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藏北无人区是野生动物的天然保护区,那里繁衍生息着许多高原特有的珍稀动物。在无人区的动物种类中,最大的群落要数藏羚羊、藏野驴和野牦牛三种。它们是动物王国里名声显赫的“三大家族”。  相似文献   
The conservation of historic stone buildings and sculptures is recently receiving growing attention and becoming a focus of research because of rapid changes in weather conditions (pollution, acid rain, etc.). Presently, techniques for stone conservation primarily involve the use of organic coating treatments, but their side effects have been recognized. In contrast, some traditional materials used in historic stone buildings function well for thousands of years. In this paper, we report our research on the reasons why traditional protective materials can provide an unexpected long-term protection. First, calcium carbonate was prepared according to a formula for making Chinese traditional consolidating materials, and its structure and morphology were examined by different instruments. Second, the reinforcing effectiveness of the prepared CaCO3 powders was tested and analyzed by investigating its surface characteristics. The experimental results reveal that a biocontrolled process occurs, in which an organic template can induce the precipitation of a mineral structure, which in turn results in a great improvement in the conservation of the historic stone buildings protected by these traditional protective materials. This provides a contribution toward the development of new researches on biocontrolled processes and on some protective materials with excellent performance through biocontrolled synthesis.  相似文献   
《考工记》所言古之一辕车车舆形制,自汉至清研究者众,言者合此即失彼,合彼又失此。清江永由轼、较之制而明车舆形制,提出前低后高如纱帽形之说,破千载之积谬。郑珍通过审慎推理,细加甄别,会诸经传而取验实事,在江说的基础上,进一步提出轼前两輢外三面皆有栏高三尺的观点。现代考古发掘与田野发现,基本可印证郑说之确。  相似文献   
曾辉祥 《神州》2011,(3X):12-14
在经济全球化、国际竞争日趋激烈的新形式下,品牌的培育与发展已经成为各国进行经济扩张和提升国际竞争力的重要战略措施。为了保持品牌的持久活力,就要对品牌进行时时更新,即要进行品牌创新。提升企业的品牌竞争力,已经成为企业致胜的关键,而提升企业品牌竞争力的关键在于品牌创新。本文以现有品牌理论为基础,首先界定了品牌创新效应的含义,具体分析了品牌创新的必要性,然后分析品牌创新所带来的文化效应,从产品文化效应、企业文化效应、社会文化效应三方面进行进一步的分析,最后提出了提升品牌创新文化效应的建议。从文化效应的角度,对品牌创新有了一个深刻的认识和理解。  相似文献   
曾良 《文献》2007,(2):153-160
古籍中有大量的俗写,俗字问题没有弄清楚,会影响我们古籍整理的质量,也不能很好地进行词义研究工作.以下谈几则与俗字密切相关的古籍校勘问题,为了说明的方便,下面有的引例保持原卷的文字面貌.  相似文献   
在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利的前夕,湖南发生了两件大事:湘西会战和芷江受降。这两件大事对中国乃至世界都有重要的历史意义,足以彪炳史册。  相似文献   
The economic importance and strategic significance of Australia's relationship with China means that bilateral ties have become a major focus of attention in the scholarly and policymaking communities in Australia. Understandably enough perhaps, less attention has been given to the way the relationship is understood in China. This article addresses this absence in the literature by providing an overview of some of the more important contributions to the discussion in China. The most important point that emerges from such an analysis is that there is an ‘asymmetry of interest’ in the two countries, with Australia occupying a far less prominent place in Chinese policy discussions than China does in Australia. Equally noteworthy is the fact that the study of Sino-Australian relations in China is characterised by a greater variety of perspectives than it is in Australia. Appreciating this diversity is an essential part of developing a more accurate understanding of the policymaking milieu in China.  相似文献   
袁世凯朋僚信函反映了清末这一世纪变革时期的社会状况,特别是1909年初袁世凯被摄政王载沣罢去一切职务,回籍养疴的三年期间的通信往来展示了袁世凯及其同僚在这一时期的蛰伏状况。这组信函为研究清末历史、袁世凯及其朋僚提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes a two‐region model including multiple industries with different transport costs. Two results are derived. First, dispersion occurs for small transport costs, but the specific dispersion patterns depend on the level of urban costs. This results from an interaction of the market‐access effect on consumers, the market‐access effect on firms, the competition effect, and the urban‐cost effect. Second, decreasing transport cost tends to let industries with lower transport costs disperse, although the shares of industries locating in the larger region are not in order of their transport costs. We further provide some empirical data concerning the second result.  相似文献   
五四运动掀起了中国民族主义的热潮,各地的大中学生都汇入到这一运动中.本文以五四运动中的上海圣约翰大学学生运动为个案,考察学生与校方的冲突与互动调适,以及教会学校学生民族意识的觉醒历程.  相似文献   
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