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中国城市化与地质灾害之分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王占礼 《人文地理》1999,14(3):71-74
文章分析了我国城市发展面临的地质灾害、危害性及对城市发展的影响,提出了整治城市地质灾害的的基本对策与管理措施。  相似文献   
西汉晚期,天地交通观念发展到“天人感应”阶段,表现天、人交通的渠道由此前营造大型、繁复的设施转向对人的道德言行、声名的要求,使其表现形式趋向平易化。墓葬由此成为普通民众也可用来表现天地交通的场所,其建构随之发生普遍性变化,大批中小型墓葬顶部变为券顶、穹窿顶,成为一种天地相合的微缩模型。基于这种空间格局的拓展,便于将画面内容与空间层次对应起来的墓葬壁画,被广大民众所接受而盛行起来。  相似文献   
露天不可移动文物常年遭受风化侵蚀和人为破坏,保存环境十分恶劣,掌握文物健康状况并进行趋势预测,是"预防性"文物保护工作的重要内容。文物健康监测数据具有不确定性和贫信息性,传统概率统计方法和模糊数学方法不能满足预测要求。针对文物裂隙数据的特点,以陕西唐顺陵天禄石刻为研究对象,提出了采用灰色系统理论来预测文物裂隙发展趋势,建立了裂隙GM((1,1)模型和Verhulst模型,分别确定了灰色模型的灰色作用量和发展系数,并且对唐顺陵石刻文物的裂隙进行了预测。实验用前12个月的裂隙月均值,对随后的7个月的裂隙进行了定量预测,发现天禄石刻的裂隙有缓慢增大的趋势。与同期真实裂隙监测值相比,GM((1,1)模型和Verhulst模型预测值的平均相对误差满足裂隙预测精度要求。研究结果为文物健康趋势研究提供了定量分析的理论依据。  相似文献   
江凌  詹嘉 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):26-28
景德镇在南唐时期生产青瓷和白瓷,进入宋代后只生产青白瓷。景德镇青白瓷来源可能是繁昌窑青白瓷技术传人或白瓷技术的自然过渡。宋初青白瓷窑址主要分布于南河流域,处于且耕且陶的初级阶段,其分布状况与当时社会政治经济状况有着密切关联。  相似文献   
辽东满族地区的"二月二"节俗包括初一的祭祀准备厦初二当天的祭祀仪式两大部分.时至今日,"二月二"节俗仍然在当地有所传承,其仪式的宗教意识淡化,实用功能凸显,并具有调节农耕周期、传承农耕知识、祈盼农事顺利的地方性功能与意义.正是通过民众的个体与集体记忆的描述,仪式程序及信仰心理的不断强化和巩固,传统农耕知识与技术智慧得以延续传承.  相似文献   
詹娜 《民俗研究》2009,(3):127-137
20世纪70年代以来的生产技术革新引起辽东山区村落民俗的巨大变迁。随着农耕技术的推广,农耕生产方式、民众日常生活模式及节奏等均发生翻天覆地的变化。然而,在民俗生活发生变化的背后,当地民众始终凭借自己对特定生存空间的认知与理解,在积极的适应中寻找适宜的应付变化的策略与手段,从而使日常生活在“变”的过程中始终保持着“不变”的生存逻辑与生活规则。这种总是可以为特定群体提供最合宜、最有效的生活方式的服务性特性,正是民俗本质的体现。  相似文献   
日知先生从世界古典文明史的广阔视野中,用中西古典文明比较研究方法,对中国早期文明史的一些重大问题提出再思考,力图重构中国早期文明史的理论框架,给予中国早期文明史研究很大震动和启示。  相似文献   
Half of the topseals to the world's largest oilfields are evaporites. Rock salt has a thermal conductivity two to four times greater than that of other sedimentary rocks found in oil‐ and gas‐bearing basins. Strong heat conduction through evaporites can increase the geothermal gradient above evaporite deposits, resulting in a positive thermal anomaly and above‐average temperature while simultaneously decreasing the geothermal gradient below evaporites, resulting in a negative thermal anomaly. Most Triassic–Jurassic hydrocarbon source rocks in the Kuqa Basin, western China, are overlain by ~1500‐m‐thick Tertiary evaporites with underlying Cretaceous sandstones and mudstones. Directly measured strata temperatures indicate an obvious break in the steepness of the geothermal gradient above and below Paleogene evaporites, with a significantly steeper geothermal gradient above the evaporites. Simulations of the thermal evolution of source rocks based on data collected from well Kela‐2 indicate that if the thickness of evaporites (mainly rock salt and anhydrite rock) in overlying rocks above source rocks increases compared with the thickness of siliciclastic rocks in the overlying rocks, then strata temperatures and vitrinite reflectance in Jurassic source rocks will decrease accordingly. Our thermal simulations based on the thickness and thermal conductivity of evaporites accurately coincide with previous studies based on homogenization temperatures, hydrocarbon–water contact retrospection, and carbon isotope results from natural gases. The gas generation center located in the Kalasu Tectonic Belt today is also sealed in an evaporite‐related structural trap that formed at this time. Therefore, the speculated natural gas generation times not only correlate with the evaporite‐related structural trap formation, but the calculated maturity of deep source rocks below the evaporites also coincides with current gas reserves. And our studies can help to find the deep oils and gases under thick evaporites.  相似文献   
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is in the midst of a sweeping reform programme to significantly transform its organisation, force posture, command and control structures, and internal politics. Among the many important aspects of this effort is the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force (PLARF). Creation of the PLARF solidified China’s missile forces as a critical element of China’s evolving strategic deterrent posture, portends continued significant investment in PLARF modernisation, and points to a more concerted effort to integrate PLARF capabilities into more effective PLA-wide joint operations—all key developments in the fundamental reshaping of China’s approach to strategic deterrence. These developments will affect U.S. strategic and extended deterrence postures, U.S.-China strategic stability, allied conventional force operations, information dominance and security, critical infrastructure, and other key aspects of national security. This study details the organisational, technological, and doctrinal changes afoot for the PLARF, and analyses how—if successful—they affect U.S. and U.S-allied military strategy in the Indo-Pacific region.  相似文献   
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