached. For those incompletely bleached dusts in Lanzhou area, the maximum OSL age overestimation is up to ~1 ka, which might be caused by fast deposition accompanied by heavy sand/dust storms. The research suggests that cautions should be given to OSL ages younger than 1 ka in the western China close to deserts.  相似文献   
L. Xu  X. Ma  B. Zhang  Q. Zhang  P. Zhao 《Archaeometry》2019,61(2):309-326
For centuries, the architecture of the Palace Museum represented the highest standard of Chinese architecture. The Yangxin Palace of the Palace Museum consisted of 18 masonry buildings built using bricks, wood, roof tiles and various mortars. In 2016, a five‐year project was initiated to work on the maintenance and restoration of the Yangxin Palace buildings. The characterization of the construction materials has become of primary importance, in order to obtain information about the raw ingredients and building technology of the mortars, and the history of possible previous restorations. In this paper, 12 different samples representing three types of mortar‐based materials—namely, jointing mortars between the bricks on the wall, and surface plasters as well as mortars used on the roof—were collected for analysis from the Yanxi Hall of the Yangxin Palace. Analysis into the composition, grain‐size distribution, organic and fibre additives and testing of the mortar density and water absorption were performed. Starch, protein and plant fibres were identified in some of the samples. Brucite, mullite and ettringite were detected within most mortars on the roof, possibly originating from the furnace slag added into the raw materials for restoration purposes. The analytical results will serve as a critical reference for the maintenance and restoration of the buildings in the Yangxin Palace.  相似文献   
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