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Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and lead isotope analyses were applied to 12 Western Zhou (1046–771 bc) bronzes unearthed from the Shuangyantang site in Wushan County, Chongqing (southwest China), to investigate their chemical compositions and possible mineral source(s). The results showed that (1) the investigated bronzes were mostly bronzes with low, common lead and (2) their lead isotopic values almost all fall into a relatively narrow range, suggesting possibly the use of raw materials from a common copper mine. The comparison between lead isotopic values for Shuangyantang bronzes and those already published for copper mines and other bronzes produced and used about at the same times leads us to believe that the Shuangyantang bronzes probably used the same copper ores as used in bronzes from the Peng and Jin states in Shanxi Province. However, it would not be possible at this point to come up with a clear idea of where exactly these copper ores may come from. Candidate copper mines might be the Tonglvshan mines in Hubei Province, the Zhongtiaoshan mines in Shanxi Province, or the Dajing copper mines in Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   
金迪  顾霞 《文献》2005,(2):189-199
甲申仲夏,苏州博物馆在对一批碑帖作抢救性整理时,在三种原拓经折装本后发现有清潘祖荫的亲书跋尾考证文字,此三种分别为<古义士伯夷叔齐二公碑并序>、<宋故朝议大夫致仕赠光禄大夫黄公神道碑铭>和<唐白鹿泉神君祠碑>.查阅<滂喜斋丛书>①中的<京畿金石考>二卷、<吴郡金石目>一卷、<宝铁斋金石文跋尾>三卷和<日本金石年表>,均未发现有这三篇跋尾的记载.  相似文献   
考察我国古代刑法中的身份具有重要的现实意义。可将我国古代刑法中的身份分为五个方面:(1)基于生物学特征之身份。又可分为两类:一类是年龄和疾病;另一类是妇女和孕妇。(2)基于职务、职业之身份。(3)亲属身份。具体包括亲属相犯、亲亲相隐、族诛与缘坐、亲属相奸等方面。(4)社会等级身份。具体包括等级特权和良贱相犯。(5)共同犯罪中的身份。其中,唐律的有关规定最为细致、完备。  相似文献   
邸永君 《清史研究》2005,(1):122-124
近年来,无论是中国断代史研究,还是中 国社会经济史研究,皆已由大而化之的宏观论 述逐渐发展到个案研究的微观突破,其中不乏 兼具理论缜密思考和史料深刻剖析相得益彰的 研究佳作。祁美琴女史所撰《清代榷关制度研 究》(内蒙古大学出版社,2004年3月)无疑 就是上述研究范式重大转变的典型范例。这一  相似文献   
雄伟的阿拉古山,似一道巨大的天然屏障,屹立在川口古镇之北,湟水自西部源头滚滚而来,从阿拉古山南麓向东流去,在享堂峡南口结束了她的独行之旅,在此似乎放慢了脚步,向哺育她的故土深情回眸。而后,默默汇入由北而南再迂回东流的大通河,开始了她更为壮阔的旅程,奔向黄河母亲的怀抱。天堑似的享堂峡,一衣带水的大通河,成为甘青两省自然的分界线。河西岸就是青海东陲民和川口镇。民和回族土族自治县县城所在地的川口镇,因其地理位置而被称为高原门户、青海东大门,是人们心仪神奇美丽的青藏高原和三江源头,前来朝圣而必经的门口,好似一颗镶嵌在高…  相似文献   
“吃讲茶”:成都茶馆、袍哥与地方政治空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为公共空间的茶馆成为袍哥的活动中心,他们在那里联络、聚集和开会,成为袍哥社会网络的一个重要部分。袍哥在茶馆里活动形成了他们独特的语言和行为,"摆茶碗阵"便是他们经常使用的联络方法。茶馆作为地方政治空间可以表现在很多方面,不过,"吃讲茶"仍然是最为典型和最具代表性的活动,这个实践显示了市民的相对自治状态,他们试图在没有官方介入的情况下解决冲突,说明一种国家之外社会力量的存在。  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
A Feng 阿风, Ming Qing shidai funü de diwei yu quanli: yi Ming Qing qiyue wenshu, susong dang’an wei zhongxin 明清时代妇女的地位与权利——以明清契 约文书,诉讼档案为中心 (The status and rights of women during Ming and Qing times: focused on contractual documents and litigation archives of the Ming and Qing);Eli Alberts, A History of Daoism and the Yao People of South China;Robert Ford Campany, Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China;Barbara Hendrischke, The Scripture on Great Peace: The “Taiping Jing” and the Beginnings of Daoism (Daoist Classics);Jin Jiang, Women Playing Men: Yue Opera and Social Change in Twentieth-Century Shanghai;Ma Liangkuan 马亮宽, Fu Sinian shehui zhengzhi huodong yu sixiang yanjiu 傅 斯年社会政治活动与思想研究 (A study of Fu Sinian’s thought and social-political work);Daniel J. Meissner, Chinese Capitalists versus the American Flour Industry, 1890–1910: Profit and Patriotism in International Trade;Rong Xinjiang 荣新江, Sui Tang Chang’an: xingbie, jiyi ji qita 隋唐长安: 性别, 记忆及其他 (Sui-Tang Chang’an: gender, memory, and other);Wen-hsin Yeh, Shanghai Splendor: Economic Sentiments and the Making of Modern China, 1843–1949  相似文献   
Cultural landscapes were prominent during the Early Roman period when agronomic knowledge allowed the spread of intensive land exploitation in most of the available land. The aim of this contribution is to explore whether for the Campania region (Southern Italy) archaeoenvironmental data would support continuity or change in the cultural landscape of Roman tradition in the 4th and 5th centuries. To do so, new data from two sites located on the northern slopes of the Vesuvius, both buried by the AD 472 eruption have been investigated. Charcoal analysis, 14C dating, and chemical analysis of organic residues were carried out in order to study the landscape and the food production at these sites. The results suggest the persistence of the Roman cultural landscape until the 4th and 5th centuries in this area. The landscape is in fact strongly marked both in agriculture and woodland exploitation and management, being characterized by managed chestnut forests as well as valuable cultivations of walnut, large vineyards, olive groves, and probably orchards and crops. The integrated approach with archaeobotanical and archaeometric analyses proves to be a powerful method for the study of the past landscapes, providing a good insight into the environment. Furthermore, this study provided the most ancient evidence of chestnut silviculture for wood.  相似文献   
狄远 《收藏家》2012,(2):89-90
自2009年以来,中国的文物艺术品市场进入急速发展时期,三年来不仅亿元文物艺术品频频现身,而且文物艺术品价格得到整体提升。支持市场行情的收藏主体除传统藏家、行家、企业,艺术基金、艺术信托等以投资为目的的资本入场;涉及领域也更加丰富,当代艺术、  相似文献   
把创先争优与学习型党组织建设结合起来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邸乘光 《攀登》2011,30(4):28-32
当前,学习型党组织建设和创先争优活动正在全党深入开展,正确认识和把握两者结合的根据、内容和实现,对于在实践中促进和实现两者的结合,使之相互促进、相得益彰,具有重要意义。创先争优与学习型党组织建设结合的根据在于两者本质属性相同、根本目标一致、活动内容交叉和活动功能互动;结合的内容包括总体要求、主要内容、方式方法、组织领导等方面;结合的实现最重要的是要落实到争当优秀共产党员上来。  相似文献   
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