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Despite the recent rising interest in sustainability and community-related issues among urban regeneration policy-makers, it is still questionable how far the recent regeneration efforts in historic housing areas achieve a balance between the community needs and conservation policies. To answer this question, this article explores the interplay between conservation, community needs and sustainability in the context of Turkey, focusing on Istanbul. It premises on the assumption that finding the balance between the needs, aspirations and concerns of local communities and the conservation of the built environments will lead to more equitable and sustainable solutions to the problems Istanbul historic quarters are facing. The article explains the interrelation between sustainability, community needs and conservation, investigates whether these notions have been integrated into the urban conservation policy agenda of Turkey or not and then examines the assumption above by focusing on the recent regeneration story of Fener and Balat (F&B), a declining neighbourhood in the historic peninsula of Istanbul. Debating on the strengths and weaknesses of the recent conservation-led regeneration programme, the article gives clues for future regeneration initiatives to achieve a sustainable balance between the conservation and community needs policies in historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul.  相似文献   
大连在新中国成立前的50余年中先后经历了沙俄和日本两国的殖民统治,殖民者对城市做了细致的规划和建设,留下了大批近代建筑,这些建筑大多造型独特,具有强烈的时代特征。但除了一些地标性建筑得到了较好保护,其他近代建筑不仅缺乏关注,多数保护状况堪忧,而且很多正在遭受毁灭性的改造和破坏。近年、随着中山广场改造、凤鸣街历史文化街区的拆迁以及曹正礼故居的强拆等事件,使近代建筑的保护问题进入公众视野。作者作为一位普通市民,除了陈述个人的感受,更呼吁有关部门从法律法规的角度进行规范,明确近代建筑的文物地位,并且进行分级,划区和登记,使一切有据可查,有法可依。  相似文献   
2010年至2012年,中国文化遗产研究院承担了大型贴金彩绘摩崖石刻造像潼南大佛的保护修复工程。本次工程不仅利用了多种分析检测及三维扫描技术,对文物的历史及病害信息进行了详细调研,还对造像妆銮和传统修复工艺进行了深入研究,总结了古代髹漆贴金工艺的装饰与保护功效,以及历代传统修复所用材料及工艺的优势。并在本次工程中将调研结果与现代科学修复理念、技术有效结合,取得了较满意的修复效果。  相似文献   
倪世光 《世界历史》2006,1(3):101-107
骑士身份的辨认,仍是学术界探讨的问题。骑士与贵族是两个不同概念下的群体,应区别对待。较为精良的装备是骑士军人身份的突出表现,准入仪式在多方面标明了骑士的社会身份。骑士集团以世俗贵族为主体也包括一些其他社会成员,他们居于社会的强势地位,在军事、政治、经济和思想文化等方面曾扮演重要角色。  相似文献   
略论清代广东乡村的乞丐及其管治--以碑刻资料为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清中叶以来,广东人口急剧增加,乡村乞丐问题日益突出,特别是外来恶丐的强乞、勒索、吓诈、盗窃等现象日益严重,严重地影响到社会的稳定和正常的农业生产。对此,清代广东地方政府与乡民甚至联合起来颁布了有关管理乞丐的告示或乡规。其管理主要体现在三个方面一对乞丐行为的管治;二对基层组织的督促;三对当地人的约束。其中,乡村保甲、乡约是管理乞丐的主要力量,地方士绅是推动乡村乞丐管理的重要力量。  相似文献   
Bumskyabs was born on June 5th,1958,in Songpan County of Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Siehuan Province.Since August of 1988,the Southwest University for Nationalities employed him as director of the Tibetan Literature Research Center of the University as well as supervisor of master's degree students majoring in Tibetan Logic study,Tibetan Literature study and Tibetan Language study in the College of Tibetan Studies of the Southwest University for Nationalities.In 1985,he published his first pape...  相似文献   
The homogeneous and circumscribed character of the Carpathian Basin makes it an ideal setting for examining the interplay of topography and resource distribution in the development of Bronze Age social networks. Such networks include both systems of settlement and land use, and the patterns of interconnection between communities and regions that facilitate trade and exchange. Drawing on new excavations and increasingly common radiocarbon dates within the region, the alteration in these networks from earlier Copper Age and Neolithic patterns can be traced. It is suggested that the substantial river systems of the region provided the principal axes for the movement of goods during the Bronze Age and that control of these water routes was contested among neighboring communities and polities. It is further argued that contrastive overland trade connections also developed which, at least initially, transported distinct materials. Later, these overland connections undermined and superseded the pre-existing riverine systems.  相似文献   
于展 《史学月刊》2006,(3):68-72
马尔科姆·X的早期思想主要是指他在黑人穆斯林期间的思想,比较偏颇、极端、激进和不切实际,其早期的黑人民族主义其实就是旧式的移民主义,基本上是一种“对外移民”、“内部建国”和“心理移民”的混合体。但把它放到当时的历史时空和语境下来看,也理应得到我们的理解乃至同情。  相似文献   
抗战后期,国共两党的力量、作用和影响等出现了明显有利于中国共产党的变化,中国共产党开始向国民党提出分配中央政府权力的要求.对此,学术界一直都集中于研究"联合政府"主张.而在实际上,共产党对组建独立政府也进行了充分的酝酿和准备.这两种政权诉求有着不同的特点、影响和利弊,但都否定了国民党一党专政的国家政权,是互相配合、互相支持的关系.共产党经过一番取舍,最终对这两种政权诉求进行融合,使联合政府主张增添了具有指导性的组建独立政府的内容,成为对新民主主义政权的重要探索.  相似文献   
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