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张涛 《文献》1999,(2):94-111
东汉后期,政治腐败,社会黑暗,许多思想家、政治家致力于探求除弊救世的良方.在社会批判思潮兴起的同时,道教迅速形成并发展起来,《太平经》也随之成书.作为最早的道教经典,《太平经》继承、发挥《周易》之道,充分吸收各种易学成果,提出了一系列独具特色的易学思想,成为易道融合的典范.关于这一问题,前人及时贤多有述及,但系统论述者尚不多见.有鉴于此,笔者撰成本文.不妥之处,敬请方家教正.  相似文献   
本以“信息”作为创新资源予以整合,诠释了现代酒店的信息管理(E)模式在网络时代的全新运作及其对传统酒店经营管理带来的新理念、新思考。  相似文献   
张廷银  刘应梅 《文献》2002,(4):234-251
1940年前后,浙江南浔刘承干(字贞一,号翰怡,别署求恕居士)嘉业堂藏书经历了一次比较大的变故:由于日本侵略军铁蹄南下,江南地区的局势一片动荡,又由于家庭矛盾日剧,生活财用日渐匮乏,刘承干无力保护其辛苦所藏,便将其出售,当时日本在华的两大机构--大连满铁株式会社和上海同文书院参与此事.而在这两家机构的前台和背后,当时的日本军方势力、学者以及中国的文人、书贾甚至堕为民族败类的汉奸,也纷纷染指其中,从而展开了一场政治与学术相融、道义与强权并在的"文化交流"活动.这种在特定条件下私人藏书所遭遇的特殊命运,颇富有传奇色彩,而其中所包含的民族辛酸,更令人深感痛心.  相似文献   
《通典》是第一部为吐蕃设立专传的史书 ,包括三个方面的内容 :第一 ,吐蕃的族源风俗与典章制度 ;第二 ,吐蕃大事记及唐蕃关系大事纪年 ;第三 ,吐蕃大相论钦陵与唐朝使者郭元振的长篇对话及郭元振上疏文。本文认为《通典·吐蕃传》是唐代人所著唐代吐蕃史 ,可靠性更高 ,同时也保存了不少为两唐书“吐蕃传”所忽略的珍贵史料 ,值得研究者给予新的重视。  相似文献   
耿淡如先生是现代中国历史学家 ,新中国成立后 ,以治世界中世纪史名闻史坛 ,晚年又致力于西方史学史的教学与研究工作。他培养本专业的研究生、主编《外国史学史》、译介诸多的外国史学名著 ,撰写学术论文 ,是中国的西方史学史学科建设的先行者与奠基者。他关于历史研究的求真精神、史学史的基本概念、西方史学的新陈代谢、学术批判的工作原则、标本与模型兼备的研究方法等许多真知灼见 ,都是可供后人借鉴的思想遗产 ,也是他对西方史学史研究的具体贡献  相似文献   
《春秋》所载伐邢之"狄"应为商人.在邢国墓葬考古中,发现有"毁墓"现象,由年代和情势判断,只能是对邢有"亡国"之恨的商人所为.狄也叫戎.戎在金文中写作" ",最初是商王小乙之子"子 "的氏族徽志.这个氏族一部分居于王畿北境,今河北新乐一带,负守土之责.周公东征后逃匿太行山中.狄也作翟.翟,《说文》云"山雉尾长者",《赵世家》云"子姓".图腾和族姓皆与商人相同.  相似文献   
Palace lanterns were important and highly visible decorations in the imperial palace in Beijing, China, during the Qing dynasty (1636–1912). Most lanterns had colourful tassels made of fibres. The study performed a comprehensive investigation of the materials and dyes used for palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing. Eight samples with different colours, including yellow, green and red, from five palace lanterns were analysed. By using ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the compositions of the dyes were identified quickly, and thus the dyes' origins were explored. A X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assisted in the detection of whether a mordant was used during the dyeing process. As a result, the tassels were all made of silk, discovered through the use of microscopic observation and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. Different dyeing techniques were found in these tassels: yellow tassels were dyed by cork tree or turmeric by a direct dyeing method; greens were dyed by pagoda bud with an iron mordant, or by the combination of cork tree and indigo using multi-dyeing method; and red tassels were coloured with different acid red industrial dyes. These results provide valuable data for the conservation of ancient textile tassels and contribute to the investigation of other hanging tags.  相似文献   
唐代中国典籍在"拂菻"名义下保留了拜占庭向中国遣使的记载。"拂菻"一名来自Rum一词,经由中介语言如亚美尼亚语、波斯语进入汉文典籍。643年的遣使可能是拜占庭帝国著名的皇帝希拉克略所策划,而由其他人实施,目的是想联合唐朝共同抗击新兴的阿拉伯势力的进攻。在阿拉伯势力征服伊朗高原后,其他各次遣使主要经由活跃在中亚的景教徒来完成。  相似文献   
The Lv family tombs in Lantian, Shaanxi Province are one of the most important archaeological sites of China in recent years, providing numerous objects and a wealth of information for the study of the history of the Northern Song dynasty. There were a large number of exquisite cultural relics unearthed from the tombs, including one porcelain box containing white powder, which was identified as women's makeup. The phase composition, microstructure, thermal properties and characteristics of the trace elements in the unearthed white cosmetic powder were comprehensively analysed by X‐ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry – thermogravimetry (DSC–TG), Fourier transform infrared (FT–IR) microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES). The white makeup powder was determined to be a product made from high‐quality freshwater pearls. These results, for the first time, showed evidence that freshwater pearl powder was used as a cosmetic in ancient China using archaeological objects, providing scientific evidence and new clues to enrich and expand research into the ancient Chinese cosmetic materials.  相似文献   
淮河流域的原始经济是淮河流域史前文化形成和发展的基础,采集与渔猎经济是淮河流域史前重要经济形态,本文主要依据考古发现的资料,对淮河流域新石器时代的采集与渔猎经济进行深入考察和分析,以求有助于我们更客观更全面的认识整个淮河流域史前采集和渔猎经济。  相似文献   
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