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周妮 《历史地理研究》2020,40(2):91-103
营汛体系是清朝地方治理的基层军事系统,对地方治理具有十分重要的意义。一般而言,营汛体系形成之后相对稳定,但在湘西苗疆,受自然地理环境、历史民族人口、社会环境等的影响,该体系经历了多次进入、退出,它的建立、完善与调整过程表现出明显的不稳定性,反映出其“因势而变”的特征,这种特征凸显了湘西苗疆在国家一体化进程中的特殊性与差异性。  相似文献   
<正>导论:景观的两面景观考古学的概念由来已久。早在19世纪后期,皮特里弗斯将军(General Pitt Rivers)在英国Cranborne Chase周边的调查和发掘工作中就已经注意到了将考古发掘的成果融入到特定地区的区域背景中进行观察(Pitt Rivers 1987)。这种做法有时能够让考古学家避免过于关注单个遗址。到了20世纪,英国一个主要研究传统是将景观看作一种不断被改造的物质痕迹,即"真实世界的特征组合,包括纯自然的、半自然的和纯人工的存在",这些东西也就是我们现在所能够研究的(Roberts  相似文献   
略论清代广东乡村的乞丐及其管治--以碑刻资料为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清中叶以来,广东人口急剧增加,乡村乞丐问题日益突出,特别是外来恶丐的强乞、勒索、吓诈、盗窃等现象日益严重,严重地影响到社会的稳定和正常的农业生产。对此,清代广东地方政府与乡民甚至联合起来颁布了有关管理乞丐的告示或乡规。其管理主要体现在三个方面一对乞丐行为的管治;二对基层组织的督促;三对当地人的约束。其中,乡村保甲、乡约是管理乞丐的主要力量,地方士绅是推动乡村乞丐管理的重要力量。  相似文献   
The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   
Radiocarbon (14C) dating of archaeological coastal sites in arid areas is challenging because of the relative rarity of datable terrestrial artefacts. Marine artefacts provide an abundant source of carbon, which is technically easy to date but radiocarbon dates need to be corrected for local variations from the global average marine 14C reservoir age (ΔR). In archaeological sites, this is usually done by the comparison of the 14C age measured between coeval pairs of terrestrial and marine samples that have no inbuilt age. Here, we present the results of a study that aims to determine the local 14C marine reservoir effect (MRE) along the Eastern coast of the Arabic Peninsula during the 4th millennium BC, a period of important cultural, demographic and social changes in this region. Previous estimates of the MRE based on associated shells and charcoal vary by about 400 14C yr and this is a serious limitation to the establishment of a precise chronology in the area based on marine material. In order to maximize the chances to obtain contemporaneous terrestrial–marine pairs for a new assessment of the MRE in this region we dated charcoal, shells, fish and turtle bones as well as human bones found in three recently and carefully excavated graves from Ra’s al-Hamra RH5. A large variability was found between charcoals (up to 240 14C yr) and marine specimens (up to 785 14C yr) present in the same grave. This variability was attributed to inbuilt ages, diagenesis and possibly environmental factors although taphonomic processes cannot be excluded. We discarded the oldest charcoals and used the 14C ages obtained on human apatite as a cut-off value to remove the marine outliers. Two out of the three graves provided terrestrial and marine assemblages which did not differ statistically and were used to calculate an average MRE of 645 ± 40 14C yr (ΔR = 255 ± 55 14C yr). This value is consistent with previous estimates based on the 14C dating of marine sediments off Pakistan and suggests stability of the MRE in the Arabian Sea since the 4th millennium BC.  相似文献   
This paper provides a new, interpretive gazetteer and chronology of Hadramawt’s highland monuments based on results from archaeological survey and test excavations by the RASA‐AHSD (Roots of Agriculture in southern Arabia‐Arabian Human Social Dynamics) Project. With the exception of a few incidental sightings and an unpublished pipeline survey, the prehistoric record of southern Yemen’s highland plateau has been largely unknown. There are few settlements, so that understanding human landscape history must begin with the numerous small‐scale stone monuments left by mobile people. With examples representing monuments from the fifth, fourth, third and first millennia BC, the corpus of small excavations and radiocarbon dates reported here provides the first guide to the monument types of South Arabian highlands. Monument building began under more moist conditions and appears to have commemorated animal sacrifices long before commemorating mortuary rites and interment. There appears to be a temporal break of 1000 years before the widespread and varied practices of Bronze Age tomb construction, which lasted through the third millennium BC. After another break in monument construction, tombs were reused in the first millennium BC, sometimes with successive ritual visits. The data presented offer new material for the interpretation of the lives and activities of prehistoric pastoralists throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   
2006年4月21日至4月24日,由浙江省民国浙江史研究中心、杭州师范学院近代史研究所及《抗日战争研究》编辑部联合举办的“抗日战争与中国现代化进程”学术研讨会在杭州举行,20余人出席了会议。会议的主旨,是想推动研究者从一个不算很新,却少为人们重视的视角,对抗日战争的历史进行审视。这个视角就是“现代化”。而关于历史研究中的“革命范式”与“现代化范式”,两者的异同比较,最近较为引人关注。究其原因,除了史学方法方面不断深入的探讨之外,历史为现实服务的功能受到重视,也似是原因之一。以往对于抗日战争史的研究,无论是宏观或是微观,大致不脱民族民主革命的视角,是因这段历史确实与之密切相关。而今天的现实发生了变化,以抗日战争为开端的中国复兴,不仅走向了正轨,而且有了不断加速的迹象。因此,重新总结历史的经验以为现实服务,不仅是重要的,也是必要的。本次笔谈,虽然只是在上述主旨下的一种粗浅尝试,但见仁见智,或者多少能给读者一些启发。本组笔谈是从会议发言中挑选而经言者整理过的。需要说明的是,由于笔谈内容广泛,故不做归类,仅以收稿时间排序。  相似文献   
城市区志的编纂应突出区情特点,体现城市品位,要善于处理好区志与城市志、本区志与其他区志以及区志与县志的关系.  相似文献   
过去学术界认为楚文化西界止于巴东,巴楚交界于巫山。然近年来峡江地区所发掘出的楚文化遗存却显示楚人在战国中期已到达云阳、忠县等地,生动地再现了东周时期巴楚关系的变化。二者之间关系的变化,是由政治目的和经济利益决定的。  相似文献   
太平天国曾经创作出许多灿烂的壁画,如今保存下来的已极为稀少。太平天国壁画真伪鉴定一直是困扰学术界和文物界的一大难题,众说纷纭,不利于学术研究和文物保护。太平天国壁画鉴定应依据实地调查和文献记载,注意运用多学科综合知识,总结出鉴定太平天国壁画的一般规律。依据此方法对宜兴、金坛、常州和南京四地五处壁画进行鉴定,可认定常州营田庙壁画不是太平天国的作品。  相似文献   
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