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张广泗上疏朝廷,于乾隆十年十一月至十一年闰三月,首浚赤水河,疏通68处险滩,使川盐由四川合江经赤水河到仁岸茅台村,运输路程大大缩短,盐价渐平,对黔人"斗米斤盐"之负担有所减轻,经济效益十分明显.文中还对赤水河源流及遵义知府陈玉(殿)是否参与赤水河疏浚、吴登举之死等问题,均有论述与考辨.  相似文献   
南京明代宝船厂遗址的发掘及船舶构件的出土,为研究郑和下西洋活动,尤其是郑和船队的相关信息提供了宝贵的资料。宝船厂遗址中出土的舵杆是船舵的重要组成部分,也是复原船舵的主要依据。通过对舵杆本体特征部位与古代不平衡舵的比较研究,对舵首、舵身、舵尾特征部位的结构、功能进行了深入、细致的分析研究,初步完成了船舵的结构、功能和操控系统的复原。  相似文献   
The Lv family tombs in Lantian, Shaanxi Province are one of the most important archaeological sites of China in recent years, providing numerous objects and a wealth of information for the study of the history of the Northern Song dynasty. There were a large number of exquisite cultural relics unearthed from the tombs, including one porcelain box containing white powder, which was identified as women's makeup. The phase composition, microstructure, thermal properties and characteristics of the trace elements in the unearthed white cosmetic powder were comprehensively analysed by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry – thermogravimetry (DSC–TG), Fourier transform infrared (FT–IR) microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES). The white makeup powder was determined to be a product made from high‐quality freshwater pearls. These results, for the first time, showed evidence that freshwater pearl powder was used as a cosmetic in ancient China using archaeological objects, providing scientific evidence and new clues to enrich and expand research into the ancient Chinese cosmetic materials.  相似文献   
From AD 1274 Chinese emperor Kublai Khan dispatched fleets of ships in a series of attempts to expand the empire's hegemony and extend his rule into East Asia (Japan) and Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Champa and Java). Archaeological remains associated with the fleets and battles have been found at Takashima Island, Japan and on the B?ch Ð?ng River, Vietnam. This paper develops a thematic approach to these sites within a framework of naval battlefield archaeology. It compares the similarities and differences in environmental conditions and archaeological contexts of the two sites in Japan and Vietnam. It also outlines recent archaeological research conducted between 2008 and 2010 on the physical remains at the B?ch Ð?ng River battlefield site.  相似文献   
In this article, a collaborative structure analysis (CSA) system is developed for integrating different finite-element simulation programs. In this system, a simulated structure is divided into multiple substructures, and the interaction between the substructures is considered. Interfaces for the commercial finite-element program ABAQUS and for an open-source framework for structure analysis, OpenSees, are developed to achieve CSA integration. The CSA system is applied to analysis of a soil-structure interaction (SSI) problem, and the effects of SSI are investigated, and the efficiency and accuracy of the system are demonstrated.  相似文献   
《天柱文书》首辑凡22册68卷,近已由江苏人民出版社出版。透过大量新公布的文书史料,不仅可以更好地了解清水江文明,推劲区域学研究的健康发展,同时也能丰富文书学的成果宝藏,扩大中国乡土社会的资料取用与认知解读范围,从而大有裨于吾国学术文化事业的兴盛与繁荣。  相似文献   
本文拟对前民国政府终身立法委员郭登敖的一生加以评述,郭登敖先生热爱祖国、心念统一、反对台独;情系故土、仁爱桑梓;坚守风骨、为民喉舌;终生笔耕、享誉士林。  相似文献   
建设博物馆数字化的科普平台,加强了对馆藏文物的保护能力,促进了博物馆的历史文化教育和传播功能,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本工作将介绍其构建方法:采用全景拍摄、三维扫描等数字化信息采集技术,对博物馆建筑的内外景、重点馆藏文物进行信息采集,构建虚拟的历史遗迹遗存、网上博物馆,将实体博物馆以数字化方式完整呈现,通过互联网/移动互联网提供身临其境的虚拟参观服务;采用二维码、电子标签、混合定位等技术,为现场观众提供自助音视频文化科普导览服务;策划制作面向广大青少年的反映中国历史文化遗产的4D影视科普作品及建设面向普通观众开放的博物馆4D动感影厅工程播放系统,以此构建博物馆数字化科普平台。  相似文献   
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curve is assumed to consist of a number of first-order exponential components. Improper estimation of the number of components leads to under-or over-fitting of the curve under consideration. Hence, correct estimation of the number of components is important to accurately analyze an OSL decay curve. In this study, we investigated the possibility of using the Bayesian Information Criterion to estimate the optimal number of components in an OSL decay curve. We tested the reliability of this method using several hundred measured decay curves and three simulation scenarios. Our results demonstrate that the quality of the identification can be influenced by several factors: the measurement time and the number of channels; the variability of the decay constants; and the signal-to-noise ratios of a decaying component. The results also suggest that the Bayesian Information Criterion has great potential to estimate the number of components in an OSL decay curve with a moderate to high signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   
纳西居民是丽江古城的魂。随着丽江旅游的发展,近年来纳西居民纷纷外迁新城.古城空心化现象严重地危及了古城的可持续发展。纳西居民选择留下来的机会成本远高于现实收益.这是居民外迁的原因。政府应当根据古城空心化现象的成因来构建相应对策。  相似文献   
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