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作者通过对甲午战争至全面抗战爆发历史的回顾,分析期间中国知识分子的思想变化.并分析抗战爆发后知识分子通过不同的方式积极投入救亡运动,重新认识抗战期间的知识分子的真实处境和历史,提出应更理性、客观的去看待抗战时期的知识分子的选择,无论是自由主义知识分子、马克思主义知识分子还是新儒家知识分子,对近代中国文化的追求,根本上都是“三民主义”.  相似文献   
明朝初年,国脉皆仰东南,为解决南方粮财物的北运问题,宋礼和白英受命组织修建了大运河山东段南旺分水枢纽。该枢纽主要包括引汶济运、导泉补源、设立水柜和置闸节流四个组成部分。其中,引汶济运是工程之重点,包括戴村坝、小汶河、南旺分水以及配套工程等四个子系统。这些水利设施组成一个和谐的系统工程,保证了该段运河的水量稳定充足,从而实现了大运河500余年的正常通行。南旺分水枢纽代表了我国古代运河水工的最高科学技术成就,堪称世界水利史上的一大经典范例。  相似文献   
1924年英国大选期间发生了"季诺耶维夫信"事件,英国《每日邮报》在大选前四天发表了一封事后被证明是伪造的"季诺维也夫信"。然而,该信的发表在当时造成巨大影响,它对英国大选及工党政府的黯然下台、英国社会"红色恐怖"情绪的发展以及《英苏协定》的困难进程等事件都产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   
张宁 《中国地方志》2015,(2):14-18,62
第二轮修志面临资料缺失问题,而作为资料补充渠道之一的口述史,在地方志领域并没有得到足够的重视。第二轮修志应重视口述资料的运用,使其在志书资料补充收集中发挥更大的功用。口述资料能补充志书关键资料、微观资料、一手鲜活资料,以及印证文献资料。同时,使用口述史资料也面临一些问题,解决这些问题有七项举措:一是研究理论,加大理论指导力度;二是建立制度,提供规范化保障;三是指导工作,推动开展口述资料收集;四是实施项目,投入具体口述史实践;五是实现数字化,使口述资料得以妥善保存、信息共享;六是加强口述史人才队伍建设;七是扩大宣传,提高口述史知名度和在修志中的影响力。  相似文献   
張雨 《中华文史论丛》2015,(2):31-50,391,392
南朝宋皇太子監國有司儀注,反映了魏晉南北朝時期的公文形態。但是,現有中華書局點校本《宋書》、《通典》的儀注文本及標點,均有不完善之處,需要重新校録文本和標點。在對儀注進行了文書學與制度史考察之後可知,儘管尚書臺(省)自西晉以後就已取得了作爲宰相機構的職權,尚書令、僕射也已被視爲宰相,但是遲至南朝宋時,尚書臺仍然未成爲一個層級分化、結構規整、分工明確、各有權限的外朝宰相職司。在兩漢至隋唐間三公制—三省制的體制轉軌還沒有基本完成之前,尚書臺所得的宰相職權,並沒有及時反映到律令常典和公文形態中。尚書臺作爲文書傳遞機構的性質,仍在相當長一段時期內體現在南北朝公文書式中。就現有研究而言,尚書省及令、僕射所獲得的宰相職權在律令和公文制度中得到反映,恐怕要到南北朝後期,甚至是隋初纔實現。  相似文献   
A new artwork trading model emerged in China at the beginning of 2010s: the value of a piece of artwork was divided into equal shares, and investors could buy and sell these shares in the cultural artwork exchanges, in exactly the same way as investors trading stocks in the stock market. In China, this trading model, once available, was hotly pursued by investors. This rapid market growth quickly descended into trading market confusion and speculation, forcing the government to deal with this model and eventually putting a stop to it. In this paper, we take a closer look at the reasons for the artwork shares’ price booming and slumping, the disorder and speculation in the artwork share trading market, and the reasons why the Chinese government halted this kind of trade. Taking the Tianjin Cultural Artwork Exchange of China as an example, we found that artwork can be an alternative investment vehicle, but the share trading model, similar in function to the stocks and bonds market, is not fit for artwork. The lack of legal basis and supervision by governmental bodies, together with the changeable trading rules has also contributed to the failure of this artwork trading model in China.  相似文献   
Kicking in soccer has been the subject of scientific research for more than 40 years yet review articles summarizing the biomechanical fundamentals of kick optimization as a guide to coaching are scarcely to be found. The current review article aims to bridge the gap between scientific research into the maximal instep kick (including studies employing 3D motion capture and full-body biomechanical modelling) and the application of such research in coaching. It does so by supplying a scientifically founded, coaching-friendly article explaining identifiable characteristics and motor control sequencing that define this skill. Relevant biomechanical factors are identified in a way that should help coaches better develop training programmes and, at the same time, foster better understanding of the skill among athletes. Such information will contribute to both accelerated skill acquisition and, by concomitant gains in skill efficiency, the development of programmes that minimize risk of injury to athletes during training.  相似文献   
Epipaleolithic/early Neolithic settlements at Qinghai Lake,western China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transitions from terminal Pleistocene Upper Paleolithic foraging to Holocene Neolithic farming and pastoralist economic orientations in the northern Tibetan Plateau are examined from the perspective of Epipaleolithic sites located near Qinghai Lake, Qinghai Province, western China. Jiangxigou 2 is an artifact-rich, multicomponent midden site with the main period of occupation dating ca. 9000–5000 cal yr BP, containing abundant flaked stone artifacts including a substantial proportion of microlithic tools, abundant faunal remains including gazelle, deer, and sheep, and a small number of ceramics, including the oldest known on the Tibetan Plateau. Heimahe 3, on the other hand, is a brief hunter's camp dating ca. 8450 cal yr BP, with evident affinities to late Upper Paleolithic camps in the same region that date several thousand years older. The two distinctively different sites are probably nodes within a single Epipaleolithic foraging system that developed on the margins of the high Tibetan Plateau during the early Holocene, and that served as a basis for colonization of the high-altitude Plateau at that time. Jiangxigou 2 appears to be connected to early Neolithic agricultural settlements along the upper Yellow River (Huang He) drainage during the middle Holocene, and may provide insights into forager–agriculturalist interactions that lead to the development of pastoralist systems in the region.  相似文献   
The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   
珍本《影山草堂学吟稿》考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张剑 《文献》2007,(1):125-130
"清诗三百年,王气在夜郎",这是钱仲联先生<论近代诗四十家>对晚清宋诗派代表郑珍(字子尹)和莫友芝(字子偲)的赞语,郑、莫两人虽处西南边陲,但学深诗雄,名动全国,不愧为贵州历史文化宝库中两颗极其璀璨的明珠.  相似文献   
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