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Kicking in soccer has been the subject of scientific research for more than 40 years yet review articles summarizing the biomechanical fundamentals of kick optimization as a guide to coaching are scarcely to be found. The current review article aims to bridge the gap between scientific research into the maximal instep kick (including studies employing 3D motion capture and full-body biomechanical modelling) and the application of such research in coaching. It does so by supplying a scientifically founded, coaching-friendly article explaining identifiable characteristics and motor control sequencing that define this skill. Relevant biomechanical factors are identified in a way that should help coaches better develop training programmes and, at the same time, foster better understanding of the skill among athletes. Such information will contribute to both accelerated skill acquisition and, by concomitant gains in skill efficiency, the development of programmes that minimize risk of injury to athletes during training.  相似文献   
Epipaleolithic/early Neolithic settlements at Qinghai Lake,western China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transitions from terminal Pleistocene Upper Paleolithic foraging to Holocene Neolithic farming and pastoralist economic orientations in the northern Tibetan Plateau are examined from the perspective of Epipaleolithic sites located near Qinghai Lake, Qinghai Province, western China. Jiangxigou 2 is an artifact-rich, multicomponent midden site with the main period of occupation dating ca. 9000–5000 cal yr BP, containing abundant flaked stone artifacts including a substantial proportion of microlithic tools, abundant faunal remains including gazelle, deer, and sheep, and a small number of ceramics, including the oldest known on the Tibetan Plateau. Heimahe 3, on the other hand, is a brief hunter's camp dating ca. 8450 cal yr BP, with evident affinities to late Upper Paleolithic camps in the same region that date several thousand years older. The two distinctively different sites are probably nodes within a single Epipaleolithic foraging system that developed on the margins of the high Tibetan Plateau during the early Holocene, and that served as a basis for colonization of the high-altitude Plateau at that time. Jiangxigou 2 appears to be connected to early Neolithic agricultural settlements along the upper Yellow River (Huang He) drainage during the middle Holocene, and may provide insights into forager–agriculturalist interactions that lead to the development of pastoralist systems in the region.  相似文献   
The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   
珍本《影山草堂学吟稿》考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张剑 《文献》2007,(1):125-130
"清诗三百年,王气在夜郎",这是钱仲联先生<论近代诗四十家>对晚清宋诗派代表郑珍(字子尹)和莫友芝(字子偲)的赞语,郑、莫两人虽处西南边陲,但学深诗雄,名动全国,不愧为贵州历史文化宝库中两颗极其璀璨的明珠.  相似文献   
陶敏 《文献》2007,(2):89-94
宋太祖开宝三年(970),南唐清辉殿学士张洎奉命使宋,纪录宋典客、左补阙贾黄中谈话,撰成<贾氏谈录>一书.此书虽记唐代琐事,又仅一卷,"篇帙无多,然如牛李之党其初肇衅于口语,为史所未及,而<周秦行纪>一书,晁公武亦尝据此录以辨韦璀之诬.  相似文献   
曹魏景元元年朱书镇墓文读解   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张全民 《考古与文物》2007,(2):30-32,92
2005年5月,西安高新区新型工业园区广丰公司基建工地(位于长安区郭杜镇)清理了一座三国曹魏时期墓葬。该墓出土的一件灰陶镇墓瓶,小口外敞,平沿外斜,圆肩鼓腹,平底内凹,肩上钤有一枚印文,已模糊不清,瓶内尚存少量蛋壳残片。口径11、腹径27.5、底径19、高21.5厘米(图一)。其上朱书铭文有所脱落,尚有许多清晰可辨,或隐约可见,或可根据有关资料补上所缺之字(图二,封三)。尤为可贵的是纪年明确,为墓葬的绝对年代提供了准确的依据,同时也为研究当时的埋葬制度、信仰和习俗提供了重要资料。该镇墓文书体古朴娟秀,多具有楷书特征,尚存隶书意味,也为了解当时书法的发展提供了不可多得的实物资料。现将这些资料一并公布,并试作解读。  相似文献   
中国古代神话是中国本土的产物,它深深地植根于中国悠久的文化土壤之中,渗透着东方智慧的光芒。诚如德国哲学家黑格尔所言,中国是个早熟的儿童,中国的古代神话就是中国这个早熟的儿童,通过神话的方式,对中国历代著名人物的思考与评价。中国古代的神话闪烁着理性的光芒,它有明确的指导思想,那就是尚德、尚功与尚智,着眼于著名人物对时代与民众的贡献,中国的古代神话与中国祭祀文化的精神实质是一致的。因而中国的古代神话,在世界各民族神话之林中,是独具特色的神话之一。  相似文献   
将铜器刻文与史籍对照研究,从而对刻文作出新的解释.  相似文献   
“近代中国与近代文化”学术研讨会于2007年6月30日至7月1日在北京师范大学举行,李文海、金冲及、胡绳武、刘桂生、张海鹏、耿云志等著名学者和来自中国社会科学院近代史研究所、北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学、南京大学、中山大学等单位的上百名专家参加会议。与会者围绕大会主题,就近代中国的文化思潮、学术史、社会文化、教育、宗教、中外文化交流等专门领域中的诸多问题,展开热烈研讨,提出了不少富有学术价值的观点。提交会议的高质量论文甚多,限于篇幅,兹仅摘录部分学术观点。在文化思潮研究方面,与会者论及现代性建构、…  相似文献   
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