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后现代主义园林设计语言的符号学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据皮尔斯符号三分法和园林分类法,后现代主义园林的设计语言具有丰富的历史性、地域文化、大众文化图象符号和惯用性、表现性、叙事性、色彩象征符号。后现代主义园林不但强调历史文化、地域文化、大众文化的表达,还重视历史文脉的保护恢复。后现代主义园林的设计语言大部分都是从自己的本土文化中吸取的,形成了可理解性,可交流性、可对话性以及意义的可生成性的人性园林,努力恢复被现代主义园林割断的人文尺度。  相似文献   
文物计算机辅助修复方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高文物的修复效率和修复质量,改变传统以人工技艺为主的修复方法,探讨利用计算机辅助文物修复方法。通过图像处理研究计算机辅助文物修复的设计方法,研究包括文物破损边界特征的数据提取,实现文物修复模型的生成、修复方案结构设计优化。以吴虎鼎为应用案例进行了试验。研究结果表明,计算机辅助修复可以缩短文物修复周期、提高文物修复质量。  相似文献   
倪婷 《世界历史》2012,(2):96-106,159
本文概述了社会史在美国的发展,重点讨论了社会史的起源、发展及其面临的挑战。作者也考察了社会史研究方法的变迁,包括借鉴人种史、心理学、社会学、行为科学及计量学的研究方法。美国社会史对于历史研究的贡献在于:普通老百姓不仅有自己的历史而且还对历史的发展作出了贡献;社会史还使超越政治的各种人类行为成为历史研究中不可缺少的部分。美国社会史的诞生及成长绝非一帆风顺,特别是自20世纪60年代以来,社会史学家不仅需要面对其他史学同行的挑战,而且还要在与保守派的斗争中赢得美国公众的支持。  相似文献   
Making use of analytical, chemical and mineralogical methods, this paper focuses on the analysis of inclusions in order to address the question of the provenance of prehistoric artefacts excavated in Gura Cheii-Râ?nov Cave (Romania). The study represents the first discovery of bitumen on lithic tools belonging to the Upper and Middle Palaeolithic in Europe. The material was identified through several analytical procedures, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), and X-ray diffraction (XRD).  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the results of analyses of Cladocera, pollen, plant macrofossil, lithological and radiocarbon data recovered from a mire located in the Rawka River valley in central Poland. These studies permit to recognise the development of hydrology phases in Kopanicha mire and give insight into Holocene fluvial dynamics of the system; radiocarbon dating partly allowed da-ting of the patterns of Holocene valley floor development of the Rawka River. The Kopanicha mire was formed during the Atlantic period. At that time, an oxbow lake formed, becoming a mire during the Subboreal and possibly Subatlantic periods. The high sensitivity of the oxbow lakes, fens, fauna, and flora remains to climate variations - especially to changes in water level connected with the ag-gradation-erosion cycle of rivers - allows the reconstruction of the palaeoecological changes that oc-curred in the mire. The frequency and timing of hydroclimatic oscillations at Kopanicha show strong similarities to records from other sites in Poland. Changes in Cladocera frequency and plant assem-blages were mostly influenced by the Rawka River which controlled the hydrological regime of the mire. The main factors controlling the presence of Cladocera taxa were the water level and the pres-ence of favourable conditions in the mire (e.g. pH, vegetation). Most of the changes occurred in re-sponse to climate changes, but some of them were connected with local factors.  相似文献   
在地球某个角落,生活在林荫中的一群人用他们的行动和习俗演绎着对神的虔诚,对祖先的眷念及对生命的特殊理解。他们被称为中国最后一个枪族部落,大树的民族。他们过着大部分中国人所向往的桃源生活,享受着现代人已久违的那份清淡与宁静。这就是至今仍信仰着人树同体的贵州从江县岜沙苗人。  相似文献   
明代中后期,随着商品经济的发展,文化生产和消费活动显著扩大。具有文化消费者和生产者双重身份的士大夫阶层,认识到文化作为谋生资本的作用,自觉地推动整个社会文化生产和消费,并引导整个文化消费风尚。商人与普通民众亦步亦趋,雅文化与俗文化交互作用,士大夫的传统义利观正在发生变化,市井之民在社会生活中崭露头角,这种变化是将要萌生新生力量的前兆,经济、文化、政治正在积蓄前所未有的变动,中国进入了第一个较具普遍意义的文化消费时代。  相似文献   
倪毅 《收藏家》2013,(6):72-78
一.浙江民间文书的搜集与整理在历史研究中,民间文书作为个案资料的典型代表已经越来越受到学者重视。尤其是各地契约文书的大量发现,使契约学渐成显学。其中尤为引人注意的是徽州及闽台地区古文书研究,已形成完整体系。而近年来学者们也开始注意到浙江地区民间文书的搜集和整理研究。  相似文献   

This article describes a case where an attempt was made to introduce TEK/IK into a conflict between Sámi reindeer owners and environmental institutions. The conflict was brought on by the establishment of a national park in Southern Sámi areas in Norway. At first, the Sámi were in favour of the park, but later on their attitudes changed as the content of planned national park developed. The reindeer owners discovered that the size of the park would be reduced, leaving out what they thought were significant areas in need of protection. They saw the encouragement of increased tourism activities as a threat to reindeer herding and felt alienated by the number of representatives they received in the park management structures. On the basis of these observations reindeer owners protested, but were ignored. As researchers well-established in the Southern Sámi area, we were brought into conversations regarding the park as the local reindeer owners searched for ways of bringing new arguments into the process. At this point we thought TEK/IK represented an opportunity to add weight to Sámi perspectives. As the title of this article indicates, as push came to shove we did not succeed in making room for local participation in our TEK/IK project, despite these existing on-going relations. The article attempts to understand what happened. Our analysis is based upon a perception of TEK/IK as not one, but at least two co-constituted knowledge practices. The premise is that research failures are as important to publish as successes. Our joint ethnographic experience has methodological implications for future TEK/IK research.  相似文献   
中国福利彩票事业的发生与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解决中国社会福利事业发展面临的资金困乏难题 ,1 987年中央政府批准发行了中国社会福利有奖募捐券 ,筹措资金 ,专款用于民政福利事业。历经探索 ,“有奖募捐”改成“福利彩票” ,逐渐与国际接轨。十几年来 ,中国福利彩票为我国的社会福利事业做出了重要贡献 ,但同时也面临着法律规制和管理体制等方面的问题急需解决  相似文献   
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